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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

CIED 1003: Goal Statement

Step 1 Answer:
- I think I will enjoy learning about the different ways technology can enhance learning.
I believe that this course will allow me to learn new skills that can help my learning, as
well as sharpen my skills that I already have while using technology. I can predict that
the Jeopardy Game Review assignment will more than likely be my favorite for the
course. Im looking forward to learning all the different computer applications that I do
not yet know about, as well as the multiple functions that go with them.

Step 2 Answer:
- After reviewing the Course Outline, the topic that I felt looked the most challenging
was Survey Monkey. The main reason for this is because I have no idea what it is,
and due to that fact it gives me the most concern out of all the topics. Ive never heard
of this topic, so Im assuming Im going to be creating surveys for it at the moment.

Step 3 Answer:
- Im going to answer this question using the profession I plan on pursing (Doctor.) One
piece of technology that doctors use to teach medical students and for practical use is
Ultrasound Machines. This machine is used to screen fetuses for diseases prior to
birth. Another piece of technology used by doctors is a CT scanner. These machines
use x-rays to get a better view of inside the human body, by producing detailed pic-

Step 4 Answer:
- Something that Id like you to know about me would be that I love talking to people,
and interacting with them. So Im usually always using my phone to communicate with
others through: texts, calls, emails, ect.

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