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Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday, 16 th March 2017 at
Hanley Swan Village Hall, starting at 7pm.

Present: Councillors: Sue Roberts (Chairman), Bob Lamb, John Taverner, Alex Walker,
Wendy Roberts-Powell, Sarah Darwent

Apologies: Mrs Rebecca Abunassar (clerk), Peter Goodyear & Marjorie Nelson
(PPWs), Gigi Field (Pond Warden)

In Attendance: DCllr Mike Morgan, DCllr Andrea Morgan, Mr Pratley (Head of

Primary school) 15 Parishioners

31/17 Welcome: The Chairman warmly welcomed all present to the March meeting
of the Parish Council. All apologies submitted were accepted.

32/17 Declarations of Interest & Dispensation Requests from Councillors

a) Register of Interests: Councillors were reminded that they should have updated
their register of interests and sent them to the Monitoring Officer at MHDC.
b) To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda and their
nature: None Declared
c) To declare any Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda and their nature:
None Declared
d) To consider and agree all requests from Councillors for the Council to Grant a
Dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011) None Received

Closure of the meeting to allow parishioners present to speak on any matters

relating to the Parish.
On the 9th March there was a meeting arranged by the Deputy Police & Crime
Commissioner to discuss the issue of speeding within the Parish. The attendees were
Cllr John Taverner and Cllr Sarah Darwent, the Operation Leader of the Safety Roads
Partnership, Super Intendant Purcell, Roy Fullee Highways engineer, CCllr Tom Wells
and Ros Davies.
As the majority of the Parishioners were there to discuss speeding in the village Cllr
Taverner gave a report to the meeting
ACTION Cllr Taverner to send the report to the Clerk and submit to the
Parish Link.

The key points raised were as follows:

All actions had to be proportionate to risk / incidents recorded. The Parish had a
low record and speeding records were not causing concern except in regard to
the road outside Hanley Swan Primary School.
90% of speeders were local people
The petition organised by Ros Davies was presented to the Deputy Police & Crime
Enforcement would be carried out at school by police & Safer Roads Partnership
as speed levels were unacceptable- aiming for 2 visits per week
Enforcement was a short term fix education and changes to the physical
environment were a more long term solution

Key decisions made at the meeting on 9th March 2017

Speed monitoring tubes to be placed around the villages to ascertain where the
worst areas were.
Installation of Welcome Gates on all entrances to both villages

White lines along the edge of the roads within the 30 mph speed limits to visually
narrow them
Splitter island/ islands by crossroads (subject to width of the road) NB not wide
enough for pedestrian refuge
Community Speed watch scheme
ACTION: Cllr Taverner to contact Tracy Hounslow and appropriate people
to ascertain the exact time scales for decisions to be made and when action
will take place. Also, clarity about where exactly they would put the white
lines needed. The April or May meeting to focus on speeding issues
NB Mr Fullee from Highways has been replaced by Gerry Brienza.
ACTION : minutes taken by Tracy Houslow from this meeting to be
circulated - Cllr John Taverner may have a copy of these
ACTION : John Taverner to write a summary for the parish link
ACTION : Super Intendent Purcell to be invited to the May meeting

Other issues raised at meeting 9th March Meeting:

Review of 40mph buffers- found not to be effective but controversial to
Another VAS- could be funded by Three Counties as good will gesture
considering increase of traffic

Other issues raised by councillors and parishioners at meeting regarding speeding:

Review of 40mph buffers- could they be extended?
Another VAS- could be funded by 3 counties as good will gesture considering
increase of traffic caused by the Showground.
Rumble strips- on 40 mph buffer areas
slow down signs on road
Camera gun
Speeding is bad everywhere Hanley Castle also has major issues
Count down markers like those in Hanley Castle would help on the approach
to the primary school from Welland.
Coloured road surfaces outside school like anti-skid
Cllr Sue Adeney commented that we need to start a safe parking on the
roads scheme and is going to put a piece in the Parish Link regarding this
free traffic calming device
ACTION add to next agenda for discussion to confirm action points

Cllr Adeney raised the possibility of knee rails around Hanley Swan Village Green on the
Worcester & Roberts End side
ACTION : to be discussed at April meeting with a view to consulting

Cllr Bob Lamb raised road surface signage- 3D children

DCllr Mike Morgan suggested extended platform type speed bumps by school
DCllr Andrea Morgan suggested the coloured surface & raised area could be
A Parishioner suggested raising money for a VAS through requests to
parishioners and a possible rise in precept
Suggestion of priority road islands but require street lighting

Another issue that was raised by Parishioner was wayleaves on her property- she
was advised to contact Western Power Distribution.

33/17 Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on 16th February 2017 had been
previously circulated and the minutes were approved and signed.
34/17 Matters Arising & Progress Reports not Listed elsewhere on the
Min 98c/15: Speed Check on Welland Road & Min 88b/16: The issues around the Pond,
Coverfield & the Green: see the Open section of the meeting
Min 124/16: Royal British Legion Subsidence Claim Questions have been sent from
the insurers and answered and passed on to Chris Lewis-Farley at MHDC. The PC
agreed that they did not want to remove the trees. They had been inspected fairly
recently by Adrian Hope and found to be sound.
ACTION: The Clerk to notify the insurers of their decision.
MIN 129e/16: APP/E1855/X/16/3147848 - Waste Incinerator, Hangmans Lane, Hanley
ACTION : Cllr Bob Lamb to contact Andrew Boughton agent for Mr Styles
regarding a possible meeting and also lack of secure fencing and reminding
him of his responsibility & liability
Min 151a/16: BT Phone Box Adoption awaiting email confirmation from BT.
ACTION: Cllr Alex Walker and Cllr Alison Bolton to meet with Andrea (resident
who will look after the Box) to discuss options Books/Tourist

35/17 Finance:
a) Payment of Accounts: Members approved the payments of accounts as in the
presented schedule in Appendix 1.
b) Notification of receipts received: 1250 donation towards the VAS from the Caf
c) Hilary Fowler requested money or to be included in the Parish Councils insurance as
cover for the Village Show (like the Big Lunch is covered) as they have a short fall of
216 for insurance. Also, need to replace signage/ infrastructure/ cups. It was thought
they would need a Parish Councillor to be on the committee to enable the PCs
insurance cover to be extended- Cllr Alison Bolton agreed to join the Village Show
Concerns were raised about setting a precedent for all community events requiring
insurance cover and therefore a possible back up plan was to request money as a one
off loan/ donation but this wont be decided until the investigation in the action point
are completed and reported back.
ACTION: Clerk to check insurance and whether there is a limit on the number
of community events that can be covered and if the insurance would cover the
village show if a Councillor was on the committee.

36/17 Planning:
a) To Consider the following applications referred by MHDC for consultation:

Demolition of one dwelling and outbuildings. Erection of

17/00112/FU Shalimar, Welland Road, Hanley
five dwellings with garages and formation of private
L Swan, Worcestershire, WR8 0DA
drive and turning head.

The Parish Council objected to the proposal on the grounds the application
was contrary to the housing needs within the emerging NHP.

b) To consider under the Scheme of Delegation any Planning Applications received

between the publication of the agenda and the Meeting: None received

c) Details of Decision Notices Received to-date: -

Location Proposal Status
Installation of plant in the form of two fire
ESP, Blackmore Business Park,
17/00046/FUL sprinkler water tanks and an adjacent GRP Approved
Hanley Swan, Worcestershire,
Butchers Shop, Worcester Road, Lawful Development Certificate for an
16/01529/CLE Hanley Swan, Worcestershire, existing use of Butchers storage building Approved
WR8 0EA with commercial kitchen and freezer room
Booth End Cottage, 45 Gilberts Application for approval of details reserved
16/01476/CCO End Lane, Hanley Castle, by condition - Conditions 11,12 & 18 of Approved
Worcestershire, WR8 0BX Planning Permission 14/00273/OUT.

d) Details of enforcement action: None

e) Details of Appeal Notices Received to-date: None

37/17 Highway Matters

a) Works for the Lengthsman Lengsthman scheme renewed 2,273, happy with the new
Reports: The safety surface at the Holloway needs replacing; requests had been made
in the past but nothing had happened.
b) Work by Tara, Roberts End needs soil built up and 6 plastic posts to prevent vehicle
ACTION: The Clerk to request plastic posts & Cllr Taverner to establish the
time frame for works to be carried out by the Lengthsman.
c) Gilberts End contractors to be looking at the road in the next few weeks
d) Lines on road at Coverfield have been painted but pothole is breaking up again.

38/17 District & County Councillors Reports

a. District Cllrs Morgan: fortnightly refuse collections to start in April 2018, small
truck to access the narrow areas still to operate.
b. County Cllr Tom Wells: Was not present

39/17 Report of the:

a. Parish Paths & Tree Warden (Peter Goodyear) Parish Paths- Marjorie
reported that 2 ditch crossings planks had been replaced and 3 gate
installations completed.
b. Pond Wardens (Neil & Gigi Verlander) No Report
c. Playing Field Warden (Graham Holmes) An application had been made for The
Ward money to contribute towards the Kickboard.
ACTION: Cllr Adeney & Sergio to research substitute kickboards
d. Local Police - No Report

40/17 Environmental Matters

Report of the Environmental Working Group: Cllr Sue Adeney reported that the litter
pick was excellent in both villages; 30 people in total took part. Could Three Counties
collect some along road to crossroads? Adopt a Verge initiative was mentioned & Cllr
Adeney would put something in the Parish Link.
ACTION Add to next agenda- Adopt a Verge & approach the Three Counties

41/17 Neighbourhood Development Plan Cllr Bob Lamb reported a disappointing

response to the draft plan and reminded the Parish Council that it was their
responsibility to take it on board and implement. Kate Walker would help with the
The NHP was moving towards a further consultation run by Malvern Hills DC that would
take about 6 weeks. A Strategic Environmental Assessment due to some recommended
sites being outside of the SWDP and adjacent to some listed buildings including St
Gabriels Church maybe needed and this would involve the Environmental Agency,
Natural England & Historical England. Then they need to be revised and possibly
approved again then formally submitted.

42/17 Correspondence
a) Local Transport Plan Consultation It was noted that three local junctions were
included in it and it was agreed that in future a lead Parish Councillor would be
nominated to respond to the plan: The Rhydd, Danemoor Crossroads & the A38
Junction from Upton.
b) Parish Town Council Forum - This was discussed and Cllrs Adeney and Darwent
agreed to attend. It was suggested that traffic management should be an agenda item.
ACTION: The Clerk to contact Claire Vaughan and advise attendance and
request Traffic Management as an item on the agenda.

43/17 Topics raised by Councillors, Committees, Clerk & Parishioners

a) It was noted that following the retirements of John Williams and Ian Marshall the
new monitoring officer for MHDC was Meesha Patel.
b) Hanley Castle PCC had discussed the possibility of producing a Welcome pack to
be given to newcomers to the parish. The Church had or would have welcomers
who would distribute them and wandered if the PC would join in with producing a
folder which could include a Parish Link magazine and other local information. It
was thought that it may be possible to get sponsorship for the cost of producing
the folder.
ACTION: The Clerk to add to the next agenda.

44/17 Councillors reports and items for future agenda:

It was noted that the following meeting would be the Annual Meeting in May and it
was agreed to make speed/traffic management issues a focus for that meeting.

45/17 Date of Next Scheduled Meeting: 20th April 2017

Signed Date: 20th April 2017


Appendix 1: Schedule of Payments & Receipts 16th March 2017
Payment of Accounts: The under mentioned accounts were approved:

1494 Biosphere Verge Flaying 270

1495 Glebe Account Playing Field Rent 125
1496 The Clerk Feb & March Pay & Admin 800.56
1497 The Clerk Microsoft Office Renewal 49.99
HMRC Q4 PAYE Tax 6.60
The Lengthsman February Lengthsman Duties 910.00
TOTAL 2162.15

Signed Date: 20th April 2017



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