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Warm up (10 minutes)

3 laps around building

3 sets of 10 Box jumps


Lower body

-4 sets of 10 (2 sets with each leg) Lounges with

weight (Dumbbells, kettle bells, etc) (5 minutes)

- Dumbbell Step ups 2 sets of 12 (3 minutes)

-Medicine ball sumo squats 2 sets of 12 (2-3 minutes)

Upper body

-Dumbbell Front Raises 3 sets of 10 (2-3 minutes)

-Dumbbell Side Raises 3 sets of 10 (2-3 minutes)

-Dumbbell Shoulder Press 2 sets of 12 (3 minutes)

-Dumbbell Shoulder Shrugs 2 sets of 12 (3 minutes)

-Medicine ball push-ups 2 sets of 12 (2-3 minutes)


Alternating sit-ups with a partner holding weight legs

interlocked 2 sets of 20 (3 minutes)

-Russian Twists with Medicine Ball (Partner back to

back) 2 sets of 20 (3 minutes)

-2x1-Minute Plank (2 minute break)


-Stretch (Diamond Stretch with partner) (30 seconds

each partner) 1 minute total

-T- Stretches (25 seconds each side)

-Butterflies (30 seconds)

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