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Effectiveness of subsurface-flow wetlands with water hyacinth and water lettuce

plants to reducing COD and TSS levels on Waste Sauce Factory

Fika Hariyanti , Mifbakhudin , Ulfa Nurulita

Faculty of Public Health, University of Muhammadiyah Semarang


Background: waste sauce industrial directly discharged into water without any
treatment will make pollution. The pollution affects the imbalance even damage
aquatic ecosystems. To anticipate the potential impact of the efforts required
appropriate treatment, one of tge alternative is subsurface-flow wetlands. SSF
processing is a biological treatment techniques by utilizing the ability to reduce
levels of pollution in the water.

Objective: To determine the effectiveness of subsurface-flow wetlands with water

lettuce and water hyacinth plants to reduce COD and TSS levels in wastewater
sauce. Methods: wastewater sauce factory as object of study measured COD and
TSS levels before and after treatment using subsurface-flow wetlands with a
residence time of 5 days later visits decreased levels of COD and TSS.

Results: decreased levels of COD and TSS after treatment using subsurface flow-
wetlands either using water lettuce and water hyacinth. The result of decreased
levels of COD, TSS water lettuce by 84.16%, 80.05% and COD, TSS water hyacinth
by 85.85%, 92.47% Conclusion: subsurface flow-wetlands effectively reduce levels
of COD and TSS wastewater sauce, subsurface flow-wetlands with water hyacinth
plants has a better performance compared to water lettuce plant.

Keywords: subsurface-flow wetlands, wastewater sauce, water hyacinth, water


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