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Pre- Planning group

Part 5

Risk Management

Risk: Participants or Volunteers could injure themselves during event/on the


How to Handle: Participant liability form filled out before event, emergency
procedures followed, first aid kit used or doctor/hospital contacted.
Safe practices in businesses and safe handling of brews.

Risk: Public intoxication

How to handle: Prevent participant from driving, take necessary procedures
such as calling police so as not to be liable for any misdemeanor fines. Make
sure surrounding participants are safe and remove intoxicated person from

Risk: Drinking and Driving

How to handle: nuisance enforcement operations, minor decoy operations,
for next time we could provide driving-under-the-influence checkpoints and
use of local media to increase visibility of safe driving.

Inclusion Plan

While the Brew Hop seemed to be a success it could have been made more
assessable by providing services for individuals with disabilities. Accommodations
could have been made at each stop so that everyone could be included in all the
activities. Environmental adaptations could have been made for those with visual
impairments such as better lighting and boundaries providing directions as to where
to go. Walkways could have been widened so that people using ambulation aids
would be able to maneuver more easily to and through each stop. Although, there
was a petty cab for the further stops, shuttles may have been more accommodating
due to their features such as wheelchairs lifts. Interpreters at each stop would have
been an assist for those with hearing impairments so that they could describe the
different beer samples to the customer. A wider variety of non alcoholic beverages
would have been beneficial for those attending the brew hop with others but are not
drinking due to age, pregnancy, religious beliefs or personal preferences. These are
just a few of the adjustments that would have allowed for more types of people to
be included, we do not try to change who people are, but rather include them as
they are.
Budget Plan
-Seek partnerships outside to promote the event.
-Potential cost for advertising radio/TV
-Design and print posters/ web media

Budget plan Execution

Pre-Event team 1 had minimal expenses.
Expenses included
- Design and print for posters
Ideally a budget for out reach would have included partnerships, and gifts for
those partnerships.


Possible ways to evaluate event

Evaluation forms with a numbering system 1-10 on statifaction. This would be a form
that each participant would fill out at the last stop.
Attendance is a good way to evaluate event. Count how many showed up and how
many stayed.
Have an employee go around and document good/bad feedback from random


How organized was the
event? 12345 67 89
Did you have a good
time? 12345 67 89
Would you come again?
12345 67 89
Was it easy to navigate
through the even? 12345 67 89
Did you like the beer?
12345 6789

o To spread awareness about the Brew Hop.
The Brew Hop sold out and attendance was great.
o To educate the Brew Hop Participants about craft beer.
There wasnt much teaching about the beer, more tasteing and touring the
o To build a relationship between the community and downtown San Marcos.
Everyone that attended had to explore the city to taste the beer. Each Stop
was in a new loacation and this exposed everyone to all parts of

Using the 5 Ps
The pre planning group used the 5 Ps in the evaluation for this event. For the
Participants, because most of what we did for this event was before the actual
event. We evaluated how the Participants reacted to the social media post, if the
event would sell out or not. During the event we evaluated how enjoyable the
participants were reacting, and if the maps were useful during the event and people
more enjoying the event than worried where to go next. We evaluated the Personnel
by seeing how well the event went. How each brew stop went and how the people
were responding to the leadership of each hop? We evaluated the Program by how
many people attended it. It was sold out, so we evaluated that the program and
how it was presented went well. We evaluated the Place in how easy it was to
attend the event. We asked during the event, how the people were enjoying it and if
they had any problems with parking, direction, etc. We only heard good things and
the event was easily located. We evaluated the polices and procedures before,
during, and after the event. We evaluated how easy It was to set up the event, if
everyone worked together to make sure this event went smoothly. During the event
we evaluated not only the hops, but if any participants needed help. How helpful we
were and how willing to go beyond the job we had to do. After the event we
evaluated how the event went with feedback from the participants and how easy it
was to clean up the event.

Things to improve
The event itself went well, it was easy to set up and put down. Things that could
have been improved was the communication before the actual event between Main
Street Events and the class. My group was confused on ever part we needed to help
with and felt that we could have had more duties and responsibilities. I would have
given the class 2335 more responsibilities. The main thing that could have been
fixed was just the communication.
Things that went well
The event went well in the area of being well prepared for any questions. Feedback
from people that participated is that the event was well organized and prepared. I
felt that we had good teamwork, many helping hands. It was a successful event,
because of how many helping hands we had and how organized the event as a
whole went. This event was also successful, because it was something new and
exciting. It allowed people to enjoy downtown San Marcos and to learn more about
local businesses.

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