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Selena Nole

ENC 2135

Alexa Doran

31 January 2017


1. How Lazy are you by Buzzfeed

a. Purpose: to see if you identify as lazy
b. Tone: humorous
c. Characteristics: excessive sleeping, dont want to clean, dont feel like moving,

dont want to dirty plates, doesnt do laundry, multitask, doing something one way

so that you dont have to take the time to do it the right way. Ex. Trying to put on

a shoe without untying it.

2. The lazy song
a. Purpose: appeal to lazy people
i. To express himself
b. Tone: Proud, humorous
c. Ethos: expert on how to be lazy
d. Characteristics: dont feel like doing anything, lays in bed, no hygiene, doesnt get

dressed, doesnt pick up phone

3. 25 moments only the laziest of lazy people will get by BuzzFeed
a. Purpose: to relate to lazy people
b. Tone: making fun of, funny
c. Characteristics: laying down instead of sitting up, eat directly from a pan, uses as

much dishes as possible (using clothing as plate), too lazy to get up, dont remove

the sticker on fruit, dont replace the toilet paper, always have glasses in your

room, everything is reachable from a bed, put in as little effort as possible, getting

ready is an effort, never take two trips, buy anything that makes life easier, stacks

close on chair
4. Things lazy people understand
a. Audience: lazy people, people are looking up this video if they think they might

identify as lazy
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b. Tone: funny
c. Ethos: uses own experiences, she is describing things that she does and what

others might relate to

d. Characteristics: has a lot of stuff to do and doesnt do any of it, dont feel like

getting ready to go out, always sleeping, snoozes alarm all the time, comfortable

in bed and dont want to get up, excessive sleeping, washing face, too lazy to

workout, stare at something hoping it comes to you, dont feel like dressing up

Various genres describe a lot of the same characteristics of how a normal lazy person

acts. However, with there being an assortment of authors it also gives a different point of view.

When comparing 25 Moments Only the Laziest of Lazy People Will Get by BuzzFeed, The

Lazy Song by Bruno Mars, How Lazy Are You by BuzzFeed, and Things Lazy People

Understand by YouTuber NiaaLove1 to my personal experience with laziness Things Lazy

People Understand most closely reflected my experience.

When you think of lazy people, you think about someone that would rather sleep then get

up and start their day. Or maybe you think of a particular person whose room always looks like a

hurricane swept through it. Both exemplifications are accurate. The genre that is most adjacent to

these specific examples is 25 Moments Only the Laziest of Lazy People Will Get. It provided a

precise, notable definition of lazy through a series of images and captions. Each characteristic
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described exactly how an expert of laziness would handle situations. The article had a wisecrack

tone to it. Not necessarily in a disrespectful way, but it was a very ludicrous article. For example,

one of the captions said you never make the effort to remove the sticker from fruit. It is just

easier to eat around it. This example is absurd, who would waste their money when they could

take one second to peel off a sticker? The article mostly appealed to an audience that was seeking

to find out if they identify as lazy. It has a series of actions that every person could say Oh yeah,

I do that all the time or Ive never done that before This article helps people conclude whether

or not they are lazy.

When it comes down to the best representation and most frequently used tactics for me,

the YouTube video Things Lazy People Understand is the most suitable. Relating to Nia was

easy and enjoyable. The tone was witty and the video was whimsical. During the video, you

couldnt help but giggle at how accurate everything she was speaking about was. The element

that this genre relied on the most was ethos. Nia talked about how she herself is lazy. She took

her personal experiences with the subject and discussed them with her viewers. The video

appealed to 23,584 viewers with 234 positive comments posted underneath. The intended

audience was specifically for people that identify as lazy. She wanted to make a video about

twelve lazy things that people can relate to throughout the duration of the video. Whether you

identify as lazy or not, every person can relate to at least one out of the twelve things discussed.

For instance, every night I come back to my dorm and I wash my face. The process of having to

scrub my face while my bed is less than ten feet away from me is miserable, however, every once

in a blue moon I choose to just go straight to sleep. This is the worst possible thing a girl could

do, but sometimes you just must be lazy. Also, this video best represents me because she doesnt

talk about being a dirty person. She doesnt say that she doesnt have good hygiene or that her
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room is messy. Nia simply discusses how she just doesnt want to be responsible and do the

things she should most of the time.

The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars and How Lazy Are You by BuzzFeed, both have a

dirtier side to them. This includes: no hygiene and not wanting to take care of or clean up after

themselves. With the singer being Bruno Mars, I believe it is relating more to lazy boys. From

personal experience, my brother, Louis, does not know what hygiene is. Countless amount of

times he will go three to five days without showering and has not seen the bottom of his floor

since 2005. However, the song is also appealing to an audience that enjoys the genre of music

reggae-pop. Bruno Mars also talks about putting his hand in his pants, which is more known to

be a man action. The element this genre involved the most was ethos. Bruno Mars speaks about

things he does when he decides to be lazy, making him an expert on the topic. It is easy to say

throughout the music video the tone is humorous, Bruno Mars smiles and laughs several times.

He uses five other people in the video with furry monkey heads on. The reason is unknown why

he chose monkeys, but they might be a representation of lazy.

The quiz How Lazy Are You Actually has a variety of different questions ranging from

snoozing your alarm to not picking up after yourself. Underneath the title of the quiz there is a

phrase that says only take this quiz if you are in bed, this slogan shows precisely what to look

forward to in the upcoming questions. With the 100 questions asked and the expression under the

title, the quiz has a tone that is straightforwardly droll. For example, one of the questions asked

was have you ever taken a cab somewhere you could have walked to in less than 5 minutes?

This question, along with many others, is a prime example of how lazy people can act. The quiz

is attempting to lure in a crowd of people that want to verify their identity with lazy. It uses
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tactics and strategies such as funny and exaggerated inquiry and a gif of a dog eating food while

lying down on the floor.

When comparing all genres, Things Lazy People Understand is the most relatable to

me rather than 25 Moments Only the Laziest of Lazy People Will Get by BuzzFeed, The

Lazy Song by Bruno Mars, and How Lazy Are You Actually by BuzzFeed.

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