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This is Olivia. She is a very sweet student,

she gets along great with all of the other
students in the class. She is very shy and
sometimes gets overwhelmed when things
get too tough. She has one older and 2
younger siblings at home. She has
problems making friends because she is so
shy. She says she wants to be a zoo keeper
when she gets older. Her IQ was 122

This is Mason. As you can probably tell by

the picture, he is the class clown. He
always keeps the class laughing. He is an
only child, so he is the center of attention
at home. He sometimes slacks at school
and doesnt take it so seriously. Mason says
he wants to be a person to make people
laugh now and when he gets big. His IQ was
about 102

This is Emily, she is my gifted student! She

has an IQ of 135. She enjoys it when her
parents or teachers read to her, she likes
drawing and painting. She does great on
school work. She has two very devoted
parents that want her to excel in school.
When she gets older, she wants to be a
This is Katelyn, she was homeschooled for
the first part of the year. It was hard to
get her caught up, but with a lot of work,
it happened. Her mother is involved, but
not her father. She said she wants to be a
mom when she grows up. She loves kids
and she is very motherly. Her IQ is 115.

This is Ally. She is the class bully. She is

very rough with anyone in the class. She
is being raised by her grandparents and
sometimes her mom, when she comes
around. Her parents are divorced and she
grew up in a rough home. She is a work in
progress, but with the right discipline and
her guardians on board, she has improved
so much. Her favorite subject is art so she
can express herself. She wants to be a
dog walker when she grows up.

This is Raul (Ray-all), he was born in

Kenya. When he was 2 years old he was
adopted by American parents. There is a
little bit of a language barrier since he had
some experience in Kenya. He is a very
sweet kid and his new parents are very
involved. His IQ is 120. His new parents
keep up with the culture that hes from
and show him pictures and videos of
This is Layne. He is my exceptional
student. He excels in writing and math!
He is very smart. He really enjoys
painting and drawing. His parents really
work with him at home, as well do his
grandparents. His IQ is 112. One problem
is, he does have ADD, so art and drawing
helps with his anxiety and other
symptoms. He wants to be an artist when
he grows up.

This is Devin. This is pretty much what his

face looks like all day. He is unmotivated.
The only time that he gets excited is if we
learn anything about marine life. His IQ is
about 105. His parents are very busy so he
plays video games a lot at home, and hed
rather be at home. When he gets older he
wants to be a marine biologist or zoo

This is my sassy leader, Ella. She is very

smart, along with sassy. She is pretty good
at keeping people on task and motivating
them. Her mom has so much school pride
and she is very out spoken. She loves
being the boss, especially on the
playground. Ella wants to be the President
of the United States when she grows up!
She is very independent. Her IQ Is about
This is my sweetie, Max. Max has Down
Syndrome. He is a very smart kid who loves
to give hugs. He is very positive and very
kind. His parents are great with him, he
goes to the doctors when he needs to be,
and hes very well taken care of. He does
get somewhat aggressive, but then you
give him a basketball and he can play for a
long period of time! He wants to be the
next Michael Jordan! Hes a very bright and
funny kid.

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