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TriDereka Hall

February 11, 2017

Journal #5
Where are you at in your action plan process? What did you learn from talking to or meeting
with your community partners? What is your next step now?

In our plan, we are in the process of setting up meeting times with our community
partners. We have not been able to set a definite plan because we have the option of doing a
group project now with the honors college orientation. We are confused about who exactly we
will need to address at this point in the process. Once we figure out what the class is doing as a
whole, we can determine a full list of community partners. Also, if we proceed with the idea of a
class group project, we are trying to determine exactly how we can put our topic into a Title IX
orientation and the structure. The only option I could personally think of was to make our whole
section about gender inclusion and try to link it with Title IX in some way. We can try telling
students why we need more gender inclusion, but Im not sure if thats an orientation topic or
more of a personal proposal.
For our next step in the process, we have committed to the idea of trying to understand
the full situation with the gender inclusive housing. Whether we are working as a single group or
as a class, we want to stick with that idea for the most part. I am in the process of setting up a
meeting with Ryan Hall, the associate director of housing. I want to talk to him before I talk to
the main director to receive his viewpoint of our idea. If he feels like our idea is not realistically
achievable, we will just research the timeline of gender inclusive housing, report the statistics on
it, then apply it to how it could work on our campus. We can also report how we approached the
concept of gender inclusive housing on our campus, and what that will mean for the students if
that could be a part of the housing program in the future.

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