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Flower Slippers by Hayley M

8-9cm sole (without stretching)

GAUGE: 5 hdc = 1 inch

10-15g Baby/Fingering Yarn
4.5mm Hook or size needed for gauge.
Yarn needle for loose ends.
2 x 16cm lengths of 6mm ribbon (optional)

Ch(s) = Chain(s)
Hdc = Half Double Crochet
Slst = Slip Stitch
St(s) = Stitch(s)

Special Stitches
Dc2tog = (Yo, insert hook into next st, yo & draw up a loop, yo & draw through 2 loops on hook) 2 times,
yo & draw through last 3 loops on hook.
Hdc2tog = (Yo, insert hook into next st, yo & draw up a loop) 2 times, yo & draw through all 5 loops on

- Size can easily be altered by using different yarns, or a different size hook.
- Slip stitching too tightly can limit how much the opening will stretch for babys foot, so a loose slip stitch
is suggested for round 7.

Starting with sole
Rnd 1: Ch 11, hdc in 2nd ch from hook, hdc in next 8 ch, 3 hdc in last ch, (working on opposite side) hdc in
next 8 ch, 2 hdc in last ch, slst to 1st hdc. (22sts)
Rnd 2: Ch 2 (counts as a st here and throughout), hdc in same st as joining, hdc in next 8 sts, 2 hdc in each
of next 3 sts, hdc in next
xt 8 sts, 2 hdc in ea of last 2 sts, slst to top of ch
ch-2. (28sts)
Rnd 3: Ch 2, hdc in same st as joining, 2 hdc in next st, hdc in next 9 sts, 2 hdc in ea of next 6 sts, hdc in
next 9 sts, 2 hdc in ea of last 2 sts, slst to top of ch
ch-2. (38sts)
Rnd 4: Ch 2, hdc in ea st around, slst to top of ch ch-2. (38sts)
Rnd 5: Ch 2, hdc in next 11 sts, dc2tog 9 times, hdc in last 8 sts, slst to top of ch ch--2.
Rnd 6: Ch 2, hdc in next 9 sts, hdc2tog 7 times, hdc in last 5 sts, slst to top of ch ch--2.
Rnd 7: Ch 1, slst loosely in ea st around.
Fasten off and weave in ends.

Ch 3, slst to form a ring, or use magic ring method if preferred.
*Ch 1, dc, ch 1, slst* 5 times into ring (5 petals made).
Fasten off leaving a tail for sewing.

Finishing Options
Attach flower
er to shoe as shown in picture OR
Tie a ribbon around
ound centremost stitch at toe

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