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Waiting for Godot Quiz

Act I

1. What does Vladimir ask Estragon pertaining to Estragons foot?

a. It hurts?

b. It stinks?

c. It exists?

d. It does not hurt?

2. How long is the leash that Pozzo has on Lucky?

a. 3 feet

b. half the stage

c. the whole stage

d. Not specified

3. What does Vladimir notice around Luckys neck?

a. A rope

b. A tattoo

c. A mark

d. A running sore

4. What does Estragon want from Pozzo that leads to Vladimirs embarrassment?

a. Chicken bones

b. Vaporizer

c. Bowler hat

d. Whip
5. How many leaves are on the tree?

a. Five

b. One or two

c. A large number

d. Zero

6. How long have Pozzo and Lucky been together?

a. Almost 40 years

b. 20 years

c. Almost 60 years

d. 50 years

7. What does Lucky do when Estragon tries to console him?

a. Accept the handkerchief

b. Sing

c. Kick him in the shin

d. Apologize

8. What does Lucky need in order to think?

a. Sustenance

b. Bowler hat

c. Others to cry

d. A ring

9. When does Godot appear?

a. Act I
b. Act II

c. Both

d. Neither

10. What does Estragon decide to do with his boots?

a. Give them away

b. Polish them

c. Leave them for someone with slightly smaller feet

d. Repair them

Act II

1. How many leaves does the tree have at the beginning of Act II?

a. Four or five

b. Two or three

c. None

d. Five or six

2. What was Estragon doing when people began to beat him?

a. Swindling money from the poor

b. Yelling out racial slurs

c. Nothing

d. Kicking puppies

3. What do the dead voices NOT sound like?

a. Wings
b. Sand

c. Ghosts

d. Leaves

4. Why do they always find something to do?

a. To give them the impression they exist

b. To make life less boring

c. To spice things up once in awhile

d. To distract them from the pain inside their souls

5. Where does Vladimir tell Estragon to hide?

a. Behind the boots

b. Behind the curtains

c. Behind his insecurities

d. Behind the tree

6. Why is Vladimir upset with deliberating over whether or not to help Pozzo?

a. He is mad at Pozzo

b. He wants to feel needed

c. Pozzo kicked him

d. Pozzo insulted him

7. What does Estragon call Pozzo?

a. Able

b. Abraham

c. Adam
d. Lucky

8. What do blind men have no notion of?

a. Time

b. Landscape

c. Beauty

d. Standing

9. What happens when Estragon kicks Lucky?

a. Estragon kills Lucky

b. Estragon breaks Luckys bones

c. Estragon misses Lucky

d. Estragon hurts his foot

10. What will Vladimir and Estragon do if Godot does not show?

a. Never come back

b. Leave early

c. Hang themselves

d. Send a message

Act I

1. A.

2. B.

3. D.

4. A.

5. D.

6. C.

7. C.

8. B.

9. D.

10. C.

Act II

1. A.

2. C.

3. C.

4. A.

5. D.

6. B.

7. A.

8. A.
9. D.

10. C.

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