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The Shades

1.0 Introduction

I chosed the movie The Shades to critique because that was the movie that I enjoyed
the most. Before the movie night, I have seen a few trailers of the movies that were going to be
shown on the movie night. The Shades trailer was the one that caught my attention the most.
Starting from its title, poster, synopsis and to the trailer. One of my seniors, who is the director of
The Shades, asked me to promote the movie to the colleges students. They put in some efforts to
promote the movie. Ever since then, The Shades became the one that I wanted to watch the most.
On the movie premier, total of six movies were played. Starting from Always My Brother to the one
that I waited for,The Shades. People gave their attention since it was the last movie played. The
movie is about a girl, who is color-blindness and can only see black and white, was accused for
stealing jewelleries and put them in a bag. She went to meet a lawyer to help the case. She said that
the bag was not her because she cannot see very clearly so she was mistaken her bag for another.
Miracle happened when she can see colors when she is with him. The man brought colors to her life
and she does the same for the man. Throughout the investigation, they started to develop a
romantic feeling for each other. However the man was already married. The case ended when she
\was found innocent. Since the case has ended, they will not meet each other anymore. The man
confessed to the girl but the girl rejected him because he has responsibilities to carry on, his wife and
children. For me, the ending were sad and happy at the same time.

2.0 Analysing the theme

The theme for the movie, The Shades is about bringing colors to other peoples life.
The theme has a deeper meaning where the colors can be either trust, love, memories or truth. Trust
is one of the main point of the movie where the main characters have to put trusts in each other in
order to find out the truth. Love was when they developed a romantic feeling to each other. The
feeling where the main character, the lawyer did not even feel the same for his wife. But in the end,
it was a prohibited feeling because the girl did not want to destroy other peoples life. For her, the
man is more important to his family than to her. In The truth was revealed when the girl was found
innocent. The man helped the girl with his best because he trusted her. He knows that the girl is
innocent and he will prove that. In the end, it became memories to them. They just happened to be
some strangers that pass by in their life. For me, the theme is very interesting. People can know the
theme of the movie when the girl started to see colors for the first time when she met the man. The
movie is a success for me because people can get the message but then the message has a deeper
meaning. There were also some motifs such as conception on disabled people. In this movie, it shows
that not everyone can see clearly. It was hard for them to explain things and sometimes people tends
to not believe them and ignore them. Fortunately for the girl in this movie, the lawyer trusted her.
Nowdays, people came to realise the rights for the people with diabilities and laws also has been
upgraded for the comunity where disabled people can defend their rights with the help from the

3.1 Plot
The plots for this movie is well-arranged. It started with the incident where the girl
was mistaken her bag for another and the police came for her. Then it continued with the girls life,
living in black and white, the shades. Then she met the lawyer to solve the case. The movie did not
start with flashback and it is a good thing for me beacuse sometimes when people loss or did not
understand the story in the beginning, it will be hard for them to fully understand the story especially
if the story is not explained carefully and with details. Then the girl can see colors around the man.
This part attracted the audiences because it brought changes to the girls life and the storyline.
People became more curious and wanted to know what happens next. The scene managed to attract
the audience. The rising action of the movie is when the man followed the girl to find out the truth.
Eventually, the man developed feeling for the girl and the feeling is mutual for the girl. The climax is
when the pollice found the girls bag and they have higher chance to win the case. The scene leads to
another scene where the man confessed to the girl since the case was almost over. The girl admitted
that she felt the same but she rejected him. This part is interesting because people want them
together but then the man is married. In real life, there a lot of people like the girl and at the same
time, there are also people that do not care about other peoples life as long as they are happy. The
falling action was when they win the case together. This part also shows to people that the truth will
be revealed somehow. It matters on the effort to find out the truth. The resolution will be when the
man left the girl in the court and the colors disappeared. One of the main reasons I love this movie is
they know how to attract people by using unique storyline, cheesy scripts and great ways of
delivering the messages. The ending of this movie sent a warm feeling to the audiences.

3.2 Characters

The main characters in this movie is Amsyar Aiman (which I refer to the man in this
movie critique) is a self-preserved and jaded lawyer. In this movie, he played the role of a good man
that is devoted to his work. However, the man started to change a little when he met the girl. It is not
that he neglects his family but he did develop the feeling which he should not have it especially when
he is married. He displayed the the good man can be bad vibes. But in the end, he still respects the
girls decision. The girl, Zara Yumna, is a color-blind girl that has been accused for stealing. She played
the role of a kind-hearted girl that cares for other peoples life. She did not want to destroy the mans
marriage just because they shared the same feelings. Both characters show mostly good sides of
people eventhough sometimes people are not that kind. But still there are a lot of people like them
in this world. If some improvements to be made, it will be that addition of other characters in this
movie. They do have stock characters but it will be nice to have a characters that constantly plays a
role that help the storyline to become better such as a friend or a family member.

3.3 Symbolism

I think the symbol of this movie is the shades itself. The shades that displayed in the
title, poster, synopsis and in the story. There is a part in the synopsis which says The film despicts a
choice between shades of grey, the fact of it not being clear in a situation of what is right and wrong.
Based on the statemement, we can see that the shades of grey represent the main theme of this
story. The story between the colors and the shades of grey. The scene that related to this symbol
may be about the mans feeling to the girl that he loves and to his devoted wife and children.

4.0 Genre
The genre of this movie is a romantic. Even in the sypnosis, the word love is
emphasized. But which love is worthy chosen, the color-blind women he truly loves? Or his devoted
wife and daughter? This shows the main genre for this movie. Throughout the movie, the genre is
wisely shown by using the dialogues between the characters, the storyline and the ending.

5.0 Concluding Remarks

For me, I really love this movie. The plots are well-arranged, the characters did a great
job in acting but maybe they can improve more but of course for me they were good enough, the
messages were well delivered and the movie itself is interesting. In my opinion, I will not over
critique this movie because on how this movie is made. If this movie is made by big companies or
associations, of course I will expect more. But for a movie made by the students, the ASASIpintar
students did a really good job. I enjoyed the movie night in the auditorium and I am looking forward
to other projects.

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