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Future Branch:

It was confusing how you relate the topic of human decisions and jump right into
quotes about the future of cybernetics and metallic asteroids. Not only should
you summarize an article based around this concept in order to provide more
detail for the reader, but you should also clarify the trail a bit more. For example,
perhaps add a description of how technology can be implanted in humans that
could affect human decision, thus, making a connection from your main inquiry
topic before jumping in with quotes of future technologies.
It seems like you get a bit off topic, I am still unclear as to how more than of
your future branch relates to human decision when you are talking about mining
Past Branch:
There is not enough to the annotations that allows me to see a clear connection
of where your questions are coming from. For example, you branch off of an
annotation about the Norman invasion with the question how does social media
affect our language today? There is not enough information in the annotations
that shows the reader how you derived that question from the source or how that
source made you ask this question.
It seems you were putting more emphasis on the credibility of the sources (as
seen in several bubbles reviewing its credibility) rather than focusing on the
concept and having it guide your questions.
Present Branch:
I am still confused at your immediate connection you make in your first present
branch. I think it would be beneficial to alter your main inquiry question to talk
about investigating the human decision in popular science explorations (or
something more science related). Human decision is such a broad topic and you
only talk about specific science decisions that have/ will be made.
It is unclear where you are deriving some of your sources. To fix this, you need to
include citations within your annotations.
1. Extended annotations need to be separated from annotations/made more
2. Annotations should be more expansive of the research/texts you read. In
just about all of the sources except for the past branch about sociology, I
was unable to see where you found further questions from the sources.
3. There needs to be a clearer connection between your branches and the
overall inquiry question.
4. While it is okay to get off topic and go wherever your inquiry takes you,
make sure you are making clear connections as to why sources are
causing you to ask these questions.
5. Include citations

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