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Chapter 17: Gene to Protein (Part 1) 17.1-17.

DNA dictates the synthesis of protein molecules and RNA involved in protein synthesis
Gene expression-process by which DNA directs the synthesis of proteins/RNA
Most proteins are formed from one or two polypeptide chains(a gene codes for each)
Transcription-synthesis of RNA from a DNA code
DNA acts as a template for constructing a sequence of RNA
Messenger RNA(mRNA)-carries genetic material from DNA to the ribosome
Translation-synthesis of a polypeptide that occurs at the ribosome
mRNA is converted into an amino acid sequence for a polypeptide
In bacteria, transcription and translation can occur simultaneously-lack of nucleus
Each amino acid is made of three nucleotide bases(known as a codon)
Reading frame-reading nucleotides in the correct groupings
Template strand-provides pattern/template for RNA transcript
Universal genetic code allows genes to be transplanted across species
RNA polymerase splits DNA molecule apart to expose template strand
Promoter-DNA sequence signaling beginning of transcription
Terminator-DNA sequence signaling end of transcription
Transcription unit-DNA sequence being transcribed into RNA
Transcription factors-allow RNA polymerase to bind to DNA, start transcription
Initiation: first stage of transcription
Transcription initiation complex-polymerase and transcription factors
Prepares DNA/RNA to begin process of transcription
Elongation: second stage of transcription
RNA polymerase moves along DNA, unwinding it and allowing nucleotides to
be added to the 3 end of the growing RNA molecule. DNA then reforms
One gene can be transcribed simultaneously by multiple RNA molecules
Termination: third stage of transcription
In bacteria, a terminator sequence causes RNA to detach from DNA and form
In eukaryotes, RNA Polymerase II codes for a polyadenylation
signal(AAUAAA) and pre-mRNA is formed
Primary transcript-initial RNA transcript that includes later-removed substances(pre-mRNA)
RNA processing-primary transcript is modified to form mRNA for translation
Only occurs in eukaryotic cells
5 end receives a 5 cap: modified form of a guanine nucleotide
3 end receives a poly-A tail: extra adenine nucleotides
Help transport of RNA,protect RNA from dehydration, help ribosomes attach
RNA splicing-noncoding nucleotide segments(called introns) are cut out
Some introns can help splice themselves
Ribozymes-RNA molecules that function as enzymes
Exons-expressed regions of DNA
Spliceosomes help to assemble spliced RNA segments
Alternative RNA splicing-genes can code for multiple polypeptides

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