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BreAnna Bell

Prof. Dennis Winston



Trumps Inaugural Address

The first thing to catch my eye was the clear lack of people in attendance. Ive found that

when we talk about the state of the presidency and the family that now occupies it, we cant help

but compare him to the man/family that came before him. As I stood in the middle of a sea of

protests, we could still hear his words of unity and equality. I felt like it was such a

juxtaposition I found myself in. Its a special feeling to be lost in a sea of angry and hurt people,

protesting the election and inauguration of a man giving a speech not very far away. I also

thought that it was so ironic that a man who had us Americans so clearly divided, was giving a

speech on unity. Our essay on Trumps America has only further inspired me to think deeper into

these thoughts.

His campaign was so full of divisive rhetoric and it worked on a vast majority of

Americans - which is sad. His speech, which I cant help but believe that he didnt or couldnt

write on his own, was somehow really speaking to a certain group of Americans. I was still not

forgetting that the message was not meant for us. The message of this unity and equality that we,

the protesters, so desperately needed and searched for in our hopeful candidates, was not meant

to help and pacify us. It made me think of the future we would see as citizens and how fast

would we see these changes he promised to bring us. At this point, nobody knew what to expect.
Its been very clear, however, the times have changed and weve taken a dangerous turn down

this opposite path from the hopeful and positive one from the Obama administration.

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