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Leonard |1

Schasti Leonard

March, 26, 2017

English 0099 Summary 1

Deborah Kellner

Spine cord injury as a child abuse

In, Isolated Spinal Cord Injury as a Presentation of Child Abuse by Joseph H. Platt and

Mary Steinberg. They discuss the presence of abuse with severe head trauma and spinal cord

injuries. This case is about a 15 months-old. Who was abused by her mothers boyfriend on

multiple times. This baby arrived to the community hospital emergency with severe injuries such

as bleeding from her mouth, and unable to move. After the doctors examination they found

lacerations on her tongue and upper lip. A lot of petechias on her neck, ears, arms, upper chest,

and ecchymosis on her arms and forearms. There were older lesions and facial burns that healed

2 month before. Once the doctors were finished with their studies and examinations, the baby

was diagnostic as a quadriplegia.

In this child abuse case, the baby was abused by her mothers boyfriend on multiple

occasions. I dont understand why her mother did nothing about it, and now her daughter is a

quadriplegic. Every day children are abused in many different ways, and the result of those

injuries changed the childs life forever.

Leonard |2

Work cited

Platt, Joseph H , and Mary Steinberg. Isolated Spinal Cord Injury as a presentation of Child


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