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Science Observation: April 5, 2017

focusedonthisstandard,2.P.2.3 Compare what happens to
water left in an open container over time as to water left in
a closed container, but she touched on 2.E.1.2 Summarize
weather conditions using qualitative and quantitative
measures to describe.
The teacher asked question like what do you think
happens to water if we leave it in an open cup? (she had
an example) She engaged them by having another cup of
water that she had left out for several days that used to have
the same amount of water in it. The students thought it was
interesting and they then got a chance to have their own
cups. The students were in groups of 4-5 and they got a cup
and filled it to a certain amount they made an observation
of it at that moment and they would then make observations
of it for the next couple days.
The teacher then transitioned into how the water on
the earth evaporates and creates clouds. She talked about
the water cycle and why we need it. The teacher then gave
each student their own water cycle graphic organizer and
the students got to fill it out and color it. The children
enjoyed doing this activity and got to put it in their science
journal at the end of the class.

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