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Philosophy of Technology

Technology will not replace great teachers but technology in the hands of great teachers can be
transformational. George Couros

Technology is typically not used by the older variety of teachers. They tend to be more
traditional with lecturing. Technology can be a beautiful contribution to education when executed
properly. Yes, technology leaves room for error but all a teacher needs is a backup plan.
Integrating technology into classrooms will be revolutionary. The use of learning management
systems (LMS) provide teachers with a way to organize grading and assignments. LMS are also
a great way for students and teachers to communicate and collaborate with each other not only
within the classroom but from home as well. The use of technology in classrooms never used to
be a thought in a teachers head, unless it was a projector of some sort and computers used to be a
separate class for most schools. Lately technology is being integrated more and more into
classrooms and students are benefiting from it. Technology is where students excel more than
teachers and actually where students can become teachers themselves. Through informal learning
students excel technologically faster than their parents and teachers. Students connect better
through technology. Technology such as their smarts phones engage them more than traditional
learning. Adolescence are constantly on the web searching and researching things that genuinely
interest them. One can only put two and two together and through e-learning, whether it
be a web 2.0 tool or some other form of internet learning, students may gain a better
understanding of the content. Web 2.0 tools are great for engaging students and motivating them
to learn by changing up the pace. Kahoot is a great example for engaging students. Not only does
Kahoot appeal to students who are more competitive, but also can appeal to those who like to
take their time. Kahoot has a few settings, you can have students compete for points and grade
based off of time and effort, or there is no time aspect in which students can be graded based off
of correct answers. Kahoot can be used for practice, as competition to engage students a little
more, and also as an assessment. One can use other web 2.0 tools to monitor behavior and
distribute or take away point based on behavior. There are plenty of ways technology can be
integrated into every classroom. There are no limitations. George Couros said it best
Technology will not replace great teachers but technology in the hands of great teachers can be
transformational. Technology in education is growing at a rapid pace.
Technology in general is growing at a rapid pace and if we do not keep up we will fall behind
and therefore our students will fall behind. A teachers job is not only to teach the content of
his/her lesson, but also to prepare their students for the adult world.

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