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Comparison Test 001

1. Christopher is taller than __________ in his class.
A. any other boy

B. all the boys

C. any other boys

D. every other boy

2. My sister is _________ than wise.

A. smarter

B. more smart

C. more smarter

D. smartest

3. Which do you like __________, summer __________ winter ?

A. good, and

B. better, and

C. better, or

D. best, or

4. Jonathan is _________ of the two boys.

A. the wiser Photocopiable
B. wiser

C. more wise

D. the wisest

5. ___________ we have, the more we want.

A. The more

B. More

C. The most

D. The much

6. He is _________ for his poverty.

A. happier

B. all the happier

C. happiest

D. the happiest

7. America is _________ Taiwan in natural resources.

A. superior of

B. superior to

C. more superior than

D. superior than Photocopiable
8. He knows __________ than to quarrel.
A. more

B. less

C. better

D. worse

9. He can not speak French, still __________ English.

A. more

B. better

C. less

D. not

10. Nothing is more precious than time, yet nothing is __________ valued.
A. much

B. less

C. so

D. far Photocopiable

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