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Holy Infant Academy, Diocese of San Carlos Inc.

Cadiz City, Negros Occidental


Name: ___________________________________________________________Date:____________

Grade & Section:___________________________________________________Score:____________

I. A. Choose the synonyms of the underlined word in the sentence.

1. She was on her way to her classmate’s house to accomplish a group project.
A. Achieve B. Fail C. Skimp D. Start
2. I bet all that we will do is argue and we won’t get anything done.
A. Co-exist B. Quarrel C. Agree D. Get along
3. When I get in, I will immediately show them I’m their leader and stop their bickering.
A. Agreeing B. Complementing C. Laughing D. Disagreeing
4. They were speaking loud because they were all excited and agreeing with one an other.
A. Lazy B. Bored C. Sleepy D. Enthusiastic
B. Choose the antonyms of the underlined word in the sentence.
5. Young Amber was stressed.
A. Worried B. Relaxed C. Overtaxed D. Harassed
6. They were group randomly.
A. Aimlessly B. Erratically C. Haphazardly D. Orderly
7. Janton would quickly browse and magazines brought by Kirk and mark the pages they could
A. Rapidly B. Slowly C. Swiftly D. Hastily
8. She then joined them to finish the project.
A. Start B. End C. Wrap-up D. Wind-up

II. Choose the best adjective to fill in the blank.

1. The eagle was ___________ than the bluebird.

A. big B. bigger C. biggest
2. The weather feels much ____________ today.
A. cool B. cooler C. coolest
3. That was the __________ baseball game I’ve seen all year.
A. good B. better C. best
4. The red bird flew ___________ than the blue bird.
A. fast B. faster C. fastest
5. My pen is _________ than Mary’s pen. A.
good B. better C. best
6. Andi is 165 cm tall. Donna is 167 cm tall. So, Donna is _________ than Andi.
A. Bigger B. Shorter C. Taller
7. My father is 45 years old. My mother is 46 years old. So, My mother is _________ than my father.
A.Older B. Younger C.Stronger
8. An elephant is ______ than a cow.
A. Bigger B.Longer C.Shorter
9. A horse is the ________ .
A. Fast B. Faster C. Fastest
10. Girls' hair is usually ________ than the boys' hair.
A. Smaller B. Longer C. Taller

III.Underline the correct form of adjective to complete the sentence.

1. Janice is the (tall, taller, tallest) in the whole class.
2. Anton is (healthy, healthier, healthiest) than his brother James.
3. Maria is a (pretty, prettier, prettiest) girl.
4. Anita is (thin, thinner, thinnest) than her friend Amanda.
5. She is the (good, better, best) candidate for the task.

IV. A. Write more or most in the line to complete each sentence.

1. Most students think that Mathematics is ________complex than other subjects.

2. A car's price is usually ________ expensive than a bike's price.

3. My sister is the _________ intelligent among the family .

4. Macoy is the ________ serious basketball player in the team.

5. Flip top is _________ popular than reciting a poem

IV. B. Write less or least in the line to complete each sentence.

6. Tabitha is ___________ talented than her elder sister.

7. Singing in the videoke at home is ____________ expensive than singing in a music bar.

8. For me, Volleyball is the ____________ difficult among all sports.

9. Watching a magic show on television ____________ exciting than watching it live.

10. Gerald is the _____________ intellectual among the three siblings.

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