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OTC 4231

The Effect of the Sea-Bottom Proximity on the Fatigue Life of

Suspended Spans of Offshore Pipelines Undergoing Vortex-Induced
by Demos T. Tsahalis and Warren T. Jones, Shell Development Co.


This paper was presented at the 14th Annual OTC in Houston, Texas, May 3-6, 1982. The material is subject
to correction by the author. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words.
ABSTRACT due to current action. In turn such unsupported
spans exposed to currents may undergo vortex-
Fatigue life calculations have been made for
induced vibrations which may affect the fatigue
suspended spans of offshore pipelines exposed to
life of the pipeline.
steady flow and undergoing vortex-induced vibra-
tions. The effect of the proximity of the sea- Due to lack of data for the vortex-induced
bottom was taken into account by utilizing the vibrations of a flexible cylinder in close proxim-
results of related model tests. It was found that ity to a plane boundary, fatigue life calculations
the effect of the sea-bottom proximity is to of suspended pipeline spans that determine the
increase the fatigue life of a suspended span of maximum safe length of such spans have been based,
given length or equivalently to increase the safe out of necessity, on data for the vortex-induced
length of a suspended span for a given fatigue vibrations of an isolated flexible cylinder, i.e.,
life. Furthermore, the effect of the pipe-to-wall no wall effect.
gap to pipe diameter ratio on the fatigue life of
In a recent experimental study, Tsahalis and
such spans has been determined.
Jones [5] determined the effect of the proximity
of a plane boundary on the vortex-induced vibra-
tions of a flexible pipe. They found that the
A steady flow about a bluff body, such as a proximity of the plane boundary has the following
pipeline with a circular cross section, will sepa- effects on the response of the pipe as compared to
rate and form a wake. Because of the instability the response of the isolated pipe, i.e., no wall
and mutual interaction of the separated shear effect (see also Figure 1). First, the increase
layers, vortices form and periodically shed from of the response frequency with the flow velocity
alternate sides of the body. The result is steady is less steep. Second, the first perceptible
and unsteady drag forces in line with the flow and vibrations take place at a higher flow velocity.
unsteady lift forces'in the transverse, or cross- Fourth, the maximum amplitude is achieved at a
flow direction. If the pipeline is flexible and/- higher flow velocity. Fifth, the maximum ampli-
or flexibly supported, it begins to vibrate under tude is reduced. Sixth, once the maximum ampli-
the action of these periodic forces. The vibra- tude is achieved it appears that it remains
tions of the pipeline modify the flow and lead to constant for higher flow velocities. In Figure 1,
a nonlinear interaction between. the elastic and E is the uniform pipe-to-wall gap, D is the diam-
the fluid systems. The maximum amplitude of in- eter of the pipe, A is the single-amplitude
line vortex-induced vibrations is much smaller response of the center of the pipe span vibrating
than the maximum amplitude of transverse vortex- in its first mode, f is the response frequency, f n
induced vibrations, so their contribution to the is the natural frequency of the pipe in the exter-
fatigue life of a pipeline is small. Conse- nal fluid, f s is the Strouhal frequency or vortex-
quently, attention is focused on the transverse shedding frequency from a stationary cylinder and
vibrations which will be referred to as "vortex- U is the flow velocity.
induced vibrations" hereafter. In the last ten
Since in the presence of a plane boundary the
years a number of comprehensive overviews of this
onset of vortex-induced vibrations of appreciable
important class of fluid-structure interaction
amplitude occurs at higher flow velocities and the
problems have appeared [1-4].
maximum amplitude of vibration is reduced it is
Experience with unburied offshore pipelines evident that the fatigue life or equivalently the
laid in strong current areas has shown that such safe length of suspended spans of pipelines are
pipelines may develop unsupported spans due to larger than those based on data for the vortex-
seabottom being scoured out from under the pipe induced vibrations of an isolated pipeline, i.e.,
no wall effect.
In the present paper, the effect of the sea-
References and illustrations at end of paper.
bottom proximity on the fatigue life/safe length
of suspended spans of pipelines undergoing vortex- where Ds is the OD of the steel and R is the
induced vibrations is presented utilizing the radius of curvature of the pipeline axis.
results of the above mentioned experimental Assuming a simply supported beam span, the vibra-
study. The more general case of a "steady" tional deflection is
current due to tidal fluctuations is considered.
This is possible because the time scale of the 1tX
Y '" A sin---y;- (4)
tidal f1uuations is much larger than the time
scale of the vortex-induced vibrations.
and the curvature is
A pipeline span, suspended above bottom in an 1 d _2v 1t2 1tX
~'" -A-si~ ~ (5)
area subject to tidal fluctuations, will experi- if" dx2 L2 L
ence varying velocities. When these velocities
are such that the reduced velocities are in the
range covered by the data in Figure 1, the ampli- Using Equation (3) and taking the difference
tude of the resulting vibration will vary over the between the maximum and minimum strain gives
tidal cycle. Thus any fatigue life calculations
must use a mathematical model which accounts for
varying stresses. Various theories for random or
. . . . . . . . . . . (6)
varying stresses exist, but our purpose is not to
evaluate these theories. Rather it is to illus-
trate the application of the results in Reference where D is the concrete-coated pipeline OD. It is
[5 J to the fatigue life of a pipeline span. To
assumed that all stresses are carried by the steel
this end, we will choose a simple fatigue life
theory for illustration purposes. One of the pipe. The effect of the concrete coating is to
increase the weight and the OD of the pipeline.
simplest, but most widely used, fatigue models is
that of Palmgren-Miner [6,7]. This linear, cumu- Equations (2) and (6) now define the denomi-
lative damage rule states that failure will occur nator of Equation (1). The numerator can be
when the damage Dt reaches unity where expressed as


where f i is the frequency of vibration in hz

during the i th amplitude infierval and ti is the
n (~Ei) is the number of cycles occurring at a
length in seconds of the it amplitude interval.
strain range Llei' and N (Llei) is the number of
cycles to failure at the same strain range Lle i . Combining the expressions for numerator and denom-
inator, the damage occurring in one year can be
-The denominator of the above equation may be calculated as
obtained from anyone of several stress (or
strain) - versus - number-of-cyc1es curves (S-N
curves) in the literature. We have chosen the
American Welding Society curve X [8]. This curve D1 '" (8)
is applicable to full penetration butt welds made
with ordinary good practice, such as to API 1104
standards of inspection and welder qualifica-
tion. Rather than the original AWS-X curve, the where now the sum of all the ti's is the number of
seconds in a year. The number of seconds per
modified version is used. The modification
extends the middle part of the curve between 4000 year, ti, is awkward to use. A better time
expression is Ti , hhe number of hours per day of
and 2,000,000 cycles with a slope of about -4 into
vibration at the it amplitude and frequency,
the very high cycle region where the original form
has a slope of about -8. A slightly conservative
equation for the AWS-X Modified curve is shown in
Figure 2:

(2) With this conversion and a factor of fn/f n ,

Equation (8) becomes
The AWS-X and the AWS-X Modified curves as scaled
from Figure 10.7.4 of Reference 8 are also shown
fo.r comparison. The strain range, ~E, is the
total amplitude of change, that is, the maximum
less the minimum strain occurring during a cycle.
The fatigue life in years in merely the inverse of
For a pipeline suspended span, the strain ES
is given by D1 , or


then the surface is completely rough. Using the
smallest roughness height to produce a completely
Life (11) rough surface, i.e., for the equal sign in
Equation (14), the velocity distribution is given

"Rough" surface: v/v* 5.75log(hv*/v) - 2.1

This equation can now be applied to a pipe- (15 )
line span. For a given span length L, all of the
factors outside the summation can be determined. Larger values of roughness height k s will result
Once the hours per day, Ti , are determined for in subtraction of a term larger than the 2.1 term
each tidal velocity, Ui , the value of in this equation. For h = 16 ft, V = 6.5 ft/sec,
each U i = Ui/(Df ) can be calculated. The exper- and v = 9.8x10-6 ft 2 /sec, the above equations give
imental results Dfor the correct gap ratio, as v* = 0.1775 ft/sec and 0.2195 ft/sec for "smooth"
presented in Figure 1, are used to determine the and "rough" surfaces, respectively.
corresponding values of (f/f )i and (AID)
Experience has shown that the majority of
Thus, calculation of the summationnmust begin with
spans are suspended about one to four diameters
the determination of the tidal velocities.
above bottom. Therefore the main interest in
TIDAL CURRENTS fatigue life calculations centers on these heights
above bottom. For gap ratios E/D = 1.0 and 4.0
Unless detailed current measurements have the height of the axis of the concrete coated
been made at the pipeline location, it will be example pipeline defined below, is hE /D=l = 1.338
necessary to rely on tidal measurements made by ft and hE /D=4.0 = 4.014 ft, respectively. The
government agencies, such as NOAA. Unfortunately, magnitude of the maximum tidal current at these
even when data can be found for the correct geo- two points, obtained from Equations (13) and (15)
graphic area, they are usually taken at a signifi- is given by (see Figure 3)
cant height above the sea bottom. These data will
show that the tidal period and the maximum tidal "Smooth" wall : Vg ID=l. 0 5.45 ft/sec,
velocity vary with each tidal cycle. Tidal eleva-
tions and the resulting currents are well repre-
VE/D=4.0 5.92 ft/sec . . . (16 )
sented by a series of sinusoids, each with a "Rough" wall 5.19 ft/sec,
frequency corresponding to one component of the
Vg ID=l. 0
Vg / D=4.0 5.79 ft/sec . . (17)
tide producing force. Rather than fitting an
expression containing all these components to a Since the "smooth" wall values are larger and the
representative set of data, a simpler approach can exact hydrodynamic equivalent, Le., "smooth" or
be taken for the purposes of the present exer- "rough", of the sea-bottom in the vicinity of the
cise. A single component sinusoid is chosen to pipeline is not known, the conservative "smooth"
fit the average of one particular set of data. wall values are taken as representative of the
For the present exercise, it is assumed that the tidal current. With the sinusoidal variation
average period of the tidal cycle, T, is 12 hours, given by Equation (12), the velocities at the
and the average maximum tidal current is 6.5 pipeline become
fps. Furthermore, it is assumed that the data was
obtained within the logarithmic portion of the V 5.45 sin(2nt/12) for E ID=1. 0 (18)
oceanic boundary layer at a point 16 feet above
the sea bottom. Then the average representation V 5.92 sin(2nt/12) for E/D=4.0 (19)
v = 6.5 sin (2nt/12) (16 feet above sea-bottom)
As an example of the application of the
(12) experimental vortex-induced vibration results to a
prototype situation, consider a concrete-coated 8-
where t is time in hours and V is expressed in
fps. inch pipeline. Pertinent properties and dimen-
sions are shown in Table I.
The velocity distribution in the logarithmic
portion of a turbulent boundary layer is given by Using Equations (18) and (19), the velocity
at the centerline of the pipe can be calculated
for the first quarter of a tidal cycle as shown in
the first three columns of Table II. Let Vo
"Smooth" surface: V/v* 5.75Iog(hv*/v) + 5.5
represent either 5.45 or 5.92 depending on the gap
ratio. Then, the sine wave of Equations (18) and
where v* is the friction velocity, v is the kine- (19) can be approximated by a stair-step function
matic viscosity of the fluid and h is the vertical at one-half hour intervals as shown in Figure 4.
distance from the boundary. If the surface has a When the time spent at each step value over a 24-
roughness with a height k s and hour period is counted, the values of Ti as shown
in Table II are obtained.
With the pipeline properties, and Ui and Ti
(14) established, the only quantity left to be deter-
mined in Equation (11) is the natural frequency.
The first inclination is to say that the natural
frequency of a suspended span should be somewhere

between that of a simple beam and that of a There is no indication of which scoured-out por-
clamped-clamped beam. An offshore pipeline with a tions under the line are in the process of deep-
suspended span can be approximated by a straight, ening or filling up. Therefore it is prudent to
continuous beam supported by two simple supports a consider the E/D = 4 curve rather than the ~fD = 1
distance L apart in its center and clamped at each curve. In addition, the length of a span as
end. Such a beam having three spans of equal determined from a diver or a side scan sonar
length, L, has a natural frequency almost exactly survey is subject to some error of measurement.
half way between that of a simple beam of length L This tolerance in combination with the c/D = 4
and that of a clamped-clamped beam of length L. curve of Figure 5 indicates that a nominal span
However for a suspended span to take on the length of 80 feet should have a fatigue life of
deflected static shape due to its own weight, the 100 years and can be considered safe. Figure 5
pipeline must stretch a little. Then when the alao indicates that spans lengths over 100 feet
span vibrates, it actually stretches a little are in imminent danger of failure.
more. This stretching induces tension in the Finally, the results of fatigue life calcula-
pipeline, admittedly a second order effect. This
tions for infinite suspension height, i.e., no
second order effect moves the natural frequency
sea-bottom effect, are alao shown in Figure 5.
away from that of the three-span continuous beam
The dramatic reduction of fatigue life when the
and closer to that of a clamped-clamped beam.
effect of the sea-bottom proximity is not taken
Therefore the following formula for a clamped-
into account is evident.
clamped beam was used to approximate the natural
frequency of a pipeline apan: CONCLUSIONS
Fatigue life calculations have been made for
(4.7300)2 EI suspended spans of offshore pipelines exposed to
f= . (20)
n < steady flow and undergoing vortex-induced vibra-
2n L2 c
tions. The effect of the proximity of the sea-
bottom was taken into account by utilizing the
where ~ is the virtual mass per unit length, that
results of related model tests. It was found that
is the mass per unit length of the pipe, its
the effect of the sea-bottom proximity is to
coatings and its contents plus the mass per unit
increase the fatigue life of a suspended span of
length of the displaced water.
given length or equivalently to increase the safe
Equation (20) and the values of Ui and Ti length of a suspended span for a given fatigue
from Table II provide all that is necessary to life. Furthermore, the effect of decreasing the
complete the fatigue life calculation, Equation pipe-to-all gap to pipe diameter ratio iS to
(11). The reduced velocity Uri = U /(Df ) iS increase the fatigue life of such spans.
calculated and used to enter Figure 1 an$ rea~the
valuea of (f/fn)i and (A/D)i. A complete sample REFERENCES
calculation is shown in the Appendix.
1. Berger, E. and R. Will, Periodic Flow
The results of the fatigue life calculations Phenomena, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics,
for suspension heights of one and four diameters Vol. 4, pp. 313-340, 1972.
are shown in Figure 5. The curves show that 2. Parkinson, G. V., Mathematical Models of
fatigue life is an extremely strong function of Flow-Induced Vibrations of Bluff Bodies,
span length. At a suspension height of one.diam- Flow-Induced Vibrations, E. Naudascher,
eter, a fatigue life of 10,000 years is predicted editor, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 81-127,
for a span of about 89 feet, while less than one 1974.
quarter of a year is predicted for a span of 110 3. King, R., A Review of Vortex-Shedding
feet. Beyond a span length of about 110 feet, Research and Its Application, Ocean
both curves begin to rise because the span is Engineering, Vol. 4, pp. 141-172, 1977.
becoming long enough to reduce the strain range 4. McCroskey, W. J., Some Current Research in
even though the amplitude of vibration may still Unsteady Fluid Dynamics, ASME Journal of
be increasing. [Note_ Equation (6) shows Ac Fluids Engineering, Vol. 99, pp. 8-39, 1977.
proportional to A/D and inversely proportional to 5. Tsahalis, D. T. and Jones, W. T., vortex-
L2 . Eventually the squared term should Induced Vibrations of a Flexible Cylinder
control.] Of course, when the atrain range Near a Plane Boundary in Steady Flow, OTC
decreases, the fatigue life increases. At span paper No. 3991, 13th Annual OTC, Houston,
lengths under about 100 feet, the E/D ratio has a Texas, May 1981; also submitted for publica-
very large effect on fatigue life, e.g., a apan of tion in the Journal of Fluids Engineering.
90 feet has a fatigue life of 2 years for cID = 4 6. Palmgren, A., Die Lebensdauer von
and 2000 years for c/D = 1. Kugellagern, VDI Zeit, Vol. 68, No. 14, P.
339, 1924.
When a structure is being designed, it iS
7. Miner, N. A., Cumulative Damage in Fatigue,
common practice to account for the inadequacies of
Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME, Vol. 12,
the fatigue calculations by including a large
p. A-159, 1945.
safety factor. As an example, consider a fatigue
8. American Welding Society, Structural Welding
life of 100 years, a factor of 4 greater than a
Code, AWS D1.1 - Rev 1.76, April 1976.
normally-expected life of a pipeline. For a 100-
9. Schlichting, H., Boundary-Layer Theory, Sixth
year fatigue life, Figure 5 shows a span length of
Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968.
84 feet for a gap of 4 diameters and 92 feet for a
gap of 1 diameter. A survey represents a snapshot
of how the bottom looks at a particular time.
APPENDIX - SAMPLE FATIGUE LIFE CALCULATIONS of (f/f )i and (A/D)i were read from the curves in
Figure ?. The second, fourth, and fifth columns
Application of Equatioh (11) is illustrated
were then combined to give each term of the sum as
by the calculation of the fatigue life for a 100
shown in column six. Addition of column six then
foot span of the pipeline suspended 4 diameters
gives the value of the sum in Equation (11). From
above bottom. From Table I
the values in Equation (A-l), the appropriate
ratios are
L-= 100 ft
D = 10.7 = 0.8917 ft
Ds = 8.625= 0.7188 ft . . . . . . . (A-1) L
= 112.1495
EI = 2.529x107 lb ft2 D
~ = 4.28 lb sec2/ft
. . . . . . . . . . . . . (A-3)
From Equation (20) D
= 0.8061

When the sum from Table A-1 along with the values
in Equation (A-2) and (A-3) are substituted into
Equation (11) the result is
The velocities Ui and the time intervals Ti from
Table 11 are repeated as the first ~wo columns in
Table A-1. The third column is Ui = U /Df as 5.133x10-18 (112.1495)8 =02978 years
Life =
calculated using the values in Equa~ions (An
-1) and
(0.8061)4 (0.8656) (1.1798)
(A-2). For each value of Ui the values



Steel Pipe OD, D~ (in) 8.625

Pipeline OD, D, (in) 10.705

Steel Wall Thickness (in) 0.593

Modulus of Elasticity, E 3OX1O6

Internal Fluid Specific Gravity 0.85

External Fluid Density (lb/ft3) 64.0

Weight in Air (lb/ft) 97.96

Virtual Mass (lb/sec2/ft2) 4.28

Tidal Velocities and Intervals


E/D = 1.0 &/D = 4.0 Ti

(fps) (fps) (hr)

o o 0 2

0.5 1,41 1.53 4

2.73 2.96 4
3.85 4.19 4
2.0 4.72 5.13 4

2.5 5.26 5.72 4

5.45 5.92 2



u Ti Zi ( Ifn) j. (A/D)i (f/fn)~(A/D);Ti

2 o 0 0 o
4 1.98 $=0.4 =0 =0
4 3.83 0.57 0.02 3.6x10-7
4 5.43 0.82 0.12 0.0007
4 6.65 0.90 0.48 0.1911
5.,72 4 7.41 0.93 0.63 0.5860

2 7.67 0.94 6.68 0.4020

1.4 . .- 2.0
---. --- 4.0 /


~ 0.8




o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


f o.8


I I I 1 I I I I I I I I
o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Fig. 1 Maximum amplitude and frequency response vs.

reduced velocity of a flexible pipe for different
pipe-to-wall ratios
G 102 p

1 04
103 104 105 106 107 1O*
cyclesto Failure,

Fig. 2 Fatigue failure curves



I I I I 1. I

4 5 6 7

Fig. 3 The logarithmic portion of the oceanic boundary layer



od #
0.2 - 12345

Fig. 4 Averaging intervals over a tidal cycle

104~ I I


= 1.0

102 ~

_.A(l \


.,. 0 [ .m \

I I I \ I I I 1 I I I I
60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Span Length,Ft

Fig. 5 Fatigue life vs. span length for different pipe-to-wail

gap ratios

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