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What is the daily timetable of IIT aspirants at Kota?

Mohit Patidar, studied in Kota

The sincere IIT aspirants do not believe in timetable. Those aspirants who are very
sincere, hardworking and determined enough to get into IIT, they do only one thing
and it is STUDY.
Yes, they only study.

Their time table:-

They wake up at 5 AM
Open the chemistry book and notes, learn chemistry for two hours.
Usually there is natural call in these two hours, so they go to washroom along
with taking a book with them in washroom, yes it happens and it is good as
well because the link of studying do not get disturbed.
It is 7 AM, do breakfast along with recollection of chemical reactions and
formulas in mind which they have learned in morning.
It is 7:30 AM, they reach coaching institute.
7:30 AM to 2 PM is coaching time.
After 2 PM, they do lunch along with recollection of concepts and questions
in mind which they had studied in coaching.
Then take a power nap of 20 minutes.
It is 3 PM, they start studying. Study till 5:30 PM.
After 5:30 PM, they have tea along with recollection of questions in mind
which they had studied just before.
From 6 PM to 9 PM, do study.
After 9 PM, have dinner along with recollection of concepts and question in
After completing dinner, call parents to regain energy.
From 10 PM to 12 PM, do study.
After 12 PM, they take a deep and satisfied sleep. In dreams, they see only
concepts and questions.
Then, again wake up at 5 AM and the cycle continuous.

As I had said, the real aspirants do only one thing and it is STUDY.

How do I score 90+ in maths in JEE mains?

Sachin Rana, From IIT-BOMBAY, 115/120 in Maths in JEE. Qualified UPSC-SCRA

written, NSEC,IMO.

I HAVE GOT 115/120 in JEE MAINSso I think that I will be able to answer it.
Always remember to solve the NCERT first before jumping on to any other book
because the major course is from the NCERT.
Do full justice to the book you had chosen.
PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. It will only make you reach a higher level
of perfection.


Inorganic chemistry, key to getting a TOP rank in IIT-JEE...

Surprised ?? Yes this indeed is the bitter truth.. Inorganic chemistry is that branch of
chemistry which most toppers study very seriously as compared to others and this is
where they defeat others.

Well I am writing on inorganic chemistry first, because most students think that
"Ahhh, JEE tests only concepts and logic, there will be hardly any question from
inorganic part" . Moreover, some think that "inorganic is wrote learning. I will do it in
the end". But the truth is that besides testing your thinking ability, JEE also tests your
memorizing capacity through the memory based questions asked under inorganic
chemistry and some part of organic chemistry(Practical organic chemistry).

I can give you numerous examples of students who didn't give importance to inorganic
chemistry, and got a rank which was higher(higher means higher in magnitude) than
what they deserved. One such example is my friend, Aniket Gupta (AIR-641, IIT-JEE
2013) who neglected chemistry(mostly inorganic chemistry). He was superb at Maths
and Physics and he could have easily got a rank under 500 had he studied inorganic
chemistry seriously.

For inorganic chemistry, keep the following 3 points in mind:

1.) NCERT is the GodBook. Learn "each and every" word of NCERT for inorganic
chemistry. In past few years, IIT's have picked up questions directly from NCERT.
Once, an 8 marks matrix match was also picked up directly from NCERT.
2.) Don't leave the inorganic chemistry for the last 2 months. Start preparing for it
from the first day itself and seriously "learn" inorganic chemistry for 2 whole years.
3.) Do regular revision. I can bet you that if you don't revise it for about 15 days, then
you are sure to forget a large part of it.

Besides NCERT, if you have some time left in your hand, then you can (infact you
must) go for JD Lee. It's one of the best books for inorganic chemistry and helps you
do develop concepts of inorganic chemistry.
WARNING: Refer to IIT-JEE syllabus if you are deciding to pick up JD Lee. It contains a
lot of stuff that is of no use for IIT-JEE.
Physics, something really "Real"...

Physics was my favorite subject. I was initially pretty weak at physics (the mechanics
part). But in class 12th, I came across one of my teachers who changed my perception
about Physics. He supported me a lot and it was because of his support/guidance that
I was able to crack INPhO and was also selected to represent India at the 14th Asian
Physics Olympiad, Indonesia in the 8 member team (although I didn't participate in it
because it's date clashed with JEE advanced registration dates).
No doubt, HC Verma is the best book for Physics.

Physics can be broadly divided into the following parts:

1.)Mechanics : for this, HC Verma is the best (along with

NCERT) for theory and for practice, IE Irodov is the right book. You can also try DC
Pandey. Mechanics requires intense practice and good exposure to a number of
questions. It is one of the most scoring part of JEE Paper.

2.)Thermodynamics : Again, for this part, HC Verma is sufficient. From this part there
will be around 3-5 questions in the JEE paper.

3.)Electricity and Magnetism : For this part HC Verma is not enough. You need to go
beyond that, because in JEE, there will rarely be any straight - forward question from
this part. Having a command in this part will definitely give you an edge over others
because it has a huge weightage in the JEE paper.

4.)Optics : One of the easiest branch of Physics if prepared well. Most scoring and
easy to grasp. But, beware - this part has the widest scope of silly - mistakes. Sign
convention must be kept in mind otherwise the question is bound to go wrong.

5.)Modern Physics : Tough nut to crack. Difficult, quite theoretical. This part, besides
numericals has a lot of theory based questions. So prepare well especially the
Radioactivity and the X-Ray part. HC Verma and NCERT must be thoroughly covered
for this section.

To summarize, HC Verma is the best book for Physics. But don't ignore NCERT. Read
complete NCERT atleast 2-3 times. You will definitely find something new.

If you simply study Physics, then it isn't going to work. You need to feel it, enjoy it
and more than that apply it.
Maths, the horror movie begins

For me, Maths seemed to be the toughest nut to crack. I always committed silly
mistakes in Maths. There are a few books that are very helpful for this.
1.) Calculus : for this, Arihant integral and differential calculus is the best book. It
contains enough objective as well as subjective questions that are required for Jee.
2.) Coordinate Geometry : again Arihant coordinate geometry is the best book.
3.) Vectors and 3-D : for this, I used M.L. Agarwal book. This book is the prescribed
book for ISC board and is really good for basics.
4.) Trigonometry : any board level book is sufficient for this. Rd Sharma would be a
good option.
5.) Algebra : TMH (Tata McGrawHill) is a good option for this.

Maths requires a lot of practice to be a master. You need a really good exposure to a
variety of problems rather than just reading the theory portion again and again.

Basal coaching sheets are also helpful. Most important thing in Maths is getting a good
exposure to a variety of problems.

What was your IIT-JEE preparation story?

Chaitanya Patel, CSE Student at IIIT-Hyderabad

Updated Jul 11

My story will be long. But it will be interesting for you to know how I, a Gujarati
medium student, cracked JEE without coaching, with only 3 books, with one year
preparation. Thanks in advance for those who are going to read it fully.

Background :

I come from a small town called Kadi in north Gujarat having population not more
than 1 lac. I am from a middle class family. Mummy is a teacher and Pappa is a
shopkeeper. I have a 5.5 years elder clever brother. He passed out 12th with securing
302nd rank in Gujarat and 4th in the district. For those who dont know : Gujarat
education board has low level syllabus as compared to CBSE. Also when my brother
was in 12th, there was GUJCET as the competitive entrance exam. Counselling of
engineering colleges in Gujarat were done by the merit list which was prepared by
combining 12th exam marks and GUJCET marks. Questions in GUJCET were asked from
only 12th syllabus, not 11th. Also the questions were easy compared to JEE because it
was based on Gujarat Board. That is the reason why even a bright student from
Gujarat board cant perform well in JEE. At that time, students, who did not belong
to big cities, didnt know about IITs. My brother gave AIEEE just for an experience and
got around 75 marks. Students only focused on GUJCET and local good colleges to
study. (Gujarat Board , Go to Hell !!)

The change came in one year before I cleared 10th. GUJCET was suddenly removed
and JEE mains came into the picture. The changed policy was : 11th - 12th were
divided into 4 semesters each having a separate exam. 1st and 3rd have only
MCQs(each question having 4 options, only 1 is correct). 2nd and 4th have 50% MCQs
and 50% subjective part. Merit list was going to be prepared considering 40% JEE
mains marks and 15% from each semester exam marks. The main threat was that the
CBSE students had a big advantage because for them, JEE mains was easy. But for a
Gujarat board student who didnt learn English other than as a subject, who didnt
learn topics in depth as given in CBSE, who had no idea about what JEE was, it was
really hard to crack JEE. My city topper who got 95% average in total four semesters,
got highest 128/360 in JEE mains in the year it was firstly introduced. The next batch
topper also had not more than 140/360 in mains. (Thanks to Gujarat Board!!) Then I
came to 11th.

11th - 1st semester (June-2013)

Nirma was the college that every Gujarat board student used to dream to get into and
so was I. I still remembered that when my brother, who was then in a very good
college(DDIT) studying CE, used to tell me that there are better colleges other than
Nirma called IITs and I listened to him surprisingly like a poor man hearing the story of
Antilia (Mukesh Ambanis house). But he told me that to get into that college, one has
to study CBSE or higher level syllabus hardly and also get into well known tuition
classes. I didnt have any of them (Kadi is a small city, cant even dream to have a
proper JEE classes). But now JEE was made compulsory. (This was going to affect my
life to a large extent. Thanks to Gujarat Board - This time Im not being sarcastic. )
So I told myself that Ill do something later on, lets focus on boards( JEE ka jo hoga
dekha jayega ). I thought Ill get nearly 160/360 in mains and get into Nirma. So in
11th (sem 12), I focused on boards. I got very good marks (sem-1 : 298/300) topped
the small city.

11th - 2nd semester (November-2013)

But at the end of the 2nd semester, I realized that time is slipping. I have to do
something. So I decided to buy reference books for JEE. I told my Pappa. He went to
Ahmedabad. I had heard of something like Tata McGraw Hill is a kind of very good
publication. So I told my Pappa to bring TMC JEE books. He called me from the book

Pappa : Here, there are two types of books. One has written Mains and other has
Advanced. Which should I buy ?

I : (carelessly) Buy Advanced onces.

Pappa : (In dubious and tensed voice) But these books are very heavy. Everything is in
English. Can you prepare it ?

I : Well, bring them. Ill see what I can do with them.

Pappa : okay.

At night, he came with heavy books, each weighing nearly 2 kg. I was really shocked
by seeing their size. The moment I opened them, it gave me an advanced shock. I
had no idea about what was written there. I was afraid. Next week, I started 1st
chapter of maths : Complex Numbers. (with English-Gujarati dictionary by my side.)
Unfortunately, it was the biggest chapter in the book. On the very first page, a term
called prime number appeared and I got perplexed. I shuffled the pages of
dictionary and found out : oh, it means Avibhajya Sankhya in Gujarati. Such things
continued. I studied one week and could complete only 110 examples given as
practice. Not a single question I could do on my own. I didnt dare to do Exercise. I
felt I cant do it. Next week, I put those book on shelf and started studying for
boards. Everything became as normal as before. Again got good marks (sem-2 :
290/300) topped the small city. (My maths subjective part was badly checked :( . I got
the paper reassessed. I came to know that I should get 99/100 but I got 93/100 :( .
Due to policy, I couldnt oppose this. So I forgave them :) like a saint - just kidding)

12th - 3rd semester (May-2014)

3rd semester was too much long, about 6 months. Also only MCQs were going to come
in Gujarat board exam. Vacation was there but boards tuition classes were started. So
I was having a lot of free time other than tuition classes. It was a holy moment of
may-2014, when I remembered those books. As I was threatened by Complex Numbers
so I decided to take up Physics - my favourite. I studied first 23 chapters. To my
surprise, it didnt feel that hard. With English I felt awkward but also it was funny.
As I continued, I liked it. And then I decided to take JEE seriously.

This was the time when I realized that JEE is not unachievable for a student like me.

Preparation :

In my TMC book, every chapter had 23 page theory and then 100140 questions
including all types. My strategy was :

1. Get through the chapter in Gujarat board textbook (I forgot 1st semester things
after giving its exam) .
2. Read TMC 23 page theory. (It helped to know English words of important
terms. Also I got to know any extra topic I didnt learn from boards syllabus.
Formulas were directly given. So I would try to derive it.)
3. Solve questions. (At the beginning, I couldnt solve it. So I would see the hint
and try to understand it. As it was advanced book, hint was mostly short. So I
would have to do brain-storming to understand what is going on. Many times I
couldnt understand, So I would just keep staring it for several minutes like a
puzzled person :) . Sadly, I couldnt ask anyone for help. Nobody was preparing
with me and teachers could not solve that level questions. So sometime I would
leave those questions. Multiple answers questions would often teach some
theory which was not given at the start. )
4. Prepare for D-day. (I knew that after giving 4th semester board exam, I was
going to have only 10 days for JEE Mains preparation. With simple math, I knew
that I would have only 1.5 hour(s) for each average sized chapter. My brother
gave me golden advice that try to compress the big syllabus. So I mark out only
important and tough question , discarding easy and repeated question.)

Time Management - The most important:

I started late. I was equally focusing on boards. I had to give some time to prepare for
remaining two semester end exams. So I calculated that I had to complete one
chapter in one or two days considering that there were 35 chapters per subject. I
stopped going to school. Principal knew that I was preparing for JEE so he let me to
do that. But I continued to go 2 days/week just to chill out with friends. I was and I
am a human. I need some moments to chill :) . Other days I was totally at home
except boards tuition classes. Mummy used to be at school , Pappa at shop and Bhai
at hostel. So I was completely alone almost the whole day. I was not an owl and I
didnt like to study at night so I would get up at 5:30 early morning. After getting
ready I would to go Hanumandada temple at 6 oclock on my cycle (I am not a
staunch theist but I liked to go sometimes) . After coming back I would study. In
between, I would take out some moments to read newspaper (Actually a lot of
moments). Everyday I would spend 11.5 hour(s) on computer watching movies (shauk
badi chij hai). But I stuck to my time-table.

I finished almost all the chapters of three semesters (1st, 2nd, 3rd) in just 6
months of 3rd semester. I still wonder how I did that. I did it because I knew that 4th
semester would be short (3.5 months) and it had a long syllabus and I would have to
prepare for subjective answers. Also I didnt leave boards preparation. So I got
299/300 in 3rd semester.

Because of JEE preparation, Gujarat Board was not a big deal for me except some
questions which were asked from the corner of the books. (In physics paper, the
melting point of tungsten was asked because it was in the theory somewhere in the
book. I knew such tricks of Gujarat Board so I had gone through the book just one day
before and I got that question right. RIP Gujarat Board. )

12th - 4th semester:

In 4th semester I was only able to prepare Gujarat board and same chapters for JEE. I
got less time to revise sem 123. I got around 293/300 in 4th semester.
Yeh 10 din tumse bhagavan bhi nahi chhin sakta :

After writing 4th semester exam, I became ready for the final battle - JEE which was
going to be fought after 10 days. By the time, my aim had soared to 300/360. I fully
revised 3 books and became free 1 day earlier. The day before JEE mains exam, I was
totally free. I saw The dark night almost 15th time that day. I am a die hard Nolan
fan:) . Till that date, I had not practiced any sample paper of JEE mains. I was
kind of careless which was going to beat me the next day.

D-Day : JEE-Mains Exam (xth day of April - 2015)

I had decided to give offline exam. I went there, sat there. Nothing was unusual. I had
full confidence. The paper was given. Neglecting my teachers advice to attempt
chemistry first, I started physics - my favourite. But still destiny had decided to play
with me. Physics was very tough. I spent 1.5 hours (a half an hour extra) doing physics
and yet could complete only 23/30 physics questions. Other 7 question I left due to
uncertainty. ( This would happen when you dont practice sample papers !) I was very
scared. Hands were literally trembling. I thought my hard work would go in vain. But
then I thought I would not let it happen. I took a deep breath and started chemistry. I
was going through questions so fast. To my surprise, I finished chemistry in just 35
minutes - yaaaaa. (Grand Come Back ! My decision of leaving chemistry was proved
right. I would not have finished it so tightly if I would have attempted it first. Things
were in my hands now.) So now 1 hour 1 subject - maths - seemed fair. I got more
speed. After solving every question, if I found the answer in one of the options, I
would slam the bench (slowly) with a sound of yyeehh... Last 10 minutes, I had 4
questions of maths left. But I decided to leave that and went again back to physics. I
solved all remaining 7 questions. Still 2 minutes - back to maths. I could do 2 out of
remaining 4. And the bell rung.

I came out with a sad face. I told my Pappa that I would not secure even 200/360. My
whole day went sad. It was not that I did bad. But I knew I wrote most of paper in a
very unusual manner - fast and worriedly. Though I calculated around 87/90 questions
(attempted all), I was not sure. Next day morning I was reading newspaper - specially
about tough part of physics. Pappa came and asked me to check out with the answer
key. I didnt want to do that. But I realized some day I would get my marks. So I took
my Pappas phone. (Mine did not have internet. I had a not-so-good micromax
phone which had incoming and outgoing call facility with a very good feature of
music player :) - Staying away from Internet was a good decision I think. ) I went on
terrace. (Relax folks, I'm not going to leave this world so easily. :P ) I wanted to be
alone. I opened resonance website and started checking. To my big big surprise, I was
getting all correct. In just 4 minutes of checking, my mood was completely changed. I
was jumping out of joy. I started jumping even more as nobody was there to see me.
:) I calculated my marks. Very biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig surprise!!

Result declared.
I got 90/120 in Physics. (spending 1.5 hours on that was worth as it was a good score
in considerably tough paper.)

I got 90/120 in Maths. (fair enough for the efforts of 45 minutes.)

I got 110/120 in Chemistry. (Big relief ! 110 marks for 35 minutes. :) Highest return
of minutes spent !)

Total 290/360 (AIR - 56 in JoSAA). Less than the target of 300/360, but not a bad

After that I continued the preparation for advanced with the same 3 books. But this
time I dont know why I was not in that much confidence. Before giving advanced, I
tried to solve some papers. But I couldnt solve much questions. I couldnt ask anyone
for help. This was the first time I felt the need of guidance or coaching for JEE. I gave
advanced and did very bad.

I got AIR 1386 in advanced. :( (Not good enough to get CSE in top IITs.)

I scored 339/450 in BITSAT. Not as good as expected !

I scored 295/300 average of four semesters of boards. There were two other students
having 296/300 so my application to get admission in BITS-Pilani through board
topper scheme was rejected.

I got 1st rank in Gujarat Board merit list (60% board + 40% JEE-Mains) as my mains
marks were way higher than those boards toppers.

I wanted CSE. But my advanced rank was not high enough to get CSE in top 8 IITs. I
couldnt get BITS-Pilani CSE. So I decided to go for IIIT-Hyderabad CSE through JEE-
Mains marks. And I am totally satisfied with the choice I made. IIIT-Hyderabad has
very good academics, comparable to top IITs. (You can find more reviews on quora.)

I couldnt get CSE at top 5 IITs as targeted. But now, I am in a far better college than
I aimed at the starting of 11th. :)

I sometimes wonder where I would have landed if Gujarat Education Board had not
decided to remove GUJCET !
Which book should i follow to get a under 50 rank in IIT JEE?

Neeraj Goyal, I have gone through the toughest 2 years of preparation with maximum

Thank you for the question

Chemistry Textbooks for Class 11 & Class 12 by NCERT

ncert-chemistry-textbook-pictureThe NCERT Chemistry text books for Class 11 and

Class 12 are really great when it comes to getting started with Chemistry at this level
and helps you pick up some of the most important concepts of JEE Mains and
Advanced Chemistry in a really great way for all the three branches of chemistry
Physical, Organic and Inorganic.

I did a mistake of not referring to these books initially and paid a huge price when I
scored bad in my first all India test that was conducted by Brilliant Tutorials. After I
saw that my other friends, whom I thought to be smarter than me, were referring to
these books I knew where to look next. These books are available in 4 total parts and
you can find them here.

IIT JEE Chemistry by O.P. Agarwal

This is one book that is recommended by almost any JEE chemistry teacher or even
shopkeeper when you speak about Chemistry for JEE Prep. But you gotta take my
word on this that you should avoid studying Inorganic and Organic chemistry from this
book when you are just starting out.

The only reason you should have this book with you is as your chapter-wise and topic-
wise guide and also for the vast number of problems at the end of each chapters. But,
try to avoid this book as much as possible for concept-building.


Physical Chemistry (Numerical Chemistry) Books for JEE

physical-chemistry-op-tandon-picturePhysical Chemistry by O.P. Tandon

Various Physical Chemistry concepts have been explained to great depth in this book
and it also accompanies tough problems of various levels with their solutions. If you
are preparing with taking JEE Advanced in mind then the problems in this book will be
of great help to you however if you are looking to appear only for JEE Mains then you
can give this book a miss. More details about this book can be found here.
numerical-chemistry-p-bahadur-picturePhysical Chemistry by P.Bahadur

This book for Numerical Chemistry by P. Bahadur is as good as the one by O.P Tandon,
that I mentioned above and can be used for preparing both JEE Mains and JEE
Advanced exams. During my days of JEE preparation, I did refer to the chapters of
Chemical Kinetics, Ionic Equilibrium & Thermodynamics from this book and solved
most of the numerical problems as daily practice.

university-chemistry-bruce-mahan-pictureUniversity Chemistry by Bruce H. Mahan

This book is a course text-book higher education level Physical Chemistry in many
colleges and provides in-depth explanation and coverage of almost all topics related
to the subject. If you are in doubt about any specific topic in Physical chemistry then
reading through that part of the book is highly recommended. You can find more
details about this book here.

modern-approach-to-chemical-calculations-mukherjee-pictureModern Approach to
Chemical Calculations by R.C. Mukherjee

This book can easily be termed as the H.C. Verma of Chemistry, well not literally!
During my JEE preparation days I used to swear by this book owing to the quality of
the numerical problems in it and the explanation of the solutions simple, to the
point and lucid. Without solving questions from this book no preparation for JEE level
physical chemistry can be termed as complete. More details about this book can be
found here.

physical-chemistry-peter-atkins-picturePhysical Chemistry by P.W.Atkins

Before I say anything about Physical Chemistry by P.W.Atkins, please make sure you
do not go into solving the problems in this book. They are of really high level and you
do not really need to solve such problems to prepare yourself for the JEE Main exams
or even the JEE Advanced exams. Just refer to the book for its solid concepts.
Reading through the book was a charm during my JEE Prep days.


JEE Main Organic Chemistry Books (and Advanced)

Like I mentioned above, you must go through the Organic Chemistry chapters in the
NCERT chemistry text books for Class 11 and Class 12 before you touch any of the
books in this list. I am saying this out of experience as it would make it easier for you
to have a rough idea of what the author is trying to convey.

Organic Chemistry is a highly scoring subject provided you have crystal clear
concepts. Wrong information and bad teaching practices have created a false
assumption among students that Organic Chemistry is tough, which is not at all true.
You should also go through these common mistakes in Organic Chemistry that students
make during their JEE Prep.

organic-chemistry-op-tandon-pictureOrganic Chemistry by O.P. Tandon

This text book for Organic Chemistry, written by O.P. Tandon puts JEE Main and
Advanced exams forward, which means you will spend less time finding problems to
solve for your daily practice. However, I was not a fan of this book when it comes to
studying Organic Chemistry although many of my friends do make this one as their
primary reference book.

Organic Chemistry by Morrison & Boyd

organic-chemistry-morisson-boyd-pictureOrganic Chemistry by Morrison & Boyd is

definitely one of the best books for Organic Chemistry out there. Now, if you really
want to build some of the best and most solid concepts in Organic Chemistry, this
book should be on the top of your lists. Now, mind you the book is really thick which
means you will have to put in extra hours. But trust me, if you do all these, you will
definitely have an edge over your friends in the Organic Chemistry part of the JEE
Main / Advanced exams.

You should also spend some time to solve the end-of-chapter questions to check your
grasp of various concepts. FIITJEE generally gives tough organic questions in their All
India Open Tests and I had scored a 99.99 percentile in the Organic Chemistry
module just be studying Organic Chemistry by Morrison Boyd.

advanced-problems-in-organic-chemistry-chauhan-pictureAdvanced Problems In
Organic Chemistry For JEE by MS Chauhan

This book has a vast amount of great JEE level problems and tricky questions that
really test your Organic Chemistry concepts to the core. A must buy, if you want to
gauge your preparation in Organic. However, there is a solution manual available as
well for this book but we would suggest not to get the manual before you have put
your 110% in solving the problems. More details here.

Organic Chemistry by Solomons

organic-chemistry-solomonsOrganic Chemistry by Solomons and Fryhle is another great

book that can be used for JEE Main & Advanced Organic Chemistry preparation. It is
more of a choice you can either choose between this or the Organic Chemistry book
by Morrison & Boyd. I used to hear from my friends that the concepts of
Stereochemistry has been explained in the simplest yet most effective way possible in
this book.

The publishers of this book have released a JEE Mains special edition which drops out
all the JEE irrelevant matter from the original book. You can find it here.
reactions-rearrangements-reagents-sanyalReactions, Rearrangements and Reagents by

This book is more like a reference textbook and final revision material for Organic
Chemistry. It contains all the name reactions, reagents and basic concepts like SN-1
SN-2 +I -I +R -R. It also list the practical use of all the organic chemical reactions so
that you do not have to mug up things and can remember reactions by their actual

I saw this book with a fellow JEE aspirant on the day of the final exam and regretted
for sure that I could have saved so much time had I known about this book before
hand. A must have, for sure. You can go through the comments section on Flipkart to
see how many students actually swear by this book!


Inorganic Chemistry Books for JEE Mains & Advanced

Inorganic Chemistry preparation, in my humble opinion, differs a bit from the two
other branches of chemistry. You will have to be more thorough with properties of
elements and compounds. Now, for Inorganic Chemistry your NCERT Chemistry text
books for Class 11 and Class 12 are really really really indispensable. This was true 9
years back when I took my JEE exam and this is true even till this date!

Arihants Inorganic Chemistry

In addition to the NCERT Texts, you will need another book that is written with JEE
exams in mind just so that you can get a feel of the kind of questions you can expect
on your D-Day. The Inorganic Chemistry book from Arihant has a good amount of JEE
level problems and solved questions from previous years. You should use this book as
the one from O.P. Tandon mentioned below just to solve the problems try to avoid
reading theory from either of them.

inorganic-chemistry-op-tandon-picturesInorganic Chemistry by O.P. Tandon

This book is an alternative to the Arihant book I mentioned above. Same commentary
applies here as well just use the book for solving the JEE level questions and to go
through the questions that have been asked in the previous years papers. Avoid
reading theory from them. More details about the book can be found here.

Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J.D. Lee

concise-inorganic-chemistry-jd-leeLooking for a solid base to your Inorganic Chemistry

Preparation? Look no further! Yes, Concise Inorganic Chemistry by JD Lee is the best
book for Inorganic Chemistry reference for your prep. The book is extremely relevant
to JEE portions and does an awesome job in explaining concepts such as the periodic
table properties and chemical bonding.

However, some portions in this book might not be your cup of tea so I would strongly
recommend to go through the NCERT texts first before you start reading from this
book. I used this book on various occasions during my preparation and surely reaped
the benefits.


Physics Books for JEE Main and JEE Advanced

Physics used to be one of my most favourite subjects back in the day when I was
preparing for JEE exams. Its only because Physics is one subject which you can
correlate with your surroundings very easily. However, this is entirely my view point
and you may not agree with me which is okay.

In addition to the Physics Textbooks for Classes 11 and 12 by NCERT (always keep in
mind that JEE Main and Advanced exams are organised by CBSE), here are some of the
Physics books for JEE Main and Advanced exams.

Concepts of Physics Volume 1 & Volume 2 by H.C. Verma

concepts-of-physics-hc-vermaThis is a very fine general Physics textbook written by

Prof. H.C. Verma, who also happens to be a professor and an experimental physicist
at IIT Kanpur. Here is the link to his website. Available in two volumes, this book is
more than enough for building your concepts of Physics. All the basic theory and
concepts have been explained by the prof in simple and easy to understand language.

After studying the chapters, you should attempt the end-of-chapter problems so that
you can verify whether or not you thoroughly understood the concepts in there. Some
problems are of very easy level and some are tough try to complete the tough ones
as well. In my opinion, if you study both the books well, you should be all set with
your Physics preparation for JEE.

IIT JEE Main & Advanced 14 Years Objective Solved Papers

jee-physics-previous-papersNot a reference book per se, but this one will help you to
get an idea of what kind of questions are actually asked in the JEE Mains and
Advanced exams.

When you finish studying a chapter from H.C. Verma or any of physics books
mentioned below, try to attempt problems of those topics from this book so that you
know where you stand in your Physics preparation for the JEE exams. I would
recommend you to buy this book but any other book that has a listing of previous
years JEE questions is good enough as well.
fundamentals-of-physics-resnick-hallidayFundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick
& Walker

This is an expensive book and a really thick one but it is a charm to read physics from
this book. Used as a general physics textbook in American universities, you can refer
to this book just for additional study and there is no compulsion for going through this
book. The only reason I studied a few chapters (Gravitation, Kinematics &
electrostatics) from this book was the authors ability to explain everything so well
from natures point of view.

Problems in General Physics by I.E. Irodov

problems-in-general-physics-irodovI.E. Irodov was one of the greatest General

Physicists of all time (fun fact he was a soldier in World War 2). His book, Problems
in General Physics contains close to 300 problems in various topics of General Physics
and in order to solve these problems you will really need to have strong concepts.

However, I did not have the time to solve the entire book (and trust me no one
actually does that) but I did try to solve the problems from kinematics, gravitation
and fluid mechanics. You do not need to buy this book as it is available online along
with its solutions at this website.

A Collection of Questions & Problems in Physics by L.A. Sena

collection-of-questions-and-problems-in-physics-la-senaIf you are doing self-study and

have not joined any coaching class or tutorials for your JEE Prep then I would surely
recommend you to use this book.Why? This book not only has more than 400 highly
conceptual problems but also has the solutions for each of them and the solutions are
accompanied by well-illustrated diagrams. You can read more about this book here.

I came to know about this book after starting college at IIT Bombay when a couple of
my friends from Chhatisgarh were discussing about this book they had not taken any
coaching classes.

Physics Volume 1 & 2 by Tipler

physics-tipler-picturesThe Physics texts (Vol 1 and Vol 2) authored by P.A. Tipler is a

textbook for general physics used by students in many countries. One good thing
about this book is the way things are laid out such as real-life examples and excerpts
from documentaries helps in the long run to those students who are preparing own
their own.

In my opinion if you do not want to buy the expensive books by Resnick and Halliday
mentioned above you could buy these books instead (provided you have enough time
to go through additional material for Physics, after you are done with studying HC

Mathematics Books for JEE Main and JEE Advanced

For time immemorial Mathematics has been one of those subject where JEE paper
setters have always tried to put the skills of aspirants at test. Mathematics problems
can either be very easy to solve or look too deceiving before you can actually figure
out how complicated they are. But, with ample practice you can overcome

General Books for JEE Mathematics Prep

In my opinion, Cracking JEE Maths is more about practice than concepts. You just
have a couple of hours to prove your mettle on the exam day, so when it comes to
Mathematics you must make sure you practice a lot and practice a very wide variety
of questions. Here are a few general books that you must follow in addition to the
NCERT Class 11, 12 Math textbooks.

Mathematics for Class 11 & Class 12 by RD Sharma OR Maths for Class 11 & Class 12 by
R.S. Agarwal

mathematics-class-11-rd-sharmaAs the heading for this section suggests, you should

go for either of the books as both give a general outlook to all the required and
important topics in Mathematics for JEE Main and Advanced exams. Both the books
have an ample amount of solved examples and detailed explanations for various
mathematical concepts. The ideal way to prepare is start with one of these books and
then move on to the books mentioned below (as required)

Link for Mathematics for Class 11 & Class 12 by RD Sharma Vol 1, Vol 2

Link for Maths for Class 11 & Class 12 by R.S. Agarwal

Tata McGraw Hill (TMH) Mathematics

tmh-mathematics-for-jee-mainTMH for JEE Mathematics is a must if you are targeting

either JEE Main or JEE Advanced or both. The level of problems in this book go from
easy to very difficult and every problem in the book is different from the last one.
This makes sure you are exposed to a variety of types of Math problems so that you
are well equipped for the JEE Main and Advanced days.

One suggestion from my end would be that you should go slow with the book as some
of the very tough problems can at times de-motivate you. When you see yourself
running into such a situation, take it easy, take a break and come back to it later. I
used this book myself and owe my success in JEE math to this one.
PRO Tip Do not use this book for building concepts, coz you wont find any. Its a
pure drill question bank of the top notch level.


Algebra Books for JEE Main & Advanced

algebra-jee-main-advanced-arihantAlgebra By SK Goyal from Arihant

This book is one of the best JEE Level books out there has the right mix of theory
and problems. If you are preparing with JEE Advanced as your target then this one
should be your go-to book and you can avoid the books I mentioned in the general
section above, not the TMH one of course. I have heard good things about the book
but it was not there during my days of JEE Prep so no personal comments. More

higher-algebra-hall-knight-bookHall & Knight Higher Algebra

Although I did not refer to this book ever but have always heard good things about it
from my friends who were preparing with me. If you are looking for a book to build
your Algebra concepts and go through more theory then you should have a copy of
Higher Algebra by Hall & Knight. However, it being a general algebra book you can
stumble on to many topics that do not fall in the purview of JEE syllabus.


Trigonometry Books for JEE Main

trigonometry-sl-loneyPlane Trigonometry by SL Loney

This book has been used since many years for preparing JEE Trigonometry. You might
not be fond of the presentation of topics in the book but has good concepts. What I
did was just used this book to go through various necessary Trigonometry concepts
and then used the TMH Math book to solve problems. My suggestion you do not need
to buy the book compulsorily.


3D, Vector & Co-Ordinate Geometry for JEE Main & Advanced

coordinate-geometry-sl-loneyCo-ordinate Geometry by S. L. Loney

Co-ordinate geometry are some of the very easy topics in JEE Main and Advanced
exams and students usually score pretty high. I used to read a couple of chapters from
this book and then used the TMH book to solve the problems. However,I did not refer
it to much because of the fact that the co-ordinate geometry problems can be pretty
much solved with your class 10 (CBSE) geometry knowledge and some basic common

vectors-3d-geometry-arihantVector and 3D Geometry from Arihant

This is another book from Arihant that is favorite among the JEE prep circle and
teachers when it comes to studying Vector and 3D geometry. Like Co-Ordinate
geometry, these are some really simple sections as well and you aim should be score
full. I did not use this book, instead studied Vector and 3D geometry both from the
NCERT Mathematics Text Books. You can find more details about the book here.


Calculus Books for JEE Prep

Calculus is a very important topic in both JEE Main and Advanced exams. Make sure
you leave no stone unturned in order to master this branch of mathematics. Calculus
would be needed in your first year of engineering and the years to come depending on
the branch you choose.

Differential Calculus from Arihant

integral-calculus-arihantThis is one of the best JEE Main and Advanced focused books
in the market for studying Differential Calculations. It has both good amount of
theoretical concepts and practice problems which vary between various levels of
difficulty. You could start with the NCERT books and then continue with this. More
details about the book here.

Integral Calculus from Arihant

Just like the Differential Calculus book from Arihant, this one is also equally good and
will help you in preparing well for the Integral calculus portions for the JEE exams.
With calculus you must always remember that practice is the key to success!

[*] A note about some more books. Problems in Calculus of One Variable by I.A. Maron
(link) and J. Edwards book on Calculus (link) are some great books that you could
refer to when you want additional help. However, the calculus books from Arihant
cover all these material and also follow it up with JEE level problems and previous
years questions.


Probability Books for JEE Math

This is the trickiest of all topics in the entire JEE Syllabus. In my experience you can
either solve a JEE level probability question in one shot or get stuck on it. Now, in the
exams if you are stuck on a Probability question then better leave it for later. You can
score way more by concentrating on questions from other areas.

Introduction to Probability & Its Applications by W. Feller is one of the best

probability books out there. But it is a really vast book and lot of topics in it are not
required for the JEE prep. You can refer to it if you want but trust me, you would be
better off studying Probability from the NCERT math text books and then solving
related questions from the TMH math book (look above)


I hope with this massive list, you can choose 1 (or may be 2) book from each of the
sections and begin your JEE preparation or put it back on track if you are already at
it. Always remember, success in JEE is a mixture of hard work, conceptual clarity and
of course some luck!

Huh! Too many books

Now coming to conclusion, I will recommend you to study

1.NCERT first full chapter to study basics because Jee Advance is all about
basics at higher level .

2. Then , coming to higher level,

Follow 1 book for concept clearing and one for practice of each subject:

Physics : 1.H.C. Verma for concepts

2. Irodov for questions.


A) Organic: M.S.Chouhan for both concepts and questions.

B) Inorganic: J.D.Lee for questions.

And. Balaji publications for questions.

C) Physical: P.Bahadur for both.

Mathematics: Use above mentioned book for concepts . And S.K. GOYAL FOR

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Please let me know in the comments section if you like this list. You can also tell me
if you feel I missed out any good book or I need to remove a book from the list above.

You can follow me for more questions and knowledge as I answer maths questions
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