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Patient has bruxism habbit what is the best choice for his large MOD Ag filling?

stainless steel crown???

Kid had aspirin related asthmatic attack which can you not give
Ibuprofen acetenominophen pentozocine oxycodone mepiridine
Nsaids do which
Block intrinsic pathway
Block extrinsic
Increase bleeding time
Inhibit platelet aggregation
Inhibit renal prostaglandins
Blocks platelet function
Blocks intrinsic pathway
Blocks extrinsic pathway
Blocks Common pathways
Why do you do some tooth mobility prior to periodontal surgery?
Incisal 1/3 reduction for veneer?
Which antiobiotic to give in an MRSA infection
3-4 questions on osha something about which guideline prevents spread of infecti
ous disease in employees
Hbv hiv guidlines
Blood borne pathogen guidelines
Hazardous waste disposal guidelines
In an x ray what causes superimposition
Inadequate Horizontal angulation(was not an option)
Vertical angulation was
How does dental assistant get exposed to xray aside from main xray machine
Scatter from patient
Scatter from wall
Leakage from xray head
One other option
If dentist changed shade of tooth hes changing?
Hue chroma value
Other 4 questions on hue chroma too
One question had asked in which case to consult physician some diabetic value wa
s given then potassium value hematocrit value and some value BUN so check their
normal values
Moa of sulfoureanase in oral hypoglycemics
3 options were of increasing insulin one way or the other
1 option was more reabsorption of glucose or something in the kidney
How should the indirect rest be sitting In rest position
You have taken the cast impression and now you want to increase VD by 4mm what s
hould next step be?
Repeat record
Increase condylar guidance
2 other options
Nsaids do which
Block intrinsic pathway
Block extrinsic
Increase bleeding time
Inhibit platelet aggregation
Inhibit renal prostaglandins
Blocks platelet function
Blocks intrinsic pathway
Blocks extrinsic pathway
Common pathways
Why do you do some tooth mobility prior to periodontal surgery?
Incisal 1/3 reduction for veneer?
Which antiobiotic to give in an MRSA infection?
3-4 questions on osha something about which guideline prevents spread of infecti
ous disease in employees
In an x ray what causes superimposition
Inadequate Horizontal angulation(was not an option)
Vertical angulation was
How does dental assistant get exposed to xray aside from main xray machine
Scatter from patient
Scatter from wall
Leakage from xray head
One other option
If dentist changed shade of tooth hes changing?
Hue chroma value
Other 4 questions on hue chroma too
One question had asked in which case to consult physician some diabetic value wa
s given then potassium value hematocrit value and some value BUN so check their
normal values
Moa of sulfoureanase in oral hypoglycemics
3 options were of increasing insulin one way or the other
1 option was more reabsorption of glucose or something in the kidney
How should the indirect rest be sitting In rest position
You have taken the cast impression and now you want to increase VD by 4mm what s
hould next step be?
Repeat record
Increase condylar guidance
2 other options
What happens if theres if patient has been on propranolol and is given epinephri
ne dose
High bloop pressure
High heart rate
Low blood pressure
Some other option
Gorlin goltz syndrome
2qs on tardive diskynesia
Earliest sign of arrested root caries
How are distal extension rpds better than tooth borne rpd?
Turners tooth
Pictures- leukemia ,hemangioma epulis fissuratum . Radiograph - stafne bone defe
ct fibrous dysplasia odontogenic myxoma, scleroderma lateral wall of orbit later
al wall of maxillary sinus
3-4 questions on working and non working interferences
What does the W on a rubber dam signify?
Best way to get retention on short crowns?
Which property is not necessary in a root canal sealer?
Adapts to walls
Dimensionally stable
What will overtrituration in amalgam result in?
Delayed expansion
Shiny amalgam
Premature setting of amalgam
Problems in shape of amaglam after 24 hours
Reason for proximal contacts when using composite?
Inadequate light curing
Inadequate usage of matrix band
2 other options
Know etiology and treatment options of NUG. Spirochetes, fusiform, F. Nucleatum,
P. Intermedia, P.Gingivalis; SC/RP
Names of bony defects: intrabony, dehiscence,
PMN is present in healthy sulcus (Mosby p. 248)
Difference between chronic periodontitis and aggressive periodontitis (Mosby p.
Free gingival graft is difficult around 2nd, 3rd molars because _____ : ridge???
Know all kinds of resorptions: inflammatory, ankylosis etc
the W on the clamp means wingless
Why sensitivity after composite restoration? C-factor, Shrinkage, leakage
you have a 8 months old pregnant that you extracted 2 teeth, which required flap
and sectioning of tooth, what medication would be MOST appropriate to prescribe
- aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, tylenol 3
The most common defect in US, i put cleft lip/palat
know guidelines for antibiotic prophylaxis
there was a lady who had widened PDL and bilateral resorption of angles of mandi
ble, wat is the cause?- osteosarcoma, Marfan syndrome, and couple more
Know what congenital abnormalities are associated with which stage of developmen
t of the tooth (Mosby p.175-176); know calcification table
Pharm know the mechanisms of action of meds for diabetes, for asthma
on pan i had to recognize zigomatic process.
know how much you have to reduce for veneer, in a 1/3 incisal, and anterior PFM
Which imp material can you not make final cast / die out of? irriversible hydro,
reversible hydro, pvs, poly ether
Diagnosis of ANUG is based on punctuate interdental papillae (not biopsy)
ANB (-) angle means class III.
Pregnant lady notice HTN why?
given : HCt 25 , BUN- 20 glucose 80 and smth else, what should be your concern?
bleeding- so know the values
why some people have secondary herpes virus without primary? I put they have it
why would you do tooth movement before perio surgery?
the arch length in mandible decreases most from - loss of primary 1st or second
Down syndrom - macroglossia
pt had a hit and broke his R body of mandible, what else? I put L condyle
2mm opening to sinus after extraction - what to do?
know pemphigoid
Von Recklinghausen s neurofibromatosis
in asthmatic patient albuterol doesn't work, whats next? EPI
If filling has marginal ditching of <.5mm do you redo restoration? NO
what makes nuclei of dentinal tubules displace? Mechanical irritation, chemical
irritation, etching, DRY
how are root surface caries detected? Softness
Treatment planning sequence: emergency, control, reeval, definitive, maintenance
Diff bw 245 and 330. 245 longer
If expoased pulp, put calcium hydroxide (how thick? 0.5mm) and then liner on top
If put amalgam in triturater too long what happens? It hardens quicker?
Orange and green stains on teeth is from what?- from the options provided most m
ade sense was oral hygiene
Lefort 1 involves? Max sinus
Distraction osteogenesis? For long/far movements
Cavernous sinus thrombosis (2 questions on this)- one involving infection on max
illary leading to this. 2 was something about first sign of cavernous sinus thro
mbosis and I put vision changes
What anesthetizes posterior soft palate?
Gorlin- OKC
Ulcer on a tongue- what is it associated with, it happens every so often and goe
s away?-
Which disease gets arthritis associated? Sickle cell anemia? Iforgot the other o
ptiosn. None made sense
Mucocele formed by?
Most common salivery gland tumor? It didn t specify benign or malignant. So I put
pleomorphic adenoma
Picture of pregnant lady with pyogenic granuloma on lip
Downsyndrome kid does not hav which? CARIES, they don t get multiple caries
know mesial, distal, flush terminal plane and what they turn into
2 month old, how do you do it? childs head in your lap with feet on mom sitting
knee to knee
biggest fear of 4-6 yo? Uknown
Degrees to hold instrument: 45-90
Point of hex in implants? anti rotational
If inadequate attached ging what is contraindicated? Gigivectomy
Some questions on DFDBA and I think answer was BMP
Implant should be placed more apical or more coronal to surrounding teeth gingiv
al margin?
Best toothbrush method? Brass was not an option. I put sulcular
What causes tardive dyskinesia
I had a lot of mechanism questions and things about potency, duration, efficacy
couple questions on better retention/resistance for short crown crown prep= groo
ves, boxes, decrease convergence angle?
S sound means
Picture of epulis fissuratum
Clasp on RPD should be passive and not put pressure on tooth
Modified ridge lap should be touching gingiva light/??
Incisal edge has opaque look to it? What caused this?
Hardest impression material to take off? Polyether
Don t use irreversible hydrocolloid for final impression
Know difference on hue, value, chroma and all the diff names for each. Multiple
questions on this
Resin modified glass ionomer cement advantage?
Day 2
I can t remember that much from Day 2 in terms of specific questions but I can wri
te down some main ideas here
-Guy from Ethiopia had Hep B positive surface antibody- what does this mean? You
r options are like, he is fine, he has it and needs vaccine, he has it and needs
some medication?
-a scenario with a young girl who had a trauma tooth with a bubble on the gums , sh
e also drank a ton of soda.
-some man who was very fat, had HT, - what else can he have? I put diabetes, als
o asked which organ would be least effected knowing his condition options were ki
dney, pancreas, thyroid or colon- i put colon. and then asked a question on what
was least likely to cause his high caries rate - I put dry mouth, but could be
cariogenic food, because in the case they didn't say anything about what he is e
ating or if he drinks a lot of water.

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