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Nama : Hayatusifa T3/English/HA

Npm : 210610150046 Jurnalistik b

Interpretation of the song

The sound of silence

This song was written by paul simon in 1964. This song bring Simon and Grafunkel
to popularity.

Hello darkness my old friend,

Ive came to talk with you again

Like the lyric the song tell about someone who has a problem but cant tell anyone,
only silence felt by the heart and himself no one else can understand him. The song
have a deep meaning for all the people who never have a chance to speak about there
problem. This song also tell about lonliness someone he dosent have anyone he just
fell himself is sadness people.

And people bowed and prayed

To the neon God they made

And the next lyric tell about that people finally only to God that someone can tell
everything. The song learn to us for become better person.

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