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RO L L P RO G R E S S I O N : Double Negative | Fumble | Fail | Success | Critical | Double Positive
Roll over AC through AV. Add Action Complexity to increse difficulty. Attached Groups for Double Positive.
S K I L L S + TA S K S :
Highly specialized tasks are Trained rolls: relevant Group anywhere (d20), attached (Double Positive), absent (Double Negative).
AU C T I O N S : Hidden d6 roll. Each Bid. Resolve: Stat+d6 vs. Bid as AC. Final bid at 1. Highest bid resolves first, if all fail Bid 1 succeeds.
P LUS -2 0 : Any check against a Stat modified to above twenty takes the overage (plus-20) and adds to the quality of the die roll.
MIRACLE COSTS: 1, 2, d6, d6+1, d6+2, 2d6, 2d6+1, 2d6+2. MIRACLES are: target + range + scale + duration + resistance - preparation.
S C E N E : Scenes are connected by time and space: Monster, Treasure, Special Rooms, Tricks, Traps or Empty (the Gygax 6).
S ET T I N G : Location + Conditions: weather, lighting, scale, footing, engage all senses. Imply consequences to inquiries.
C O M BAT: Surprise (establish range + mobility) | Reaction | Initiative | Combat Advantage | Conflict (to hit: roll over AC through AV)
Morale (at 1st loss; half resources - bargain, flee, surrender) | Death? (ghosting or *deal with the devil) | Post-Conflict Resource Admin
S P EC I A L AT TAC K S : Charge (gain CA, lose AC-3); Offensively (-2AC for +1AV+1Damage); Defensively (-2 to AV or Damage for +1AC);
Grapple (unarmed attack); Trick (attack for: push, disarm, trip); Protect (Task vs AV for redirect targeting/Save); Press (-AV and enemy ST for Special Attacks.)
Defy (ST or Con) 1/conflict for -d6 damage - fail out 2 rounds; *Sunder sacrifice shield for damage.
S P EC I A L D E F E N S E S :
DA M AG E : at Zero hp - unconscious; at Negative hp - ST vs. Death (*also d6 Stat damage).
HEALING: may Bandage (Trained Task) for d3hp/combat. Natural rate of 1hp/day; addl +1/Con. *Stats at 1/week; addl +1/Con.
*house ruled items

C H A R AC T E R S S E S S I O N, D ate : / /

Player: spotlight Overview:

Character: Class: Level: Changes/Consequences:
Groups: Elements to Foreshadow+Revisit:
notes: intro:
AC T 1
Player: spotlight Whats wrong:
Character: Class: Level: Why is that important:
Groups: Expectations:
notes: Whats pressuring:
Twists and Obstacles:
Player: spotlight Extra Scenes:
Character: Class: Level:
Groups: AC T 2
notes: Whats wrong:
Why is that important:
Player: spotlight Expectations:
Character: Class: Level: Whats pressuring:
Groups: Twists and Obstacles:
notes: Extra Scenes:

Player: spotlight AC T 3
Character: Class: Level: Whats wrong:
Groups: Why is that important:
notes: Expectations:
Whats pressuring:
WI SD OM Twists and Obstacles:
Extra Scenes:
Be a great Host. Communicate your enthusiasm. Provide meaningful choices.
Steal ideas from the players. Make failure fun. Play to explore not resolve. Subtlety
is the enemy. Reinforce setting. Leave everyone wanting more. Thank them.

game by Christian Mehrstam - page by E. Tage Larsen

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