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Apparatus Proposal

Nik Roman

Zachary Christman

Ryan Trinkler

Jordan Hicks

EDSGN 100 - 17

Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA


Infiltrated by the epidemic of Stemitis, the town of Batville is in need of the vaccine that

is currently only accessible by the residents of Sneed. As the residents of Sneed, we have decided

to intervene and help Batville by transporting the vaccine to them. In order to transfer the

delicate vaccine over the river dividing us, we developed and tested a prototype for vaccine

delivery in Sneed. Due to funding constraints, the prototype needs to contain all the simple

machines and be made with a limited list of resources.

Our final prototype was unsuccessful in transporting the vaccine to Batville. We were

able to successfully acquire the vaccine off of the table and pull it to the base of our bridge. The

problem arose when our bridge didnt completely unravel across to the other table as planned.

The cart laid at the beginning of the bridge, ready to travel across. Our group suspects that the

problem arose from the joints between each segment had become too weak and unable to resist

the force of gravity and caused the bridge to collapse upon itself.








1.5 SUMMARY..7





















This section displays the current conditions of the city of Batville and its struggle with

the growing disease of Stemitis. Considering the necessary solution to the problem of stemitis in

Batville, this section reviews the problem from each individual stakeholders point of view, and

provides the reasoning behind the ultimate decision that is made about whether or not to transfer

the vaccine.


Before Stemitis:

Prior to the arise of Stemitis, Batville appeared to be economically thriving due to its

success in farming. Specifically the farming of the crop geonettle. With a school of agriculture

right in the area, Batville was a relatively self sustaining society rooted on the production and

marketing of the addictive crop. However, along with the towns addiction to the crop came a

large increase in crime. In order to keep up with the financial end of feeding ones addiction to

geonettle, many consumers resorted to theft and burglary to obtain enough money to continue to

purchase the good.

During Stemitis Outbreak:

When the outbreak of Stemitis began taking over Batville, more and more of the citys

people fell to the disease and as a result stopped farming to become engineers. This posed a

problem and challenged Batvilles ability to continue to thrive economically, for they are

dependent on their farming, and were not equipped to handle and educate a large influx of

engineers. Geophobia nettle, the highly addictive crop that continues to be Batvilles main source

of income, remains the only reason they can currently survive economically. However, without

the necessary farmers to produce the geophobia nettle, the city of Batville is destined to move

towards economic struggle. In addition to the positive values that the market of geonettle brings

to Batville, it is necessary to remember that those who are addicted to the crop often resort to

criminal activity to obtain the money for more. Terrorizing nearby towns and cities in addition to

Batville, those affected by geophobia are out of control when it comes to getting the money to

satisfy their addiction.

Considering these conflicting problems, engineers across the bridge-less river in the city

of Sneed have developed a vaccine that would help suppress the outbreak of Stemitis. They must

decide whether to intervene and save Batville from the looming extinction of Farmers, while

crime and terrorism continue to run rampant in Batvilles neighboring cities, or let the Stemitis

outbreak turn Batville into engineers and exterminate the geonettle market that allows Batville to



In considering whether or not to pursue the distribution of the vaccine, the impact on each

individual group of stakeholders is analyzed and accounted for . Table 1.1 displays the respective

groups of people that are considered when deciding on a solution to this problem. Ultimately, the

decision must have the most positive effect on these specific groups of people listed in Table 1.1.

Stakeholders Needs Met Under Existing Conditions

Farmers Need Employment---> Grow Foods Employment,
and addictive nettle. Market
Need Market---> Addicts

Students Need Instruction, an institution, Institution, instruction,

and eventually employment employment

Addicts Access to affordable drugs Access to drug,

Need income---> Stuff to steal Robbery
from neighbors

Dealers Need Users, need a supply, Users, Supply, Farmers,

need applicants, need the college

Rest of Batville Need protection, food, education, Food, education

income, health care

Sneed Need compensation for engineering

services, Access to new markets, to
avoid infection

Passers By Need safety, comfort, hospitality, Nettle Supply

nettle supply

Stemitis Sufferers Engineering education, funding, Not met

research resources, an institution

Professors People to instruct, Research Met in agriculture

Table 1.1: Stakeholders needs


Table 1.1 projects the current needs by the people who are being affected with Stemitis

and the vaccine. In addition, Table 1.1 displays the needs that are currently being met by the

existing condition of the area of Batville. It is evident that the needs for each faction are being

negatively affected by the Stemitis outbreak, and it is apparent that outside intervention is

necessary for the benefit of the community.

Having obtained funding from a grant, the team of engineers have decided to create an

apparatus that can deliver the vaccine across the river to save the city. Despite the negative

effects of delivering the vaccine, (allowing the continuation of crime and terrorism) it has been

decided that controlled distribution of the vaccine is necessary for the people of Batville and

neighboring cities across the river to survive.

Ultimately, the farmers will be able to continue to grow the geophobia nettle, and supply

the thriving market of dealers, addicts, and the passers by. In addition, the agricultural college

will remain equipped with professors and apt number of students studying to become farmers.

Lastly, however, the neighboring civilizations near Batville will continue to be ravaged by the

population of addicts.


As the outbreak of Stemitis began to spread through Batville, the decision had to be made

by the town of Sneed on whether or not to intervene with a vaccine. If there was no intervention,

Stemitis would turn Batville into a town of engineers, wiping out the farming industry and

addictive geonettle crop that has been causing an outbreak of burglary. If we do happen to

intervene, the town would continue its agricultural ways to mass producing the addictive

geonettle crop, ultimately fueling the successful market and the crime that comes with the users.

There are many different stakeholders that are affected by the outcome of this problem. Most of

which however, after being analysed (Table 1.1), demonstrate a greater benefit from a Sneed

intervention with the vaccine.




This section follows and delivers our groups thoughts in a chronological and topic based

order. It ranges from the beginning of the research phase to the decisions that led up to the

finished product. First, we analyzed the problem and its restrictions. We had to come up with a

design to move the vaccine across the river between Sneed and Batville. Our primary goals were

to get the egg across safely, while meeting all of the requirements in the most simplified,

practical way possible. We then entered into the concept generation where we sketched and

talked through different possibilities. Lastly, we ranked each concept, ultimately deciding which

we would keep and discard. These steps lead us to developing our final apparatus.


Because of the funding restriction that requires our apparatus to contain the six simple

machines, our group started the design phase with research. Each person was given one or two

simple machines to investigate. The gathered information is recorded in Table 2.1.


Simple Researched

Pulley Designed to support movement and change in direction of a taut cable, rope, or belt along
its circumference
Used to lift loads, apply forces, and transmit power
Drive element can be rope, cable, belt, or chain
Two types
Movable: Has mechanical advantage of two
Fixed: Changes direction of force

Wedge Thick, short wedge splits objects apart faster, but require more force
Thin, long wedge splits objects easier, but requires more time

Lever & First-class: Fulcrum is between weight and energy moving the weight (e.g., see-saws,
Fulcrum scissors, crowbars)
Second-class: Fulcrum is at end of stick, force is applied to the opposite end, and weight is
in middle (e.g., trapdoors, staplers, wheelbarrows)
Third-class: Fulcrum is at one end of stick, force is applied to the middle of it, and weight
is on opposite end of stick (e.g., broom, fishing rod, baseball bat)

Inclined Any slope or ramp used to more easily lift up heavy objects
Plane ses less work to move an object over a greater distance

Wheel & Can turn something heavy by spinning attached large wheel connected to an axle
Axle Uses a lot of force to turn the axle and that will spin the wheels quickly

Screw Can convert a circular force into a vertical force

an thread things together to keep them from falling apart

Table 2.1: Simple Machines(Carr 2016)


Post presenting the machines to the group, we established some ideas designed to work

best for the project. One was transporting the egg in a cart over the gap between the tables in

some fashion. The cart was the most obvious choice to get the egg across and it included a wheel

and axle. We also decided that a bridge would be the most practical way of getting the egg and

cart across the river. Bridges are simple, easy to construct, and effective.

One of the conditions was that the egg could not touch our apparatus to start. This

required us to redesign the initial actions of the apparatus so that we could move the egg onto it.

We first agreed upon a solution to this limitation by picking up the egg with a net. This popular

idea involved using somewhat of a loophole. The egg would start off in a precut hole in a net.

The egg and net would not be in contact until the net was lifted by a pulley. It was agreed upon

that this would be the easiest way to pick the egg up, but the problem was getting the egg out of

the net. Another idea we had was to push the egg onto the apparatus. We figured, with the use of

pulleys, we could pull the egg up an inclined plane or lever and fulcrum. The problem with this

idea was the worry that the egg would not be able to be pushed smoothly up rough cardboard. It

was then decided that each person should come up with some sketches of ideas that we could add

to our initial thoughts for the next meeting.

Image 2.1: Sketch1

Image 2.1 displays a pulley mounted to a base that is supported on either side. The pulley

connects a box and the net with a hole. The box is where the wooden ball initiator would be

dropped which would in turn raise up the net around the egg.

The second sketch in Image 2.1 displays a before and an after scene of a cart on an

incline. In the before scene, a cart has its rear wheels resting inside of a divot. Once the egg

would enter the cart, the force would push the cart out of the divot and cause the cart to roll

down the incline. This idea was quickly decided against due to the uncertainty with how to

acquire enough force to move the cart from the divot. Also, we were more interested in pursuing

more realistic and buildable solutions.

The final sketch shown in Image 2.1 is similar to the first. It also has a pulley with one

end of the string attached to a box for the wooden ball initiator to be placed in. In this sketch

however, the egg is scooped up by the net as a pulley drags it.

Image 2.2: Sketch 2

In the top design demonstrated in Image 2.2 a ball would be dropped into a tube on an

lever. The change in height of the opposite end of the lever will allow the arm that is attached to

a pulley scoop up the egg and drop it in the cart. The change in weight of the cart will allow it to

overcome the static friction on the inclined plane and roll to the bottom which will be planted on

the other side.

In the bottom design in Image 2.2 a ball would be dropped into a tube on an lever. The

change in height of the opposite end of the lever to raise, allowing a cart on the opposite side to

roll down a track on the lever. The rolling of the cart will give the arm attached to the pulley

more string to swing and push the egg up the inclined plane. The egg will roll down the inclined


Image 2.3: Sketch 3

This was the first complete apparatus design. It incorporates the idea of scooping the egg

using a pulley instead of simply lifting it from one of the previous sketches.. The pulley connects

a hollowed rectangular prism to a hollowed cube that houses the wooden ball initiator when it is

dropped. The string on the pulley would come out over a wedge near the cube to keep it from

getting caught on the pulley or any other part of the apparatus by keeping it extended out from it.

This then leads to the prism scooping up the egg as the pulley tows it up an inclined plane. From

the top of the inclined plane, the egg is moved into a cart, ideally from the momentum resulting

from the egg being pulled. This cart would then roll down a bridge across the gap between the

tables. The bridge begins in an upright position and is attached to a joint. A lever and fulcrum

push over the bridge once the weight from the wooden ball push down on the end of the fulcrum

in the upright position. This diagram experienced multiple difficult questions that needed

answers. How can a screw be incorporated? Does the wooden ball weigh enough to play such a

large role? How realistic is a bridge that rests at a 90 degree angle that just falls out and over a

river of unknown distance? These and other questions led to us searching for a more complete

design. The next design is a consequence of this.

Image 2.4: Sketch 4

Image 2.4 included a few ideas of the others sketches and brought them together.

Initially it starts with the drop of a ball on a piece of cardboard holding two weights. The drop of

the ball causes the weights to fall which activate our pulleys which then are attached to a part

that will pull the egg forward onto our apparatus. The egg will be pushed onto a lever and

fulcrum and will then be dropped in a cart. The idea was to have the bridge start out rolled up

and is then unlatched. This idea solved our problem with getting the egg on our apparatus and

across the bridge, but does not include how the bridge is unlatched or how the egg is to get into

the cart.

Each of our sketches seemed to have parts that we thought would work well and we took

those parts and ranked them to find which ones would work best with our limitations. After

reviewing each of our sketches we picked out the parts of each that we thought would be the

most simplistic, practical and met all the requirements.


In order to develop a final idea for an apparatus we ranked our different ideas on what

criteria we thought was most important. We agreed that buildable was an important category to

rank because we wanted to have easy access to materials needed to build our part. Also we did

not want to spend too much time building one part of our apparatus. Simplicity was our other

category used to rank our concepts. Because we are only given the simplest materials to build

something, in such a short amount of time, we decided our design should not be too complicated.

Then we decided if each of these concepts helped us meet our requirements. These requirements

being, use the least amount of material as possible and include all the simple machines in the

time allotted. With our concepts and these categories we developed Table 2.2, and choose the

best design for our prototype.




BRIDGE Yes, we have Very simple yes yes

cardboard and tape

NET Somewhat, we Somewhat, how do Yes, but does not use no

PICKING UP would have to find we get egg out of simple machine
EGG net outside of net?

CART TO Somewhat, may Very simple Yes, requires wheel and yes
TRANSPORT have to 3D print axle
EGG parts

PULLEYS yes , we have Simple, hard to Yes, requires necessary yes

TO PULL necessary materials make simple machine

DROP BALL Somewhat, we do Somewhat, weights Somewhat, we cannot To an

ON not have heavy have to be high use material needed to extent
WEIGHTS enough material to enough to pull the build heavy weights
TO activate pulleys egg far

EGG Yes, we have all Very simple Yes, requires necessary yes
PUSHED ON necessary materials simple machine

PICKING UP Unlikely, it would Not simple Somewhat, not sure how no

THE EGG be very challenging to make this given the
to build a claw-like materials we were
piece that could
pick the egg up
given our materials

PUSHING Unlikely, it would Not simple, involves yes no

THE BRIDGE be very challenging a lot more moving
TO DROP IT to build something parts to add to our
that would have the final product
strength to push the
bridge down

UNLATCHIN Somewhat , were Somewhat simple, yes yes


G THE unsure if we had not sure how we

BRIDGE TO the materials strong would unlatch it but
DROP IT enough to unlatch we knew it was
the bridge possible
Table 2.2: Concept Ranking

We decided that building a Bridge would be the best way to get the egg across. We

initially decided to drop a straight cardboard bridge across the river. We were told that this idea

would not be acceptable because it was unrealistic. So then we decided to unroll the bridge

across the two tables and add a stand to the bottom of it to stabilize it, see top of Image 2.5.

Image 2.5: Bridge and Pulley sketch

Image 2.6: Pulley and Object Used to Push Egg sketch


Next was deciding how to get the egg onto our apparatus. We had three ideas for this: a

net picking it up, pushing it up an incline or having a claw-like part pick it up. After ranking

these three concepts in Table 2.2, we decided that picking the egg up would clearly be

challenging to what limitations we were given. Therefore we were left with using a net or

pushing the egg. After giving each some thought we decided the push the egg. Ultimately the

problem with using a net was that we did not know how the egg would leave the net. We

decided to push it by using a cardboard object connected to pulleys, see bottom of Image 2.6.

When developing our pulley system that would pull the egg up we decided to make two that

stood on either side of the lever and fulcrum, see bottom of Image 2.5. Pushing the egg onto a

lever and fulcrum was also a popular idea because it included one of our required simple

machines, see top of Image 2.7. With this idea we decided that once the egg was pushed to the

center of the lever and fulcrum it would shift, dropping the egg into the cart.

Image 2.7: Lever and Fulcrum and Cart sketch

The cart was the most popular idea with getting the egg across the bridge. Although we

were challenged with how to get the egg in the cart we figured it was the simplest, most practical

way to get the egg across. We decided that we would 3D print part of it so that it functioned

correctly and make the rest of it out of cardboard and pen parts.

We struggled with implementing a screw in our design. We were aware that screws were

used to transform circular motion into linear motion. Because we could not think of a way to

utilize its circular motion to carry something, we decided to use it as a way to hold two things

together. Therefore we 3D printed a screw and used it to hold together one of our pulleys, see

Image 2.8.

Image 2.8: Section view of Pulley with Screw

We decided that we would initiate the mechanism by dropping the ball on weights that

were connected to two pulleys, causing them to drop and activate the pulleys. After we were

told we could use metal or wood as weights near the end of our designing we decided to use a

block of wood as our weight. Initially we had thought we would build a stand tall enough to

drop the block from, but we found that to be unrealistic. We decided that the weight would have

to be dropped off the table in order to pull the egg far enough.

Our last obstacle for this project was figuring out how we would drop the bridge after the

ball was dropped. We had two ideas, Unlatching the bridge or pushing it. After reviewing each

option we decided to unlatch the bridge and have its weight carry it down. Pushing the bridge

was not as reliable of an option because we realized we would have to add a few more moving

parts to our project and it would ultimately get over complicated. Following this decision we had

a few ideas on how to unlatch the bridge. Initially we thought we could attach it to the lever and

fulcrum by a hook and loop. The idea for this is that when the lever and fulcrum shifted the hook

would fall out of the loop and the bridge would drop. We realized we did not have materials

strong enough to act as a hook and loop in this way.

Our next idea was to have a pin stick through the bridge that was tied to the block of

wood to hold it up. Then, when the weight dropped, the pin would be pulled out and the bridge

would drop. We tested this idea and the pin was not strong or big enough to hold up the bridge.

Our final and successful idea was to tie a string to the bridge and lay it under our initial weight to

hold it up. When the weight dropped the string was let loose and the bridge dropped. This idea

was tested and worked well. It was difficult to position the string so that it would not slip

through before the weight was dropped, but with some fidgeting we were able to make it work.


Before we could begin building our apparatus, we first had to analyze the problem, take

note of the restrictions, and declare our goals. This led us to acknowledging that our apparatus

needed to contain at least one of each six simple machines and our primary goals were to get the

egg across a space from table to table in the most efficient way. Once these were established we

brainstormed for ideas in the various parts of the apparatus whether it was how to put the egg

onto our apparatus or how to get the egg over the gap. Taking these ideas we compared them to

our ranking criteria and determined if they were buildable and simplistic enough and if they met

the requirements and didnt violate the restrictions. This led up to the design that we ultimately

ended up constructing.



This section initially goes over our final prototype and the process of it in action. The

apparatus begins with the drop of a ball and ends with the vaccine making it across the river to

Sneed. The final prototype includes all six simple machines: pulley, wheel and axle, screw,

incline plane, wedge and lever and fulcrum. Next, this section covers the individual parts of the

prototype. The apparatus is made up entirely of cardboard, tape, glue, wood, 3D printed parts,

pencils, pens and string. Each part is described in detail, what it is made of and its purpose in

getting the vaccine across the river. This section also identifies what the main source of failure in

our prototype was and why.


Image 3.1. Final Prototype


Image 3.1 is our final prototype. Initially the ball will be dropped onto a piece of wood

sitting atop, slightly off balance, a large cardboard box and string, demonstrated in Image 3.2.

The block of wood is attached to pulleys which are activated when the ball causes the wood to

drop. The string underneath of the wood is holding up the bridge. Once the wood falls the string

will be released and the bridge will drop.

Image 3.2: Initial weight and string setup

The pulleys the wood is attached to are on either side of the mechanism. The other side

of the strings are attached to an object that is similar to a prism with an open side. When the

weights fall the strings attached to the pulley will pull the prism forward which will then come

into contact with the egg, as illustrated in Image 3.3.


Image 3.3: Pulleys pull egg up ramp and lever and fulcrum.

This will push the egg forward and up a lever and fulcrum. Once the egg is pushed past

the middle of the lever and fulcrum it will flip it so the far side is touching the ground. The egg

will then roll into the cart from the lever and fulcrum, as demonstrated in Image 3.4.

Image 3.4: Egg rolls out of sled into the cart


There is a wedge underneath the beginning of the bridge causing a slight incline, which

allows for the cart to roll down the bridge with enough momentum to make it across, as shown in

Image .

Image 3.5: Cart rolls onto bridge to the other side



Images 3.6: The Bridge

Our bridge, illustrated in Image 3.6, is made out of cardboard and tape. We folded it into

four sections so that it could roll up easily. We also added walls to keep the cart from rolling off

of it. We cut triangles into each section of the wall where the bridge was folded so it could roll

up easily. We added a cardboard stand underneath to support the bridge in the middle. This

stand is not only used to support the bridge but will also pull the bridge down when it is

unlatched. The stand was initially too heavy to be held up by the string sitting underneath the

wood, therefore we cut a side of it off and cut holes into it. Our bridge was the major point of

failure in our prototype. The bridge was the first thing that we made and after so much wear and

tear it became less sturdy. During our final testing the egg made it into the cart and on the

bridge, but the bridge did not unfold correctly, and the cart did not make it across.

Image 3.7: Pulley systems

Image 3.7 depicts our two pulley systems. There are two stands which we made into

triangles to give the pulleys more support. The stands are held together by tape and glue and on

each are two pulleys. One of the pulley systems is made of cardboard, glue, bottle caps, pens

and styrofoam. The bottle cap is glued between two circular cardboard pieces. Pen parts were

used to hold the pulley and the stand together. The styrofoam was used to make sure the pulley

did not fall off of the mechanism. The other pulley system also holds two pulleys both are made

from cardboard, glue and bottle caps. One pulley is held together by a section of a pencil and

cardboard, and the other is held together by a screw, which we 3D printed. (Screw picture)

Image 3.8: Sled used to push the egg

Next was the object used to push the egg, shown in Image 3.8. We decided to make this

into a prism shaped object with curved edges at the bottom (Image 3.8 does not show the curved

edges, as this was taken before we made that adjustment). This way it is most efficient in

carrying the egg. This piece is made out of cardboard, glue and tape. We also poked holes in the

piece with a screw to pull the string through that will then connect to the pulleys. We poked the

holes in the middle of the side so that the object would not lift up or fall over. We also added a

piece of wood to the back of the object to keep it from flipping over. The prism kept getting

stuck onto the lever and fulcrum so we added ski-like pieces of cardboard to the bottom of it

(also not shown in Image 3.8).

Image 3.9: Lever and Fulcrum

We then worked on creating the lever and fulcrum. The lever and fulcrum is made out of

thick pieces of cardboard and tape. A long piece of cardboard sits on top a triangular piece. On

one side of the fulcrum it is carved into an incline so the egg can be pushed up smoothly onto it

as shown in Image 3.9. The tape between the lever and fulcrum was applied loosely so that it

can easily shift from side to side. The fulcrum also has stoppers sitting on top of it so that the

prism did not hit the cart before the egg got pushed into it (the stoppers are not shown in Image


Image 3.10: The Cart

Our cart is made from cardboard, tape, glue, pens, bottle caps and a 3D printed part. The

cart is in the shape of a cube with one side opened at an angle, as shown in Image 3.10. This

side was put at an angle so the egg could easily fall into the cart. The bottom of the cart was 3D

printed. Using the tools we learned through the SolidWorks tutorials and the presentation by the

3D Printing Club member, we were able to create a part for the cart that will allow the axles to

freely spin. By using this method, we were able to greatly reduce any rolling friction and

virtually eliminate any sliding friction that the axles would have undergone from a less precise

method. Wheel and axles make up the wheels of the cart and are made out of pen parts and bottle

caps glued together.


This section went through every detail in making our apparatus. Much of our apparatus

was made from our final agreed upon concepts, but many parts were edited due to trial and error.

Our prototype was successful to an extent. We were able to meet all of the requirements set by

our firm, while using a small amount of material and completing it in a small period of time.

During our final testing we were able to get the egg into the cart and get the cart onto the bridge.

The bridge is where our failure occurred. The bridge did not have enough weight on the end to

unfold completely, and was too flimsy to stay up on the other side. For future reference we

should have made our bridge last so it did not face so much wear and tear and we should have

made it sturdier.



When presented with the Batville problem, through discussion our group decided to

intervene. When beginning our research on the different simple machines, we took notes on each

so we would be able to get familiar with and correctly use them when creating our first plans.

Each member was given the task of coming up with three unique designs. During the following

class, we reviewed each design and chose the best two overall. Our group has gone through

many phases since our first designs. Since then, we have overcome many challenges that werent

apparent when selecting to pursue the grant. For example, some of the challenges we faced

included creating an unfolding bridge since our original plan wouldnt be realistic at full scale,

3D printing the bottom of the cart to reduce rolling and sliding friction on the axles, and the

biggest problem was choosing the better of the two plans that our group chose as the most

feasible, to fully pursue.

To overcome being split between the two designs, our group built the components that

were synonymous between the two plans. Using this strategy was beneficial since we were

working towards completing both the plans without wasting time working on parts that may end

up not being used. Once we were able to focus on a single plan, we were able to adjust and

combine the simple machines we made to fit our idea.

Our next problem we faced was how to attach our pulleys to the apparatus. We decided to

use a screw to attach the pulleys, but this brought about another problem. How would we make

the screw with only one 3D printer part left to use? We decided to print a screw with the 3D

printer and improvise the other 3 with supplies that we had leftover from other phases or

materials from around the shop. As the deadline was approaching, we still had a couple problems

that we had to solve.

We had to create a lighter weight bridge support that wasnt too weak to fail, along with a

way for the bridge to unravel without an outside interaction that will initiate prior to the egg

being loaded on the cart. The support problem was the easier to overcome. We were able to find

a double-thick cardboard sheet in the shops pile. This would give us the strength we would need

to hold up the bridge. We decided to fold the sheet into a triangle shape to increase strength and

stability. As our prototype was finished, we were back to the original problem of it being too

heavy for the bridge to support its weight at the loaded position. Through some brainstorming

and a talk with our professor, we concluded that removing one side and replacing it with a few

strips of tape to retain the shape along with cutting out 4 equally spaced circles on the each of the

other two sides to remove even more unnecessary material. We chose the circle because it would

have the smallest shear stress as weight would be applied since the force would be equally

dispersed along the whole shape. The problem on initiating the bridge to fall from the drop of the

ball was a much harder and longer brainstorming session.


We originally planned for there to be a pin attached to the front of the curled up bridge

and the other end tied to the wood block. As the block would fall from the impact of the ball, the

pin would be pulled out of a small hole in the bridge, allowing it unravel off the table and to the

otherside. We determined that this wouldnt be the best plan because the pin and bridge system

would have to be very precise to the point that the pin may fall out from the weight of the bridge

alone or with the slight pull from the pin at the start as it is being pulled out of the bridge, it may

pull the bridge into a position in which its center of gravity would be too far over the table and

not unravel altogether. The idea that we have settled on was basically the opposite. We decided

to tie a string the the front of the curled up bridge and the other end would be held under the

wood block. We would tie a knot at the end of the string to stop it from sliding underneath the

block. We came across yet another challenge when testing this. The string was pulling the wood

block towards the apparatus. We determined the best solution was to increase the mass of the

block, allowing it to hold its place with the tension of the string pulling on it.

During testing, we discovered a few more problems. First, we had problems with the

initiation of the apparatus. When the ball was dropped, the wood block didnt fall. This was

caused by either an error in the dropping of the ball or the placement of the block not being close

enough to the edge of the cardboard box. The biggest problem we faced in the end was the

unfolding of the bridge. All the aspects of the apparatus prior to the cart rolling down the worked

to perfection in our last trial. We attempted to work as a team and brainstormed quickly on a

quick fix for the bridge to be reinforced and unravel as planned. With two minutes remaining on

the timer, we tried to tape a piece of cardboard to the underside of the bridge to restrict its

capabilities of folding inward. We chose this idea because the problem we were having was that

the bridge was folding the incorrect way when being released. This addition, if done correctly,

would inhibit its tendency to fall in on itself and have the end segment land on the opposite table.


Our final prototype was successful to an extent. We were able to develop a mechanism

that followed all of our limitation and surpassed our expectations on testing day. We were able to

successfully acquire the vaccine off of the table, and pull it to the base of our bridge. The

problem arose when our bridge didnt completely unravel across to the other table as planned.

The center of gravity of the bridge, as a whole, wasnt far enough in the direction of Batville to

pull the end segment to the other side. In our beginning stages of testing, we were able to have

the bridge completely unravel in the same position. Our group suspects that the problem arose

from the constant use of the cardboard causing the joints between each segment to become too

weak and unable to resist the force of gravity and collapse upon itself instead of the intended

direction. We were not successful in transporting the vaccine to Batville with our prototype, but

we were able to obtain very important information from our testing to improve our design for

future use. In the meantime while another prototype is being made, the disease, Stemitis, with

spread even more. As we spend more time on the solution, Batvilles condition will continue to

get worse and worse. Less food will be produced for the citizens and the economic conditions

will continue to decline.


A possible direction we can take for future research is creating a permanent structure that

can allow transportation of goods/people across the river. Depending on which route we take, to

travel across the river, a permanent bridge may be the next step. This would enable access to

Batville in the event of another problem that would need outside assistance from Sneed. The

builders of this bridge will be able to use our temporary bridge prototype with some adjustments

to lay down the supports for the permanent bridge. They will also be able to take our thoughts

and process and improve upon the problems we have faced and use our struggles to improve our



Carr, K. (2016, May). Simple Machines. Retrieved March 23, 2017, from

2.1 Sketch 1
2.2 Sketch 2
2.3 Sketch 3
2.4 Sketch 4
2.5 Bridge and Pulley Sketch
2.6 Pulley and Object Used to Push Egg Sketch
2.7 Lever and Fulcrum and Cart Sketch
2.8 Section View of Pulley with Screw
3.1 Final Prototype

3.2 Initial weight and string setup

3.3 Pulleys pull egg up ramp and lever and fulcrum
3.4 Egg rolls out of sled into the cart
3.5 Cart rolls onto bridge to the other side
3.6 The bridge
3.7 Pulley systems
3.8 Sled used to push egg
3.9 Lever and Fulcrum
3.10 The cart

1.1 Needs of Stakeholders
2.1 Simple Machines
2.2 Concept Ranking

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