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The music video will be based around the song ghosts by Jacob Tilberg it will correlate with the

songs lyrics.The video will start with a shot from the side of a tree with a mourning person
looking over a grave wearing all black it will cut to them walking into their house and taking the
jacket off the he walks upstairs and looks at his wife's old room door but is unable to walk in . He
will walk into his room and lay down look at a picture of wife then turn the light off. As the light
turns off the song will play the part where it says i don't believe in ghost yeah then then a
person in a white sheet with eye holes cut out is over him he falls out of bed then stands up to
look but she's not there then it is a montage of his day when he sees her for example she will be
outside when he's doing the dishes which causes him to smash it.she's outside the window and
at the table when he eats, the last sighting will be when he's with his friends they are playing
poker when he looks at his cards and looks up his friends are gone but the ghost is there and he
falls off his chair as it pans down the ghosts disappear the friends come back. He then goes
back to his bed to look at the photo but it either has a sheet or a picture of a ghost over it.He
then realises that this could be his wife so he runs into her room the window will be open and
the curtains will be flapping but by this time the only piece of the sheet left will be the head with
the eye holes he then takes the mask off to see that it's his wife he goes for a hug but falls
straight through her. He hits the floor and turns around to look at the door where she is pointing
down the stairs he follows her directions to a bunch of flowers with a note saying find me at the
place you made my life whole. He then grabs his coat and proceeds to run as he keeps seeing
her pointing where to go he ends up at a beach it then flashes back to him asking her to marry
him and as the flashback ends he runs to her on the beach where they hug then either they both
disappear or put a ghost cloth on then disappear

Institutional context, who would distribute product, how distributed, why, link to target audience

The intended form of distribution would be digital, for example, on youtube, vevo and musically,
it can also be distributed on music video channels such as mtv and 4music. We cant use things
such as radio, because the fact this is a music video, we chose these methods because our
audience are big users of youtube and the digital web. Using youtube as a distribution method is
free, and allows for maximum profit margins, as well as using it as advert material. Which would
again, maximise profit margins. There are many benefits to this as its easy to copyright, as
anybody who replicates the video will have it removed off of youtube, or they will cut the sound
from the footage, rendering the video useless.

The intended audience demographic will be ages 15-30, falling into socioeconomic groups of
B-C1&2-D-E as stereotypically this age group is most drawn to the content of a love story within
the video. The song (Ghosts-Jacob Tilberg) is a new-age/pop genre song that falls into the
same demographics, however may be more aimed towards the younger generation, but the
video evens out the age-ranges by adding a visual story that would maybe appeal more to ages
15-30. The psychographic audiences would be experiencers : The high-resource group of those
who are motivated by self-expression. They are the youngest of all the segments, with a median age of
25. They have a lot of energy, which they pour into physical exercise and social activities. They are avid
consumers, spending heavily on clothing, fast-foods, m usic, and other youthful favourites, with particular
emphasis on new products and services. This psychographic is our chosen audience as they fit to
the demographic, and are avid consumers of music.

The style of the video will change with the music during the first chorus it will be a slower more
narrative based video focusing on building up the story but as the song gets to the drop it will
speed up and during the instrumental it will be fast paced shots that show the ghost haunting
the protagonist but it will also implement slapstick comedy to keep the viewer engaged.The
ghost will be engaging as a center focus point of the video.The advert will switch from fast
paced running to slow methodical story

The first shot will be at midday where the sun is above the character it will be in a graveyard
with the grave clearly visible as well as the church.The second shot will be inside a house in the
middle of a village we will be using my dad's house for this we will also use a beach and some
out door shots for the ending.The characters will be a man who is trying to get over his wife's
death.The wife who is subsequently the ghost who tries to get the husband to believe she is will be shot in high key lighting during the ghost finding montage and the flashback
scene.The ghost will act very distant until it becomes his wife.the shots will different from first
person shot and mid shots ext.

Paragraph Six
What representations exist in the advertising campaign? Dont just consider the products
representation, but the context it is in.

Representations of love will be shown throughout the video, portraying the song we have
chosen to centre the video about. We will also be representing the song and its messages and

Paragraph Seven
What regulatory constraints could emerge? You need to look into the relevant section on the
BBFC or OFCOM websites to see if your work could potentially breach any codes. State which
codes could be a problem and how you might get around them.

The music video may be seen as promoting violence as there are dead people in the video,
especially the wife

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