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Copyright 2016 by Mikkois

All rights reserved. This ebook, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by
any information storage and retrieval system, without the express written permission of the
publisher except for the use of brief quotations.

Published in the United States of America

First Publishing, 2016

ISBN 978-0-692-77910-1

Orlando, FL

The methods describe within this eBook are the authors personal thoughts. They are not
intended to be a definitive set of instructions for this project. You may discover there are other
methods and materials to accomplish the same end result. The author has made every effort to
ensure the accuracy of the information within this book was correct at the time of publication.
The author does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any loss, damage,
or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from
accident, negligence, or any other cause. Any action taken on your part in response to the
information provided in this ebook is at your sole discretion. In no event shall the ebook author
be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance to this
information. The information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any
disease. No individual should make any medical decisions based on the information here,
without first consulting with their doctor or licensed healthcare provider. The contents of this
ebook is intended to be used for informational purposes only - not as a substitute for professional
medical advice. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it, because of
something you have read in this ebook. The reader should consult with their doctor in any
matters relating to his/her health.


Table of Contents
Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:
Latent Laws

Part 4:
The Cure

Part 5:


A decision today results in a different tomorrow.
- Mikkois

If youre reading this, then congratulations. Youre that much closer to being free. In your
hands you hold the key to your freedom. Entailing insight from years of trial and error, and
ultimately, the cure. Now, I strongly suggest that you read everything instead of skipping over to
The Cure. This will allow for greater insight. Now, before we begin, let me tell you a little
more about this addiction. The reason why this addiction, in particular, is so difficult to
overcome is because it is linked to your sex drive. As humans, that is our main driving force, to
procreate, to have sex. Now add in a toxic, self sabotaging behavior that disguises itself and
utilizes this driving force, and youve got yourself a sticky situation. No pun intended. You see,
with this addiction, FMO (fantasy masturbation orgasm) and PMO (pornography masturbation
orgasm) are the two things that of which you MUST AVOID at all costs. In theory, masturbation
without fantasy/pornography is an exception that can be done once a month if need be. Although,
I strongly do not recommend this as 9 times out of 10, theres no way that you will be satisfied
with just that and will end up either FMOing and/or PMOing. The reason for this is because
the experience is no where near that of FMO/PMO. Now as for this journey, you will
experience many benefits and many side effects, it all depends on you. This is where it gets
tricky though. You see, the deeper you delve into this journey and keep relapsing/binging, the
more side effects you are going to experience. The reason I say this is because early throughout
my journey I would only abstain for small timeframes and then relapse/binge. This led to not
only frustration/depression/anger but it also brought about even more side effects. Making things
100x more difficult. Rest assured, if youre already in this state, do not worry. It is still possible
to be free, it will just take a bit more effort on your part. You need to quit making excuses and
make the decision TODAY that you will never relapse again. You must do whatever it takes to
see this through. Now as for the side effects/benefits, Ive gone ahead and listed most of them to
the best of my experience/knowledge/understanding.


Some of the side effects that may be experienced include, but are not limited to:
- anxiety
- social anxiety
- depression
- low self-esteem
- brain fog
- de-personalization/de-realization
- obsessive compulsiveness
- other psychological issues
- inability to form connections with others
- numb to everyday things
- unstable emotions
- cravings/urges
- questioning of your sexuality
- objectifying woman/men
- inability to focus, memory issues
- lethargic
- hair loss
- low testosterone
- erectile dysfunction/pre-mature ejaculation
- low vibration
- insomnia
- weak immune system
- misery
- disconnection with the divine
- unstable hormones/neurotransmitters
- suicidal thoughts


Some of the benefits that may be experienced include, but are not limited to:
- confidence
- clear mind
- strong immune system
- happiness
- new perspective
- sensitivity (both sexual and to life)
- like a kid again
- present
- sexual appeal
- clear skin
- heightened testosterone
- ability to form connections with others
- motivation/drive/passion
- energy
- open and receptive
- deeper voice
- stable emotions
- amazing sex
- no more erectile dysfunction/pre-mature ejaculation
- stable hormones/neurotransmitters
- connection with the divine.
- high vibration

*Understand that abstaining from FMO and PMO will not fix everything. It will help
tremendously, but it is not the answer to all of your problems. This is simply a doorway into your
journey of self growth. *


There is no greater accomplishment than he who conquers their sexuality.
- Mikkois

Im sure you already know, in one way or another, that this shit is not for the weak. This
may very well be one of the most difficult things that you will ever endure in this lifetime but
nonetheless, you shall prevail. Keep in mind that this is not something that should be seen as just
a short term goal but rather a lifestyle change. Its all about sacrifice. Youre sacrificing instant
gratification, for a better life. Youre sacrificing misery, for happiness. Now, first things first, quit
counting the days. Think about it. When you take on a new hobby, you dont count how many
days its been since you first started. Early throughout my journey I used to count the days and if
ever I were to relapse, I would begin thinking to myself, man, I would be feeling so good right
now if I didn't relapse, or shit, I would be so far in if I didnt relapse. This is the exact
depiction of self destruction. Second, take your focus off this journey and just live life. By doing
this, you will allow yourself to be free. Third, begin your spiritual journey as this will make
recovery much easier and insightful (well get more into this in EXODUS). Lastly, you will
know when the time has come. There is no set time that you will recover in, as it depends on how
far into the addiction you are, your recovery attempts, neurotransmitter levels, etc. Just sit back,
or rather move forward, and enjoy the ride (or at least try to).

Your lowest point is also the beginning of your impending growth.

- Anonymous

This journey that you have chosen to embark on is going to be an emotional rollercoaster with
many highs/lows. This is due to the constant fluctuation of your neurotransmitter levels
throughout recovery. When you are at an all time high, your neurotransmitter levels are optimal
for some time and when you are at an all time low (flatline), your neurotransmitter levels are out
of balance. This is a normal process to experience during your journey. The length and severity
of them will lessen in due time depending on your neurotransmitter levels. The key to flatlines is
to get out of them ASAP. Exercising, cold showers, listening to music, painting, being in nature,


social interactions, etc., are all things that will aid you in doing so. Something that you will
notice about a flatline is that most often times, the desire to have sex, FMO, and/or PMO, will
be minimal to none. Lastly, do not let yourself get lost in a flatline. They are only temporary and
will pass.

There has never been, and cannot be, a good life without self control.
- Leo Tolstoy

These may arise at any time and in any way, shape, or form. DO NOT LET THEM PLAY OUT
IN YOUR MIND. Somewhere on reddit I had read a post that spoke of this acronym referred to
as H.A.L.T. It stands for hungry, angry, lonely, and tired. Supposedly these were the main
reasons why one would feel an urge/craving. From my experience, I found that these along with
an idle mind and any negative emotion were the main reasons as to why one would feel an urge/
craving. When your mind is idle, the first thing it will often go to is that which it is already
comfortable with (same goes for a negative state of mind). Something that I realized early
throughout my journey is that it is wise to stay busy and if an urge/craving should present itself,
evaluate, then proceed to redirect your thoughts/energy. Just like a flatline, do not get lost in an
urge/craving as they are only temporary and will pass. Most importantly, REMEMBER WHY

Do not stress that which cannot be controlled.

- Mikkois

This is the proper terminology for a wet dream. This will be experienced if you have no release
whatsoever by means of sex or relapse. Even then, release does not guarantee that it will not
occur. A nocturnal emission is your bodys way of taking care of itself. The symptoms you may
feel after, mimic that of a relapse/flatline. These feelings will pass within a few days and you will
return back to the state that of which you were in prior. If a nocturnal emission occurs, relax.
Everything will be alright. The timeframe after is only temporary and will lessen in severity as
you progress in your journey to recovery. In fact, releasing once every so often is healthy and
should be done only by means of sex/nocturnal emission.


Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

- African Proverb

This is when you come across and/or consciously search something that arouses you. Its that,
shit, did I just relapse? moment. When this occurs, dopamine is released and the addicted
neural pathways are activated once again. This results in your journey coming to a halt. The
symptoms you may feel after, mimic that of a relapse/flatline. Relax. You will, in due time, return
back to the state that you were in prior. As for how long this timeframe will last, that all depends
on how much dopamine was released and how long the addicted neural pathways were active.

Never give up what you want most for what you want today.
- Neal A. Maxwell

This is when the addicted neural pathways are activated and an excess of dopamine is released,
resulting in ejaculation. This can happen through fantasy, pornography, and/or by anything that
arouses you. If this occurs, it should not be seen as something negative but rather as something to
learn from. The reason for this is that it will show you exactly what it is that you must change in
order to not relapse through that manner again. Remember, everything happens for a reason.

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it

- Marilyn vos Savant

This is when you relapse repeatedly without remorse. Its when youve abandoned ship and said,
as the Hodge Twins would put it, fuck it, Im going to bust ALL KINDZZZ OF NUTZZZ. A
binge will usually set you back to square one. ONCE A RELAPSE HAS OCCURRED,
THINK WISELY. Remember, the choice to binge is ALWAYS in your hands. Pun intended.


When you allow yourself to fantasize, you open the door to failure.
- Mikkois

Under NO circumstance should this be done. The subconscious mind does not know what is real
from what is not. Your thoughts will manifest, ultimately leading to you relapsing (well get
more into this in Latent Laws). To stop yourself from fantasizing, you need to redirect your
energy (i.e. sports, working out, social interaction, etc.).

Its time we saw sex as the truly sacred art that it is. A deep meditation, a
holy communion, and a dance with the force of creation
- Marcus Allen

Believe it or not, there is more to life than just sex. Hard to believe with what weve come to
know in todays society but it is true. Now Im not saying that you shouldnt have sex but rather it
shouldnt be the focal point of your existence. With that being said, a sexy time can indeed take
place during your journey. Now as to when and how often you can have sex, is completely up to
you. Same goes for ejaculation/orgasm. Keep in mind that the period after ejaculation/orgasm
may mimic that of a relapse/flatline. Only when you feel that you are ready, should you have sex.
Understand that the sole purpose of sex is to procreate and/or deepen the connection that you
have already established with another. That is the only time one should have sex. If all you want
is to fuck a woman/man, then youre wasting your energy.

The real problem is not increasing your energy. The problem is losing it. If
you stop the loss, you will have more than enough energy.
- Frederick Lenz


Latent Laws
In the end, there is only the present moment and your perception of it.
- Mikkois

This law states that your thoughts create your reality, but your reality is simply your
perception of the present moment. People tend to have different realities because we all have
different perceptions. In the end, there is only the present moment and your perception of it. To
be able to truly grasp this concept, I want you to first understand that you are not your body. You
are a soul/spirit that resides within a human body. Energy is what is allowing the human body
that you reside in to be alive. It allows your heart, brain, lungs, etc., to work. Think of your body
like a car. Just like a car needs energy to turn on, so does the body. Now once the car is on, in
order to start the car, you need the gas and everything else to work in conjunction. Just as the
body, once it is alive (on), the heart, brain, lungs, and everything else need to work in
conjunction in order for it to function (start). Now that the car (body) is running (alive and
functioning), how do you get it from point A to point B? An operator is needed to press the gas
pedal and steer the car just like the human body needs an operator (soul/spirit) to move, speak,
listen, etc. Now that you understand that, realize that most if not all of your thoughts are not
yours. The mind is a receiver. It constantly receives positive/negative/neutral thoughts on a
continuous basis. Just like a television, the mind receives all these different channels (thoughts)
and you (soul/spirit) can choose which channel (thought) you want. Now whichever channel you
choose, that will become your reality. If you watch a scary movie, you become scared. If you
watch a sad movie, you become sad. If you watch a funny movie, you begin to laugh. It becomes
your reality. So you can now see how if you allow thoughts of masturbation/pornography/
fantasy/sex to linger in your mind, it will not change the present moment, but rather your
perception of it. Those thoughts will manifest and become your reality. By NO MEANS should
you allow these thoughts to linger, even for a second. When you allow them to linger, you
unknowingly open yourself up to that channel and experience the phenomenon that occurs
when one channel begins to merge with another. That thought will begin to grow until it has
taken over your mind and manifested itself. Ultimately becoming your reality.


The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old,
but on building the new.
- Socrates


This law states that when you do something repeatedly, its only a matter of time before it
becomes a habit and once this occurs, a rhythm will develop shortly after. The best way that Ive
found to break a rhythm is to put all of your energy into creating new rhythms. These new
rhythms MUST be formed or it will be damn near impossible to break the old rhythm. The
reason for this is that your brain has many neural pathways. Anytime you do anything, neural
pathways are activated. When something becomes a habit, specific neural pathways have now
been activated repetitively to the point where they begin to form a pattern. Once the habit
becomes a rhythm, these neural pathways have now formed a connection allowing whatever it is
that resulted in this rhythm, to occur without effort/will power/control. Hence why its so
difficult to overcome an addiction. When you dont activate new neural pathways with new
habit(s)/rhythm(s), then the old rhythm(s) will seek to activate once again (i.e. strong urges/
cravings when you continue the same routine or begin falling back to your old ways). Keep in
mind that MOST, if not ALL benefits/side effects are a direct result of your neurotransmitter
levels (well get more into this in The Cure).

Shallow breathing is the root of all evil but conscious breathing restores and
secures our souls.
- Desmond Green

This law states that your breathing pattern controls your thoughts and emotions. Irregular
breathing patterns are formed as a direct result of not being in the present. With this irregular
breathing pattern, unstable emotions, anxiety, obsessive compulsiveness, and/or any other
psychological disorders may arise. To correct this, you must develop a new (or rather old)
breathing pattern. To do this, simply focus in on your breathing and make sure that your
inhalation/exhalation are done at a deep/steady pace. To further establish this rhythm, begin
meditating as this will allow you to be more conscious of your breathing. To meditate, simply
focus in on your breathing and let your thoughts come and go.


Once energy is flowing as it should, your reality will be as that of a dream..

- Mikkois

This law states that your dissociation from the present is a direct result of stagnant energy
residing within. Energy is what keeps us alive and it is what dictates the very being of this
physical body that we reside in. It is all around us and an interexchange should be taking place at
all times. When we close off and energy is not flowing as it should, we then experience this
dissociation from the present. To counteract this, you need to open yourself up just as you were
when you were a kid. You need to let go and stop trying to control everything. You cant be
afraid of the pain that may come when you are open. Trust me, I speak from experience. When I
was younger, I was open and receptive. I trusted in the man that my mother was in a relationship
with, then he abused me physically, mentally, and emotionally, resulting in me closing off. I was
open and receptive when I had my first love, only to have her cheat on me and lie to me,
resulting in me closing off. I was open and receptive when I thought I had everything in life, then
my nephew passed away at 7 months old, resulting in me closing off. Life is tough and can make
you close off and become hard hearted but let me tell you something, every time that I closed off
in the past, I was even more miserable. As Elliot Hulse once said, When you close yourself off
to love, you dont get love. What you get is a shadow of love. This love that he refers to is what
you felt as a kid and what you will feel once you are completely open and energy is flowing as it
should. Once this occurs, your reality will be as that of a dream.. surreal.*

*Note that this state can be achieved by means of sex, drugs, herbs, meditation, prayer, exercise,
and/or unknowingly, but will usually be short lived unless done consciously.*


The Cure
Incurable means curable from within.
- John Frederick Demartini

Something that I kept hearing early in my journey is that an addiction is incurable and
that all you can do is make it dormant. Meaning that it can come back at any moment. While I
accepted this at the time, I had a gut feeling that this wasnt true and so began the quest to find a
cure. I came to notice that these guidelines created by those prior, were that of a quick fix.
Just allowing people to make these addicted neural pathways dormant. The sad truth is that
with these guidelines, many people would go months into sobriety, then fall right back into the
addiction. Extremely similar to recovery programs for other addictions and western medicine for
any ailments of the body. Neither actually addresses the main problem.

Root Cause
This addiction, or any addiction for that matter, is a direct result of either naturally low
dopamine levels, a coping mechanism, and/or by means of an escape. The recovery process
will be the same for all three, as each affect your neurotransmitter levels prior/during/after. This
is because the body strives to stay in a state of homeostasis which is basically a balanced state
of all hormones/neurotransmitters. When the body has naturally low dopamine levels, it is not
balanced. Meaning that the body will seek to correct this. Therefore, an addiction will form
(very easily for that matter) to anything that corrects this imbalance. Even if it only does so for
a short period of time (referred to as an addictive personality). Once this occurs, your brain
will cease to release dopamine naturally because it is now receiving a substantial amount of
dopamine from the addiction. Then to make matters even worse, if you were to ever remove that
which your body has now grown a dependency on, youre going to be hit with a substantial
amount of problems (all referred to in GENESIS). Understand that having naturally low
dopamine levels/addiction is not a sickness. It is the result of a sick body. Meaning it can be
cured. Truth of the matter is that MOST, if not EVERYTHING that you feel months after
abstaining, can be attained right now (or in a much smaller time frame depending on your
digestive system). The reason for this is that your digestive system needs to be working properly
in order for neurotransmitters to be regulated efficiently. Dopamine, acetylcholine,
norepinephrine, GABA, serotonin, and endorphins all play a VITAL role in recovery.


Norepinephrine triggers the fight or flight system during times of danger/extreme stress.
Acetylcholine allows communication between cells in your brain. GABA is an inhibitory
neurotransmitter that has a calming effect on the brain and body. Serotonin is a chemical
messenger that is passed between nerve cells; a mood regulator per say. Dopamine helps control
the brains reward/pleasure system and also regulates movement and emotional response
(motivation). Lastly, endorphins are the bodys natural painkillers. They relieve pain and induce
feelings pleasure/euphoria.

The Cure
Lets begin with getting your digestive system working as it should. A cleanse/detox of your
liking followed by a 3-5 day liquid fast (water throughout the day and liquid foods after 6 p.m.),
then an introduction to your new diet including probiotics for 1-4 weeks. After the fast, the
regulation process should then commence. To do so includes, but is not limited to:

- exercising a minimum of 7x a week (walking, running, sprinting, swimming, calisthenics,

weight training, gymnastics, interval training, parkour, longboarding, basketball, soccer,
football, group exercise, stretching, yoga, etc.)
- active lifestyle (minimal amount of time sedentary)
- reading
- doing something dangerous and/or exciting
- experiencing something new
- meditation
- prayer
- submersing yourself in cold water (cold shower, cold bath, cold ocean, cold spring, etc.)
- listening to music/creating music
- viewing/creating art
- being in nature
- doing something youre passionate about
- finding the beauty in things
- growing (i.e. a plant, animal, etc.)
- interacting with others (adults, kids, animals, etc.)


- correct posture
- creating a checklist of short-term (day to day) and long-term (days/months/years) goals
- journaling
- increase tyrosine (through diet and/or supplementing with acetyl-l-tyrosine)
- alkalized water (can be made with baking soda, lemon, and regular water)
- supplementation (i.e. acetyl-l-tyrosine, acetyl-l-carnitine, 5-HTP, curcumin, magnesium,
ginseng, ginkgo biloba, l-theanine from green tea, phosphatidylserine, probiotics, B complex
vitamins, etc.)
- reduction of lipopolysaccharides (through diet and good sleep)
- laughter/smiling
- new job/career
- sex
- capsaicin (main chemical compound that makes most spicy foods hot)
- eliminating/limiting fluoride (toothpaste, tap water, etc.)
- eliminating/limiting chemicals (i.e. soap, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant,
perfume, etc.)
- vanilla/lavender essential oils
- diaphragmatic breathing (deep breathing)
- vitamin D (from the sun)
- eliminating/limiting processed foods
- diet (nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, legumes, yogurt, whole grains, rice, potatoes, pasta, meat,
milk, poultry, fish, peanut butter, lecithin, eggs, oatmeal, wheat grass, cacao, goji berries,
maca root, other superfoods, coffee, tea, etc.).

The aforementioned is but a brief overview of what should be done. Further research on
your part and your choice as to which you will be implementing in your new lifestyle is
completely up to you. As you begin to create your new lifestyle, remember that a day should
never revolve around a schedule but rather it should have certain things that revolve around that
day. You will know when youve healed 100%. Once the body is healed, dopamine and all the
other neurotransmitters will then be regulated efficiently. Meaning that you are no longer bound
to anything. You are now a free man/woman. Congratulations.


Knowing is not enough, WE MUST APPLY.
Willing is not enough, WE MUST DO.
- Bruce Lee

You are now armed with everything you need to be free of this addiction. If followed
100%, I guarantee your freedom. Its all up to you now. How bad do you want to be free? How
bad do you want to be happy? How bad do you want to feel love? How bad do you want to live
in the present? These are the questions that you need to be asking yourself. You must truly want
this more than anything and do whatever it takes to conquer this. Remember, you will NEVER
reach your true potential if you keep indulging in this behavior.

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual

beings having a human experience.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Along this journey I know youve felt/or will feel something(s) that is/are unexplainable.
Because of that, I will leave you with 4 things that I want you to take into consideration.

1) Your reality is in your hands. It all starts with you.

2) Be the change that you want to see in this world. Anything is possible.
3) Take your focus away from the money and direct it elsewhere (i.e. helping others, creating
music/art, etc.).
4) Come to know God, Allah, Yahweh, Dios, the Universe, Zeu, Jehovah, Jesus, Deus, Jah,
Zot, Duw, Mulungu, Ilaah, Te Atua, Tuhan, whatever it is that you want to call the divine
origin that of which we stem from. Come to this knowing in whichever way you please. The
beauty of it is that there is no right or wrong way to do so.


You see, I spent a great many of my years as an atheist. I did not believe in a God nor
anything that could not be proven with science. I was materialistic and extremely selfish. The
only point I saw to life was, for lack of better words, to fuck bitches and get money. Misery is an
understatement to how I felt. I was so miserable in fact that I was even contemplating suicide.
Great life, huh? All the money, clothes, watches, chains, electronics, cars, sex, etc. werent all
that I thought it to be and it sure as hell didnt complete me or give me lasting happiness. That,
my brother/sister, is no way to live. It wasnt until I came to know God, that I became
complete and truly happy. You see, every human being in existence has this innate feeling that
there is something more, a God, a creator of everything, an origin that of which we and
everything else stem from. This can be seen throughout all of history through the beliefs of
different tribes, societies, occults, philosophy, religions, etc. To deny this innate feeling is to deny
your very being. Open yourself up to the aforementioned and share it with everyone you come
into contact with. You need not shove it down peoples throats. Simply share it with them. It
doesnt even have to be verbally either. It could be shared with just your actions. Remember,
everyone deserves to be happy and live in love.

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the
candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.
- Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)


I am not a spiritual teacher, guru, prophet, lord, God, almighty being, scientist,
philosopher, monk, etc. I am no different than you. I am a spiritual being having a human
experience. I cannot teach you anything. I can only make you think. Most, if not all that I speak
of comes from personal research, deep meditation, and intuition. Do not take everything I say as
absolute but rather as you will. I love you and hope greatly that my insights have helped/
influenced you in one way or another. I will take no credit for this as all the credit goes to the
divine that has guided me to this wisdom/knowledge/intelligence. If youre still wanting more, I
provide 1 on 1 sessions and upload Youtube videos weekly. Info on the aforementioned can be
found on my website down below. May love, happiness, peace, and blessings be upon you.

The time is now.


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