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Ben-Hur (1959) - 11
2. Titanic (1997) - 11
3. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) - 11

1. West Side Story (1961) - 10

1. Gigi (1958) - 9 ***

2. The Last Emperor (1987) - 9
3. The English Patient (1996) - 9

1. Gone with the Wind (1939) - 8

2. From Here to Eternity (1953) - 8
3. On the Waterfront (1954) - 8
4. My Fair Lady (1964) - 8
5. Cabaret (1972) - 8
6. Gandhi (1982) - 8
7. Amadeus (1984) - 8
8. Slumdog Millionaire (2008) - 8

1. Going My Way (1944) - 7

2. The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) - 7
3. The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) - 7
4. Lawrence of Arabia (1962) - 7
5. Patton (1970) - 7
6. The Sting (1973) - 7
7. Out of Africa (1985) - 7
8. Dances with Wolves (1990) - 7
9. Schindler's List (1993) - 7
10. Shakespeare in Love (1998) - 7
11. Gravity (2013) - 7

1. Mrs. Miniver (1942) - 6 ***

2. All About Eve (1950) - 6
3. A Place in the Sun (1951) - 6
4. An American in Paris (1951) - 6
5. A Man for All Seasons (1966) - 6
6. The Godfather Part II (1974) - 6
7. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) - 6
8. Forrest Gump (1994) - 6
9. Chicago (2002) - 6
10. The Hurt Locker (2008) - 6
11. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) - 6
12. La La Land (2016) - 6

1. It Happened One Night (1934) - 5

2. How Green Was My Valley (1941) - 5
3. Wilson (1944) - 5 ***
4. The Bad and the Beautiful (1952) - 5
5. The King and I (1956) - 5 ***
6. Around the World in 80 Days (1956) - 5 ***
7. The Apartment (1960) - 5
8. Mary Poppins (1964) - 5
9. Doctor Zhivago (1965) - 5
10. The Sound of Music (1965) - 5
11. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966) - 5
12. In the Heat of the Night (1967) - 5
13. Oliver! (1968) - 5 ***
14. The French Connection (1971) - 5
15. One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) - 5
16. The Deer Hunter (1978) - 5
17. Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) - 5
18. Terms of Endearment (1983) - 5
19. The Silence of the Lambs (1991) - 5
20. Braveheart (1995) - 5
21. Saving Private Ryan (1998) - 5
22. American Beauty (1999) - 5
23. Gladiator (2000) - 5
24. The Aviator (2004) - 5
25. Hugo (2011) - 5
26. The Artist (2011) - 5

1. The Informer (1935) - 4 ***

2. Anthony Adverse (1936) - 4 ***
3. The Song of Bernadette (1943) - 4 ***
4. The Lost Weekend (1945) - 4
5. Hamlet (1948) - 4 ***
6. The Heiress (1949) - 4 ***
7. A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) - 4
8. High Noon (1952) - 4
9. Marty (1955) - 4
10. Sayonara (1957) - 4 ***
11. Spartacus (1960) - 4
12. Cleopatra (1963) - 4 ***
13. Tom Jones (1963) - 4 ***
14. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) - 4
15. Barry Lyndon (1975) - 4
16. Network (1976) - 4
17. All the President's Men (1976) - 4
18. Annie Hall (1977) - 4
19. All That Jazz (1979) - 4 ***
20. Ordinary People (1980) - 4 ***
21. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) - 4
22. Chariots of Fire (1981) - 4 ***
23. E.T.: the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) - 4
24. Fanny & Alexander (1983) - 4
25. The Right Stuff (1983) - 4 ***
26. Rain Man (1988) - 4
27. Platoon (1986) - 4
28. Driving Miss Daisy (1989) - 4
29. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) - 4
30. Unforgiven (1992) - 4
31. The Matrix (1999) - 4
32. Traffic (2000) - 4
33. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) - 4
34. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) - 4
35. A Beautiful Mind (2001) - 4
36. Million Dollar Baby (2004) - 4
37. The Departed (2006) - 4
38. No Country for Old Men (2007) - 4
39. Inception (2010) - 4
40. The King's Speech (2010) - 4
41. Life of Pi (2012) - 4
42. Birdman (2014) - 4
43. The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) - 4

1. Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927) - 3 ***

2. 7th Heaven (1928) - 3 ***
3. Cimarron (1931) - 3 ***
4. Cavalcade (1933) - 3 ***
5. The Great Ziegfeld (1936) - 3 ***
6. The Story of Louis Pasteur (1936) - 3 ***
7. The Life of Emile Zola (1937) - 3 ***
8. The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) - 3 ***
9. The Thief of Bagdad (1940) - 3 ***
10. Casablanca (1942) - 3
11. Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942) - 3
12. Gentleman's Agreement (1947) - 3 ***
13. Miracle on 34th Street (1947) - 3 ***
14. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) - 3
15. All the King's Men (1949) - 3 ***
16. Sunset Boulevard (1950) - 3
17. Roman Holiday (1953) - 3
18. Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing (1955) - 3 ***
19. The Rose Tattoo (1955) - 3 ***
20. The Diary of Anne Frank (1959) - 3 ***
21. Elmer Gantry (1960) - 3 ***
22. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) - 3
23. How the West Was Won (1963) - 3 ***
24. Hud (1963) - 3 ***
25. Zorba the Greek (1964) - 3 ***
26. Darling (1965) - 3 ***
27. Grand Prix (1966) - 3 ***
28. Camelot (1967) - 3 ***
29. The Lion in Winter (1968) - 3 ***
30. Hello, Dolly! (1969) - 3 ***
31. Midnight Cowboy (1969) - 3
32. Fiddler on the Roof (1971) - 3 ***
33. The Godfather (1972) - 3
34. The Towering Inferno (1974) - 3 ***
35. Jaws (1975) - 3
36. Rocky (1976) - 3
37. Julia (1977) - 3 ***
38. Coming Home (1978) - 3
39. Tess (1979) - 3
40. Reds (1981) - 3
41. On Golden Pond (1981) - 3 ***
42. The Killing Fields (1984) - 3 ***
43. Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) - 3
44. A Room with a View (1986) - 3
45. Dangerous Liaisons (1988) - 3
46. Moonstruck (1987) - 3 ***
47. Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) - 3
48. Glory (1989) - 3
49. Dick Tracy (1990) - 3 ***
50. Howards End (1992) - 3
51. Dracula (1992) - 3
52. The Piano (1993) - 3
53. Jurassic Park (1993) - 3
54. Life Is Beautiful (1997) - 3
55. The Pianist (2002) - 3
56. Crash (2005) - 3
57. King Kong (2005) - 3
58. Memoirs of a Geisha (2005) - 3
59. Brokeback Mountain (2005) - 3
60. Pan's Labyrinth (2006) - 3
61. The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) - 3
62. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) - 3
63. Avatar (2009) - 3
64. The Social Network (2010) - 3
65. Argo (2012) - 3
66. Les Misrables (2012) - 3
67. 12 Years a Slave (2013) - 3
68. Dallas Buyers Club (2013) - 3
69. Whiplash (2014) - 3
70. Revenant (2015) - 3
71. Moonlight (2016) - 3

1. Wings (1928) - 2 ***

2. The Big House (1930) - 2 ***
3. All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) - 2
4. Bad Girl (1931) - 2 ***
5. The Champ (1931) - 2 ***
6. A Farewell to Arms (1933) - 2 ***
7. One Night of Love (1934) - 2 ***
8. A Midsummer Night's Dream (1935) - 2 ***
9. Lost Horizon (1937) - 2 ***
10. The Good Earth (1937) - 2 ***
11. In Old Chicago (1937) - 2 ***
12. Jezebel (1938) - 2
13. You Can't Take It with You (1938) - 2 ***
14. Boys Town (1938) - 2 ***
15. The Wizard of Oz (1939) - 2
16. Stagecoach (1939) - 2
17. Rebecca (1940) - 2
18. Pinocchio (1940) - 2
19. The Grapes of Wrath (1940) - 2
20. The Philadelphia Story (1940) - 2
21. Here Comes Mr. Jordan (1941) - 2 ***
22. Sergeant York (1941) - 2 ***
23. Phantom of the Opera (1943) - 2 ***
24. Gaslight (1944) - 2
25. National Velvet (1945) - 2 ***
26. The Yearling (1946) - 2 ***
27. The Jolson Story (1946) - 2 ***
28. Anna and the King of Siam (1946) - 2 ***
29. Great Expectations (1947) - 2 ***
30. A Double Life (1947) - 2 ***
31. Black Narcissus (1947) - 2 ***
32. Joan of Arc (1948) - 2 ***
33. The Naked City (1948) - 2 ***
34. The Red Shoes (1948) - 2 ***
35. Battleground (1949) - 2 ***
36. A Letter to Three Wives (1949) - 2 ***
37. Twelve O'Clock High (1949) - 2 ***
38. King Solomon's Mines (1950) - 2 ***
39. Samson and Delilah (1950) - 2 ***
40. The Quiet Man (1952) - 2 ***
41. Moulin Rouge (1952) - 2 ***
42. The Greatest Show on Earth (1952) - 2 ***
43. The Robe (1953) - 2 ***
44. The Country Girl (1954) - 2 ***
45. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954) - 2 ***
46. Three Coins in the Fountain (1954) - 2 ***
47. Picnic (1955) - 2 ***
48. Oklahoma! (1955) - 2 ***
49. Somebody Up There Likes Me (1956) - 2 ***
50. Separate Tables (1958) - 2 ***
51. The Defiant Ones (1958) - 2 ***
52. Room at the Top (1959) - 2 ***
53. Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) - 2
54. Judgment at Nuremberg (1961) - 2
55. The Hustler (1961) - 2
56. The Longest Day (1962) - 2 ***
57. The Miracle Worker (1962) - 2 ***
58. 8 (1963) - 2
59. Ship of Fools (1965) - 2 ***
60. Fantastic Voyage (1966) - 2 ***
61. A Man and a Woman (1966) - 2 ***
62. Born Free (1966) - 2 ***
63. Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967) - 2
64. Bonnie and Clyde (1967) - 2
65. Doctor Dolittle (1967) - 2 ***
66. Romeo and Juliet (1968) - 2 ***
67. Z (1969) - 2 ***
68. Ryan's Daughter (1970) - 2 ***
69. The Last Picture Show (1971) - 2
70. Sentinels of Silence (1971) - 2 ***
71. Nicholas and Alexandra (1971) - 2 ***
72. The Exorcist (1973) - 2
73. The Way We Were (1973) - 2 ***
74. The Great Gatsby (1974) - 2 ***
75. Bound for Glory (1976) - 2 ***
76. Midnight Express (1978) - 2 ***
77. Apocalypse Now (1979) - 2
78. Norma Rae (1979) - 2 ***
79. Raging Bull (1980) - 2
80. Fame (1980) - 2 ***
81. Melvin and Howard (1980) - 2 ***
82. Arthur (1981) - 2 ***
83. An Officer and a Gentleman (1982) - 2
84. Tender Mercies (1983) - 2 ***
85. A Passage to India (1984) - 2 ***
86. Places in the Heart (1984) - 2 ***
87. Witness (1985) - 2
88. Cocoon (1985) - 2 ***
89. Aliens (1986) - 2
90. The Little Mermaid (1989) - 2
91. Born on the Fourth of July (1989) - 2
92. My Left Foot (1989) - 2
93. Ghost (1990) - 2
94. Beauty and the Beast (1991) - 2
95. Bugsy (1991) - 2 ***
96. JFK (1991) - 2
97. Aladdin (1992) - 2
98. Philadelphia (1993) - 2
99. Speed (1994) - 2
100. The Lion King (1994) - 2
101. Ed Wood (1994) - 2
102. The Usual Suspects (1995) - 2
103. Apollo 13 (1995) - 2
104. Pocahontas (1995) - 2 ***
105. Restoration (1995) - 2 ***
106. Fargo (1996) - 2
107. Good Will Hunting (1997) - 2
108. L.A. Confidential (1997) - 2
109. As Good as It Gets (1997) - 2
110. The Cider House Rules (1999) - 2
111. Topsy-Turvy (1999) - 2 ***
112. Black Hawk Down (2001) - 2
113. Moulin Rouge! (2001) - 2
114. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) - 2
115. Frida (2002) - 2
116. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003) - 2
117. Mystic River (2003) - 2
118. Ray (2004) - 2
119. The Incredibles (2004) - 2
120. Dreamgirls (2006) - 2
121. An Inconvenient Truth (2006) - 2 ***
122. Little Miss Sunshine (2006) - 2
123. There Will Be Blood (2007) - 2
124. La Vie en Rose (2007) - 2
125. The Dark Knight (2008) - 2
126. Milk (2008) - 2
127. Up (2009) - 2
128. Precious (2009) - 2
129. Crazy Heart (2009) - 2
130. Toy Story 3 (2010) - 2
131. The Fighter (2010) - 2
132. Alice in Wonderland (2010) - 2
133. The Iron Lady (2011) - 2
134. Skyfall (2012) - 2
135. Django Unchained (2012) - 2
136. Lincoln (2012) - 2
137. The Great Gatsby (2013) - 2
138. Frozen (2013) - 2
139. Spotlight (2015) - 2
140. Manchester by the Sea (2016) - 2
141. Hacksaw Ridge (2016) - 2

1. The Last Command (1928) - 1 ***

2. The Dove (1928) - 1 ***
3. Two Arabian Knights (1928) - 1 ***
4. Underworld (1928) - 1 ***
5. The Way of All Flesh (1928) - 1 ***
6. Street Angel (1928) - 1 ***
7. The Patriot (1928) - 1 ***
8. In Old Arizona (1928) - 1 ***
9. The Broadway Melody (1929) - 1 ***
10. The Divine Lady (1929) - 1 ***
11. The Bridge of San Luis Rey (1929) - 1 ***
12. Coquette (1929) - 1 ***
13. White Shadows in the South Seas (1929) - 1 ***
14. Disraeli (1929) - 1 ***
15. The Divorcee (1930) - 1 ***
16. King of Jazz (1930) - 1 ***
17. With Byrd at the South Pole (1930) - 1 ***
18. Skippy (1931) - 1 ***
19. A Free Soul (1931) - 1 ***
20. The Dawn Patrol (1931) - 1 ***
21. Min and Bill (1931) - 1 ***
22. Tabu (1931) - 1 ***
23. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931) - 1
24. The Sin of Madelon Claudet (1931) - 1 ***
25. Shanghai Express (1932) - 1 ***
26. Flowers and Trees (1932) - 1 ***
27. Grand Hotel (1932) - 1 ***
28. The Music Box (1932) - 1 ***
29. Transatlantic (1932) - 1 ***
30. Wrestling Swordfish (1932) - 1 ***
31. Little Women (1933) - 1 ***
32. The Private Life of Henry VIII (1933) - 1 ***
33. Krakatoa (1933) - 1 ***
34. Morning Glory (1933) - 1 ***
35. One Way Passage (1933) - 1 ***
36. So This Is Harris! (1933) - 1 ***
37. Three Little Pigs (1933) - 1 ***
38. Cleopatra (1934) - 1 ***
39. The Gay Divorcee (1934) - 1 ***
40. Viva Villa! (1934) - 1 ***
41. City of Wax (1934) - 1 ***
42. Eskimo (1934) - 1 ***
43. La Cucaracha (1934) - 1 ***
44. Manhattan Melodrama (1934) - 1 ***
45. The Merry Widow (1934) - 1 ***
46. The Tortoise and the Hare (1934) - 1 ***
47. Mutiny on the Bounty (1935) - 1
48. The Lives of a Bengal Lancer (1935) - 1 ***
49. Broadway Melody of 1936 (1935) - 1 ***
50. The Dark Angel (1935) - 1 ***
51. Gold Diggers of 1935 (1935) - 1 ***
52. Naughty Marietta (1935) - 1 ***
53. Dangerous (1935) - 1 ***
54. How to Sleep (1935) - 1 ***
55. The Scoundrel (1935) - 1 ***
56. Three Orphan Kittens (1935) - 1 ***
57. Wings Over Everest (1935) - 1 ***
58. Dodsworth (1936) - 1 ***
59. San Francisco (1936) - 1 ***
60. Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936) - 1 ***
61. The Charge of the Light Brigade (1936) - 1 ***
62. Come and Get It (1936) - 1 ***
63. Swing Time (1936) - 1 ***
64. Bored of Education (1936) - 1 ***
65. The Country Cousin (1936) - 1 ***
66. Give Me Liberty (1936) - 1 ***
67. The Public Pays (1936) - 1 ***
68. A Star Is Born (1937) - 1 ***
69. The Awful Truth (1937) - 1 ***
70. One Hundred Men and a Girl (1937) - 1 ***
71. Captains Courageous (1937) - 1 ***
72. The Hurricane (1937) - 1 ***
73. A Damsel in Distress (1937) - 1 ***
74. Waikiki Wedding (1937) - 1 ***
75. The Old Mill (1937) - 1 ***
76. Penny Wisdom (1937) - 1 ***
77. The Private Life of the Gannets (1937) - 1 ***
78. Torture Money (1937) - 1 ***
79. Alexander's Ragtime Band (1938) - 1 ***
80. Pygmalion (1938) - 1 ***
81. The Cowboy and the Lady (1938) - 1 ***
82. The Great Waltz (1938) - 1 ***
83. The Big Broadcast of 1938 (1938) - 1 ***
84. Declaration of Independence (1938) - 1 ***
85. Ferdinand the Bull (1938) - 1 ***
86. Kentucky (1938) - 1 ***
87. That Mothers Might Live (1938) - 1 ***
88. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) - 1
89. Wuthering Heights (1939) - 1
90. Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1939) - 1 ***
91. The Rains Came (1939) - 1 ***
92. Busy Little Bears (1939) - 1 ***
93. Sons of Liberty (1939) - 1 ***
94. The Ugly Duckling (1939) - 1 ***
95. When Tomorrow Comes (1939) - 1 ***
96. Kitty Foyle (1940) - 1 ***
97. North West Mounted Police (1940) - 1 ***
98. Arise, My Love (1940) - 1 ***
99. Strike Up the Band (1940) - 1 ***
100. The Westerner (1940) - 1 ***
101. The Great McGinty (1940) - 1 ***
102. The Milky Way (1940) - 1 ***
103. Pride and Prejudice (1940) - 1 ***
104. Quicker 'N a Wink (1940) - 1 ***
105. Teddy, the Rough Rider (1940) - 1 ***
106. Quicker'n a Wink (1940) - 1 ***
107. Tin Pan Alley (1940) - 1 ***
108. Citizen Kane (1941) - 1
109. Dumbo (1941) - 1
110. 49th Parallel (1941) - 1 ***
111. Blossoms in the Dust (1941) - 1 ***
112. Suspicion (1941) - 1
113. That Hamilton Woman (1941) - 1 ***
114. All That Money Can Buy (1941) - 1 ***
115. Blood and Sand (1941) - 1 ***
116. Churchill's Island (1941) - 1 ***
117. The Great Lie (1941) - 1 ***
118. I Wanted Wings (1941) - 1 ***
119. Lady Be Good (1941) - 1 ***
120. Lend a Paw (1941) - 1 ***
121. Main Street on the March! (1941) - 1 ***
122. Of Pups and Puzzles (1941) - 1 ***
123. The Pride of the Yankees (1942) - 1 ***
124. Holiday Inn (1942) - 1 ***
125. This Above All (1942) - 1 ***
126. The Black Swan (1942) - 1 ***
127. The Invaders (1942) - 1 ***
128. Now, Voyager (1942) - 1 ***
129. Reap the Wild Wind (1942) - 1 ***
130. My Gal Sal (1942) - 1 ***
131. Woman of the Year (1942) - 1 ***
132. The Battle of Midway (1942) - 1 ***
133. Beyond the Line of Duty (1942) - 1 ***
134. Der Fuehrer's Face (1942) - 1 ***
135. Johnny Eager (1942) - 1 ***
136. Speaking of Animals and Their Families (1942) - 1 ***
137. For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943) - 1 ***
138. The More the Merrier (1943) - 1 ***
139. The Human Comedy (1943) - 1 ***
140. Air Force (1943) - 1 ***
141. Watch on the Rhine (1943) - 1 ***
142. This Is the Army (1943) - 1 ***
143. Hello, Frisco, Hello (1943) - 1 ***
144. Amphibious Fighters (1943) - 1 ***
145. December 7th (1943) - 1 ***
146. Crash Dive (1943) - 1 ***
147. Desert Victory (1943) - 1 ***
148. Heavenly Music (1943) - 1 ***
149. Princess O'Rourke (1943) - 1 ***
150. This Land Is Mine (1943) - 1 ***
151. The Yankee Doodle Mouse (1943) - 1 ***
152. Since You Went Away (1944) - 1 ***
153. Cover Girl (1944) - 1 ***
154. Laura (1944) - 1
155. None But the Lonely Heart (1944) - 1 ***
156. Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo (1944) - 1 ***
157. The Fighting Lady (1944) - 1 ***
158. I Won't Play (1944) - 1 ***
159. Mouse Trouble (1944) - 1 ***
160. Who's Who in Animal Land (1944) - 1 ***
161. With the Marines at Tarawa (1944) - 1 ***
162. The Bells of St. Mary's (1945) - 1 ***
163. Mildred Pierce (1945) - 1 ***
164. Spellbound (1945) - 1
165. Anchors Aweigh (1945) - 1 ***
166. Leave Her to Heaven (1945) - 1 ***
167. Wond er Man (1945) - 1 ***
168. The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945) - 1
169. State Fair (1945) - 1 ***
170. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1945) - 1 ***
171. Blood on the Sun (1945) - 1 ***
172. Marie-Louise (1945) - 1 ***
173. Frenchman's Creek (1945) - 1 ***
174. Hitler Lives (1945) - 1 ***
175. The House on 92nd Street (1945) - 1 ***
176. Quiet Please! (1945) - 1 ***
177. Stairway to Light (1945) - 1 ***
178. Star in the Night (1945) - 1 ***
179. The True Glory (1945) - 1 ***
180. The Razor's Edge (1946) - 1 ***
181. The Harvey Girls (1946) - 1 ***
182. To Each His Own (1946) - 1 ***
183. Blithe Spirit (1946) - 1 ***
184. A Boy and His Dog (1946) - 1 ***
185. The Cat Concerto (1946) - 1 ***
186. Facing Your Danger (1946) - 1 ***
187. Seeds of Destiny (1946) - 1 ***
188. The Seventh Veil (1946) - 1 ***
189. Vacation from Marriage (1946) - 1 ***
190. Song of the South (1947) - 1 ***
191. The Bishop's Wife (1947) - 1 ***
192. Green Dolphin Street (1947) - 1 ***
193. Body and Soul (1947) - 1 ***
194. Mother Wore Tights (1947) - 1 ***
195. The Farmer's Daughter (1947) - 1 ***
196. The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer (1947) - 1 ***
197. Climbing the Matterhorn (1947) - 1 ***
198. Good-Bye Miss Turlock (1947) - 1 ***
199. Design for Death (1947) - 1 ***
200. First Steps (1947) - 1 ***
201. Goodbye, Miss Turlock (1947) - 1 ***
202. Tweetie Pie (1947) - 1 ***
203. Key Largo (1948) - 1
204. The Search (1948) - 1 ***
205. Johnny Belinda (1948) - 1 ***
206. The Snake Pit (1948) - 1 ***
207. Portrait of Jennie (1948) - 1 ***
208. Easter Parade (1948) - 1 ***
209. The Little Orphan (1948) - 1 ***
210. The Paleface (1948) - 1 ***
211. Seal Island (1948) - 1 ***
212. The Secret Land (1948) - 1 ***
213. Symphony of a City (1948) - 1 ***
214. Toward Independence (1948) - 1 ***
215. The Third Man (1949) - 1
216. Champion (1949) - 1 ***
217. Adventures of Don Juan (1949) - 1 ***
218. Little Women (1949) - 1 ***
219. Aquatic House Party (1949) - 1 ***
220. A Chance to Live (1949) - 1 ***
221. Daybreak in Udi (1949) - 1 ***
222. For Scent-imental Reasons (1949) - 1 ***
223. Mighty Joe Young (1949) - 1 ***
224. Neptune's Daughter (1949) - 1 ***
225. On the Town (1949) - 1 ***
226. She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949) - 1 ***
227. So Much for So Little (1949) - 1 ***
228. The Stratton Story (1949) - 1 ***
229. Van Gogh (1949) - 1 ***
230. Born Yesterday (1950) - 1
231. Annie Get Your Gun (1950) - 1 ***
232. Harvey (1950) - 1 ***
233. Destination Moon (1950) - 1 ***
234. Captain Carey, U.S.A. (1950) - 1 ***
235. Cyrano de Bergerac (1950) - 1 ***
236. Gerald McBoing-Boing (1950) - 1 ***
237. Grandad of Races (1950) - 1 ***
238. In Beaver Valley (1950) - 1 ***
239. Panic in the Streets (1950) - 1 ***
240. The Titan: Story of Michelangelo (1950) - 1 ***
241. Why Korea? (1950) - 1 ***
242. The African Queen (1951) - 1
243. The Great Caruso (1951) - 1 ***
244. Here Comes the Groom (1951) - 1 ***
245. When Worlds Collide (1951) - 1 ***
246. Benjy (1951) - 1 ***
247. World of Kids (1951) - 1 ***
248. Kon-Tiki (1951) - 1 ***
249. Nature's Half Acre (1951) - 1 ***
250. Seven Days to Noon (1951) - 1 ***
251. The Two Mouseketeers (1951) - 1 ***
252. Viva Zapata! (1952) - 1 ***
253. With a Song in My Heart (1952) - 1 ***
254. Come Back, Little Sheba (1952) - 1 ***
255. Breaking the Sound Barrier (1952) - 1 ***
256. Neighbours (1952) - 1 ***
257. The Lavender Hill Mob (1952) - 1 ***
258. Johann Mouse (1952) - 1 ***
259. Light in the Window (1952) - 1 ***
260. Plymouth Adventure (1952) - 1 ***
261. The Sea Around Us (1952) - 1 ***
262. Light in the Window: The Art of Vermeer (1952) - 1 ***
263. Water Birds (1952) - 1 ***
264. Lili (1953) - 1 ***
265. Shane (1953) - 1
266. Julius Caesar (1953) - 1 ***
267. Calamity Jane (1953) - 1 ***
268. The War of the Worlds (1953) - 1 ***
269. Stalag 17 (1953) - 1
270. Call Me Madam (1953) - 1 ***
271. Titanic (1953) - 1 ***
272. The Merry Wives of Windsor Overture (1953) - 1 ***
273. The Alaskan Eskimo (1953) - 1 ***
274. Bear Country (1953) - 1 ***
275. Gate of Hell (1953) - 1 ***
276. Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom (1953) - 1 ***
277. The Living Desert (1953) - 1 ***
278. Overture to The Merry Wives of Windsor (1953) - 1 ***
279. The High and the Mighty (1954) - 1 ***
280. Sabrina (1954) - 1 ***
281. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954) - 1 ***
282. La Strada (1954) - 1
283. The Glenn Miller Story (1954) - 1 ***
284. The Barefoot Contessa (1954) - 1 ***
285. Broken Lance (1954) - 1 ***
286. This Mechanical Age (1954) - 1 ***
287. Thursday's Children (1954) - 1 ***
288. A Time Out of War (1954) - 1 ***
289. The Vanishing Prairie (1954) - 1 ***
290. When Magoo Flew (1954) - 1 ***
291. Love Me or Leave Me (1955) - 1 ***
292. East of Eden (1955) - 1
293. I'll Cry Tomorrow (1955) - 1 ***
294. Interrupted Melody (1955) - 1 ***
295. Mister Roberts (1955) - 1 ***
296. To Catch a Thief (1955) - 1
297. The Bridges at Toko-Ri (1955) - 1 ***
298. The Face of Lincoln (1955) - 1 ***
299. Helen Keller in Her Story (1955) - 1 ***
300. Men Against the Arctic (1955) - 1 ***
301. Speedy Gonzales (1955) - 1 ***
302. Survival City (1955) - 1 ***
303. Giant (1956) - 1
304. The Ten Commandments (1956) - 1 ***
305. Lust for Life (1956) - 1 ***
306. The Brave One (1956) - 1 ***
307. Anastasia (1956) - 1 ***
308. Written on the Wind (1956) - 1 ***
309. The Solid Gold Cadillac (1956) - 1 ***
310. The Bespoke Overcoat (1956) - 1 ***
311. Crashing the Water Barrier (1956) - 1 ***
312. Magoo's Puddle Jumper (1956) - 1 ***
313. The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956) - 1
314. The Red Balloon (1956) - 1 ***
315. The Silent World (1956) - 1 ***
316. The True Story of the Civil War (1956) - 1 ***
317. Les Girls (1957) - 1 ***
318. Albert Schweitzer (1957) - 1 ***
319. Birds Anonymous (1957) - 1 ***
320. The Joker Is Wild (1957) - 1 ***
321. Designing Woman (1957) - 1 ***
322. The Enemy Below (1957) - 1 ***
323. Nights of Cabiria (1957) - 1 ***
324. The Three Faces of Eve (1957) - 1 ***
325. The Wetback Hound (1957) - 1 ***
326. I Want to Live! (1958) - 1 ***
327. The Old Man and the Sea (1958) - 1 ***
328. South Pacific (1958) - 1 ***
329. The Big Country (1958) - 1 ***
330. White Wilderness (1958) - 1 ***
331. Ama Girls (1958) - 1 ***
332. Grand Canyon (1958) - 1 ***
333. Knighty Knight Bugs (1958) - 1 ***
334. My Uncle (1958) - 1 ***
335. Tom Thumb (1958) - 1 ***
336. Some Like It Hot (1959) - 1
337. Pillow Talk (1959) - 1 ***
338. Porgy and Bess (1959) - 1 ***
339. Black Orpheus (1959) - 1 ***
340. The Golden Fish (1959) - 1 ***
341. Glass (1959) - 1 ***
342. A Hole in the Head (1959) - 1 ***
343. Moonbird (1959) - 1 ***
344. Serengeti Shall Not Die (1959) - 1 ***
345. La Dolce Vita (1960) - 1
346. The Alamo (1960) - 1 ***
347. Sons and Lovers (1960) - 1 ***
348. The Facts of Life (1960) - 1 ***
349. Never on Sunday (1960) - 1 ***
350. Exodus (1960) - 1 ***
351. Butterfield 8 (1960) - 1 ***
352. The Virgin Spring (1960) - 1 ***
353. Day of the Painter (1960) - 1 ***
354. Giuseppina (1960) - 1 ***
355. The Horse with the Flying Tail (1960) - 1 ***
356. Munro (1960) - 1 ***
357. Song Without End (1960) - 1 ***
358. The Time Machine (1960) - 1 ***
359. The Guns of Navarone (1961) - 1 ***
360. Splendor in the Grass (1961) - 1
361. Through a Glass Darkly (1961) - 1 ***
362. The Substitute (1961) - 1 ***
363. Surogat (1961) - 1 ***
364. Project Hope (1961) - 1 ***
365. Seawards the Great Ships (1961) - 1 ***
366. Sky Above and Mud Beneath (1961) - 1 ***
367. Two Women (1961) - 1 ***
368. The Music Man (1962) - 1 ***
369. Days of Wine and Roses (1962) - 1 ***
370. What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962) - 1
371. The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm (1962) - 1 ***
372. Divorce, Italian Style (1962) - 1 ***
373. Sweet Bird of Youth (1962) - 1 ***
374. Sundays and Cybele (1962) - 1 ***
375. Black Fox (1962) - 1 ***
376. Dylan Thomas (1962) - 1 ***
377. Happy Anniversary (1962) - 1 ***
378. The Hole (1962) - 1 ***
379. It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (1963) - 1 ***
380. Lilies of the Field (1963) - 1 ***
381. America, America (1963) - 1 ***
382. Irma la Douce (1963) - 1 ***
383. Chagall (1963) - 1 ***
384. The Critic (1963) - 1 ***
385. An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge (1963) - 1 ***
386. Papa's Delicate Condition (1963) - 1
387. Robert Frost: A Lover's Quarrel with the World (1963) - 1 ***
388. Sunday in New York (1963) - 1 ***
389. The V.I.P.s (1963) - 1 ***
390. Becket (1964) - 1
391. The Night of the Iguana (1964) - 1 ***
392. Father Goose (1964) - 1 ***
393. Casals Conducts: 1964 (1964) - 1 ***
394. Goldfinger (1964) - 1
395. Jacques-Yves Cousteau's World Without Sun (1964) - 1 ***
396. Nine from Little Rock (1964) - 1 ***
397. The Pink Phink (1964) - 1 ***
398. Topkapi (1964) - 1 ***
399. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (1964) - 1 ***
400. Cat Ballou (1965) - 1 ***
401. A Patch of Blue (1965) - 1 ***
402. The Great Race (1965) - 1 ***
403. A Thousand Clowns (1965) - 1 ***
404. The Shop on Main Street (1965) - 1 ***
405. The Chicken (1965) - 1 ***
406. The Dot and the Line (1965) - 1 ***
407. The Eleanor Roosevelt Story (1965) - 1 ***
408. The Sandpiper (1965) - 1 ***
409. Thunderball (1965) - 1 ***
410. To Be Alive! (1965) - 1 ***
411. The Fortune Cookie (1966) - 1 ***
412. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1966) - 1 ***
413. A Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass Double Feature (1966) - 1 ***
414. The War Game (1966) - 1 ***
415. Wild Wings (1966) - 1 ***
416. A Year Toward Tomorrow (1966) - 1 ***
417. The Graduate (1967) - 1
418. Cool Hand Luke (1967) - 1
419. Thoroughly Modern Millie (1967) - 1 ***
420. The Dirty Dozen (1967) - 1 ***
421. A Place to Stand, A Place to Grow (1967) - 1 ***
422. The Anderson Platoon (1967) - 1 ***
423. Closely Watched Trains (1967) - 1 ***
424. The Box (1967) - 1 ***
425. The Redwoods (1967) - 1 ***
426. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) - 1
427. Rosemary's Baby (1968) - 1
428. Funny Girl (1968) - 1 ***
429. Bullitt (1968) - 1
430. The Producers (1968) - 1 ***
431. The Subject Was Roses (1968) - 1 ***
432. The Thomas Crown Affair (1968) - 1 ***
433. War and Peace (1968) - 1 ***
434. Charly (1968) - 1 ***
435. Journey Into Self (1968) - 1 ***
436. Czechoslovakia 1968 (1969) - 1 ***
437. Robert Kennedy Remembered (1968) - 1 ***
438. Why Man Creates (1968) - 1 ***
439. Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day (1968) - 1 ***
440. Anne of the Thousand Days (1969) - 1 ***
441. They Shoot Horses, Don't They? (1969) - 1 ***
442. Marooned (1969) - 1 ***
443. The Magic Machines (1969) - 1 ***
444. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1969) - 1 ***
445. True Grit (1969) - 1 ***
446. Arthur Rubinstein - The Love of Life (1969) - 1 ***
447. Cactus Flower (1969) - 1 ***
448. It's Tough to Be a Bird (1969) - 1 ***
449. Airport (1970) - 1 ***
450. Love Story (1970) - 1 ***
451. Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970) - 1 ***
452. MASH (1970) - 1
453. Women in Love (1970) - 1 ***
454. Lovers and Other Strangers (1970) - 1 ***
455. Woodstock (1970) - 1 ***
456. Cromwell (1970) - 1 ***
457. Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion (1970) - 1 ***
458. Interviews with My Lai Veterans (1970) - 1 ***
459. Is It Always Right to Be Right? (1970) - 1 ***
460. Let It Be (1970) - 1 ***
461. The Resurrection of Broncho Billy (1970) - 1 ***
462. Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971) - 1 ***
463. Summer of '42 (1971) - 1 ***
464. The Garden of the Finzi-Continis (1971) - 1 ***
465. The Hospital (1971) - 1 ***
466. Klute (1971) - 1 ***
467. Shaft (1971) - 1 ***
468. The Crunch Bird (1971) - 1 ***
469. The Hellstrom Chronicle (1971) - 1 ***
470. The Poseidon Adventure (1972) - 1 ***
471. Travels with My Aunt (1972) - 1 ***
472. Butterflies Are Free (1972) - 1 ***
473. The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972) - 1 ***
474. The Candidate (1972) - 1 ***
475. A Christmas Carol (1972) - 1 ***
476. Limelight (1972) - 1 ***
477. Marjoe (1972) - 1 ***
478. Norman Rockwell's World... An American Dream (1972) - 1 ***
479. This Tiny World (1972) - 1 ***
480. Cries and Whispers (1973) - 1 ***
481. A Touch of Class (1973) - 1 ***
482. Day for Night (1973) - 1 ***
483. Paper Moon (1973) - 1 ***
484. The Paper Chase (1973) - 1 ***
485. Save the Tiger (1973) - 1 ***
486. The Bolero (1973) - 1 ***
487. Frank Film (1973) - 1 ***
488. The Great American Cowboy (1973) - 1 ***
489. Princeton: A Search for Answers (1973) - 1 ***
490. Chinatown (1974) - 1
491. Earthquake (1974) - 1 ***
492. Murder on the Orient Express (1974) - 1 ***
493. Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore (1974) - 1 ***
494. Amarcord (1973) - 1
495. Harry and Tonto (1974) - 1 ***
496. Closed Mondays (1974) - 1 ***
497. Don't (1974) - 1 ***
498. Hearts and Minds (1974) - 1 ***
499. One-Eyed Men Are Kings (1974) - 1 ***
500. Dog Day Afternoon (1975) - 1
501. Nashville (1975) - 1
502. Shampoo (1975) - 1 ***
503. The Sunshine Boys (1975) - 1 ***
504. Angel and Big Joe (1975) - 1 ***
505. Dersu Uzala (1975) - 1 ***
506. The End of the Game (1975) - 1 ***
507. Great (1975) - 1 ***
508. The Man Who Skied Down Everest (1975) - 1 ***
509. A Star Is Born (1976) - 1 ***
510. Fellini's Casanova (1976) - 1 ***
511. The Omen (1976) - 1 ***
512. Black and White in Color (1976) - 1 ***
513. Harlan County, USA (1976) - 1 ***
514. In the Region of Ice (1976) - 1 ***
515. Leisure (1976) - 1 ***
516. Number Our Days (1976) - 1 ***
517. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) - 1
518. You Light Up My Life (1977) - 1 ***
519. The Goodbye Girl (1977) - 1 ***
520. A Little Night Music (1977) - 1 ***
521. Gravity Is My Enemy (1977) - 1 ***
522. I'll Find a Way (1977) - 1 ***
523. Madame Rosa (1977) - 1 ***
524. The Sand Castle (1977) - 1 ***
525. Who Are the DeBolts? And Where Did They Get Nineteen Kids? (1977) - 1 ***
526. Heaven Can Wait (1978) - 1 ***
527. Days of Heaven (1978) - 1
528. The Buddy Holly Story (1978) - 1 ***
529. California Suite (1978) - 1 ***
530. Death on the Nile (1978) - 1 ***
531. The Flight of the Gossamer Condor (1978) - 1 ***
532. Get Out Your Handkerchiefs (1978) - 1 ***
533. Scared Straight! (1978) - 1 ***
534. Special Delivery (1978) - 1 ***
535. Teenage Father (1978) - 1 ***
536. Thank God It's Friday (1978) - 1 ***
537. Alien (1979) - 1
538. Breaking Away (1979) - 1 ***
539. Being There (1979) - 1
540. A Little Romance (1979) - 1 ***
541. Board and Care (1979) - 1 ***
542. Best Boy (1979) - 1 ***
543. Every Child (1979) - 1 ***
544. Paul Robeson: Tribute to an Artist (1979) - 1 ***
545. The Tin Drum (1979) - 1 ***
546. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) - 1
547. Coal Miner's Daughter (1980) - 1 ***
548. The Dollar Bottom (1980) - 1 ***
549. The Fly (1980) - 1 ***
550. From Mao to Mozart: Isaac Stern in China (1980) - 1 ***
551. Karl Hess: Toward Liberty (1980) - 1 ***
552. Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears (1980) - 1 ***
553. An American Werewolf in London (1981) - 1 ***
554. Crac (1981) - 1 ***
555. Close Harmony (1981) - 1 ***
556. Genocide (1981) - 1 ***
557. Mephisto (1981) - 1 ***
558. Violet (1981) - 1 ***
559. Tootsie (1982) - 1
560. Victor Victoria (1982) - 1 ***
561. Missing (1982) - 1 ***
562. Sophie's Choice (1982) - 1
563. If You Love This Planet (1982) - 1 ***
564. Just Another Missing Kid (1982) - 1 ***
565. Quest for Fire (1982) - 1 ***
566. A Shocking Accident (1982) - 1 ***
567. Tango (1982) - 1 ***
568. To Begin Again (1982) - 1 ***
569. Yentl (1983) - 1 ***
570. Flashdance (1983) - 1
571. Boys and Girls (1983) - 1 ***
572. Sundae in New York (1983) - 1 ***
573. Flamenco at 5:15 (1983) - 1 ***
574. He Makes Me Feel Like Dancin' (1983) - 1 ***
575. The Year of Living Dangerously (1983) - 1 ***
576. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) - 1
577. Charade (1984) - 1 ***
578. Dangerous Moves (1984) - 1 ***
579. Purple Rain (1984) - 1 ***
580. The Stone Carvers (1984) - 1 ***
581. The Times of Harvey Milk (1984) - 1 ***
582. Up (1984) - 1 ***
583. The Woman in Red (1984) - 1 ***
584. Back to the Future (1985) - 1
585. Mask (1985) - 1
586. Prizzi's Honor (1985) - 1 ***
587. Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985) - 1
588. Ran (1985) - 1
589. The Official Story (1985) - 1 ***
590. The Trip to Bountiful (1985) - 1 ***
591. White Nights (1985) - 1 ***
592. Anna & Bella (1985) - 1 ***
593. Broken Rainbow (1985) - 1 ***
594. Molly's Pilgrim (1985) - 1 ***
595. Witness to War: Dr. Charlie Clements (1985) - 1 ***
596. The Mission (1986) - 1
597. Children of a Lesser God (1986) - 1 ***
598. The Color of Money (1986) - 1
599. Top Gun (1986) - 1
600. 'Round Midnight (1986) - 1 ***
601. Artie Shaw: Time Is All You've Got (1986) - 1 ***
602. The Assault (1986) - 1 ***
603. The Fly (1986) - 1 ***
604. A Greek Tragedy (1986) - 1 ***
605. Precious Images (1986) - 1 ***
606. Women for America, for the World (1986) - 1 ***
607. The Untouchables (1987) - 1
608. Young at Heart (1987) - 1 ***
609. Babette's Feast (1987) - 1 ***
610. Wall Street (1987) - 1
611. Dirty Dancing (1987) - 1
612. Harry and the Hendersons (1987) - 1 ***
613. Innerspace (1987) - 1 ***
614. The Man Who Planted Trees (1987) - 1 ***
615. Ray's Male Heterosexual Dance Hall (1987) - 1 ***
616. The Ten-Year Lunch: The Wit and Legend of the Algonquin Round Table (1987)
- 1 ***
617. A Fish Called Wanda (1988) - 1
618. Mississippi Burning (1988) - 1 ***
619. Working Girl (1988) - 1 ***
620. The Accidental Tourist (1988) - 1 ***
621. The Appointments of Dennis Jennings (1988) - 1 ***
622. Pelle the Conqueror (1988) - 1 ***
623. The Accused (1988) - 1 ***
624. Beetlejuice (1988) - 1
625. Bird (1988) - 1 ***
626. Tin Toy (1988) - 1
627. You Don't Have to Die (1988) - 1 ***
628. Hotel Terminus: The Life and Times of Klaus Barbie (1988) - 1 ***
629. The Milagro Beanfield War (1988) - 1 ***
630. Batman (1989) - 1
631. Dead Poets Society (1989) - 1
632. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) - 1
633. Cinema Paradiso (1989) - 1
634. The Abyss (1989) - 1 ***
635. Henry V (1989) - 1 ***
636. Balance (1989) - 1 ****
637. Common Threads: Stories from the Quilt (1989) - 1 ***
638. The Johnstown Flood (1989) - 1 ***
639. Work Experience (1989) - 1 ***
640. Goodfellas (1990) - 1
641. Misery (1990) - 1
642. Cyrano de Bergerac (1990) - 1 ***
643. The Hunt for Red October (1990) - 1 ***
644. Reversal of Fortune (1990) - 1 ***
645. American Dream (1990) - 1 ***
646. Creature Comforts (1990) - 1 ***
647. Days of Waiting (1990) - 1 ***
648. Journey of Hope (1990) - 1 ***
649. The Lunch Date (1990) - 1 ***
650. Thelma & Louise (1991) - 1
651. The Fisher King (1991) - 1
652. Deadly Deception: General Electric, Nuclear Weapons and Our Environment (19
91) - 1 ***
653. City Slickers (1991) - 1 ***
654. In the Shadow of the Stars (1991) - 1 ***
655. Manipulation (1991) - 1 ***
656. Mediterraneo (1991) - 1
657. Session Man (1991) - 1 ***
658. Belle poque (1992) - 1
659. The Crying Game (1992) - 1 ***
660. Scent of a Woman (1992) - 1
661. A River Runs Through It (1992) - 1 ***
662. Indochine (1992) - 1 ***
663. Death Becomes Her (1992) - 1 ***
664. Educating Peter (1992) - 1 ***
665. The Last of the Mohicans (1992) - 1
666. Mona Lisa Descending a Staircase (1992) - 1 ***
667. My Cousin Vinny (1992) - 1 ***
668. Omnibus (1992) - 1 ***
669. The Panama Deception (1992) - 1 ***
670. Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) - 1
671. The Fugitive (1993) - 1
672. The Age of Innocence (1993) - 1
673. The Age of Beauty (1993) - 1 ***
674. Defending Our Lives (1993) - 1 ***
675. I Am a Promise: The Children of Stanton Elementary School (1993) - 1 ***
676. Black Rider (1993) - 1 ***
677. Wallace & Gromit in The Wrong Trousers (1993) - 1 ***
678. Pulp Fiction (1994) - 1
679. Legends of the Fall (1994) - 1
680. Bullets Over Broadway (1994) - 1 ***
681. Il Postino (1994) - 1
682. The Madness of King George (1994) - 1 ***
683. The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994) - 1 ***
684. Bob's Birthday (1994) - 1 ***
685. Blue Sky (1994) - 1 ***
686. Burnt by the Sun (1994) - 1 ***
687. Franz Kafka's It's a Wonderful Life (1994) - 1 ***
688. Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision (1994) - 1 ***
689. A Time for Justice (1994) - 1 ***
690. Trevor (1994) - 1 ***
691. Leaving Las Vegas (1995) - 1
692. Babe (1995) - 1
693. Sense and Sensibility (1995) - 1
694. Dead Man Walking (1995) - 1
695. Mighty Aphrodite (1995) - 1 ***
696. Anne Frank Remembered (1995) - 1 ***
697. Antonia's Line (1995) - 1 ***
698. A Close Shave (1995) - 1 ***
699. Lieberman in Love (1995) - 1 ***
700. One Survivor Remembers (1995) - 1 ***
700. Shine (1996) - 1
701. Evita (1996) - 1 ***
702. Jerry Maguire (1996) - 1
703. Breathing Lessons: The Life and Work of Mark O'Brien (1996) - 1 ***
704. Emma (1996) - 1 ***
705. Independence Day (1996) - 1
706. Sling Blade (1996) - 1
707. Dear Diary (1996) - 1 ***
708. The Ghost and the Darkness (1996) - 1 ***
709. Kolya (1996) - 1 ***
710. The Nutty Professor (1996) - 1 ***
711. Quest (1996) - 1 ***
712. When We Were Kings (1996) - 1 ***
713. The Full Monty (1997) - 1 ***
714. Men in Black (1997) - 1
715. Character (1997) - 1 ***
716. Geri's Game (1997) - 1
717. The Long Way Home (1997) - 1 ***
718. A Story of Healing (1997) - 1 ***
719. Visas and Virtue (1997) - 1 ***
720. Elizabeth (1998) - 1
721. Gods and Monsters (1998) - 1 ***
722. Affliction (1998) - 1 ***
723. The Prince of Egypt (1998) - 1
724. What Dreams May Come (1998) - 1
725. Bunny (1998) - 1 ***
726. Election Night (1998) - 1 ***
727. The Last Days (1998) - 1 ***
728. The Personals (1998) - 1 ***
729. Sleepy Hollow (1999) - 1
730. Boys Don't Cry (1999) - 1
731. All About My Mother (1999) - 1
732. The Old Man and the Sea (1999) - 1 ***
733. One Day in September (1999) - 1 ***
734. Girl, Interrupted (1999) - 1
735. King Gimp (1999) - 1 ***
736. My Mother Dreams the Satan's Disciples in New York (1999) - 1 ***
737. The Red Violin (1999) - 1 ***
738. Tarzan (1999) - 1 ***
739. Erin Brockovich (2000) - 1
740. Almost Famous (2000) - 1
741. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) - 1 ***
742. Wonder Boys (2000) - 1 ***
743. Pollock (2000) - 1 ***
744. U-571 (2000) - 1 ***
745. Big Mama (2000) - 1 ***
746. For the Birds (2000) - 1
747. Father and Daughter (2000) - 1 ***
748. Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport (2000) - 1 ***
749. I want to be... (2000) - 1 ***
750. Training Day (2001) - 1
751. Gosford Park (2001) - 1
752. Pearl Harbor (2001) - 1
753. Monsters, Inc. (2001) - 1
754. Iris (2001) - 1 ***
755. Monster's Ball (2001) - 1 ***
756. Shrek (2001) - 1 ***
757. The Accountant (2001) - 1 ***
758. Thoth (2001) - 1 ***
759. Murder on a Sunday Morning (2001) - 1 ***
760. No Man's Land (2001) - 1 ***
761. The Hours (2002) - 1
762. Road to Perdition (2002) - 1
763. Adaptation. (2002) - 1
764. 8 Mile (2002) - 1
765. Talk to Her (2002) - 1
766. Spirited Away (2002) - 1
767. The Chubbchubbs! (2002) - 1
768. Bowling for Columbine (2002) - 1 ***
769. Nowhere in Africa (2002) - 1 ***
770. This Charming Man (2002) - 1 ***
771. Twin Towers (2002) - 1 ***
772. Lost in Translation (2003) - 1
773. Cold Mountain (2003) - 1
774. The Barbarian Invasions (2003) - 1
775. Chernobyl Heart (2003) - 1 ***
776. Finding Nemo (2003) - 1
777. The Fog of War (2003) - 1 ***
778. Harvie Krumpet (2003) - 1 ***
779. Monster (2003) - 1
780. Two Soldiers (2003) - 1 ***
781. Wasp (2003) - 1 ***
782. Finding Neverland (2004) - 1
783. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) - 1
784. Sideways (2004) - 1
785. Spider-Man 2 (2004) - 1
786. A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004) - 1 ***
787. The Motorcycle Diaries (2004) - 1
788. The Sea Inside (2004) - 1 ***
789. Born into Brothels (2004) - 1 ***
790. Six Shooter (2004) - 1
791. Mighty Times: The Children's March (2004) - 1 ***
792. Ryan (2004) - 1 ***
793. Capote (2005) - 1
794. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) - 1
795. Walk the Line (2005) - 1
796. The Constant Gardener (2005) - 1
797. Hustle & Flow (2005) - 1 ***
798. Syriana (2005) - 1
799. March of the Penguins (2005) - 1 ***
800. The Moon and the Son: An Imagined Conversation (2005) - 1 ***
801. A Note of Triumph: The Golden Age of Norman Corwin (2005) - 1 ***
802. Tsotsi (2005) - 1 ***
803. Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005) - 1 ***
804. West Bank Story (2005) - 1 ***
805. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) - 1
806. Babel (2006) - 1
807. Happy Feet (2006) - 1 ***
808. The Last King of Scotland (2006) - 1
809. The Lives of Others (2006) - 1
810. Once (2006) - 1
811. The Queen (2006) - 1
812. Letters from Iwo Jima (2006) - 1
813. The Blood of Yingzhou District (2006) - 1 ***
814. The Danish Poet (2006) - 1 ***
815. Marie Antoinette (2006) - 1 ***
816. Le Mozart des pickpockets (2006) - 1 ***
817. Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007) - 1
818. Atonement (2007) - 1
819. Michael Clayton (2007) - 1
820. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) - 1
821. The Golden Compass (2007) - 1
822. Juno (2007) - 1
823. The Counterfeiters (2007) - 1 ***
824. Ratatouille (2007) - 1
825. Freeheld (2007) - 1 ***
826. The Mozart of Pickpockets (2007) - 1 ***
827. Peter & the Wolf (2007) - 1 ***
828. Taxi to the Dark Side (2007) - 1 ***
829. Toyland (2007) - 1 ***
830. The Reader (2008) - 1
831. The Duchess (2008) - 1 ***
832. Departures (2008) - 1
833. WALL-E (2008) - 1
834. The House of Small Cubes (2008) - 1
835. Man on Wire (2008) - 1 ***
836. Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008) - 1
837. Inglourious Basterds (2009) - 1
838. Star Trek (2009) - 1
839. The Young Victoria (2009) - 1 ***
840. The Blind Side (2009) - 1
841. The Cove (2009) - 1 ***
842. Logorama (2009) - 1
843. Music by Prudence (2009) - 1 ***
844. The New Tenants (2009) - 1 ***
845. The Secret in Their Eyes (2009) - 1
846. Black Swan (2010) - 1
847. The Lost Thing (2010) - 1
848. God of Love (2010) - 1 ***
849. Inside Job (2010) - 1 ***
850. In a Better World (2010) - 1
850. Midnight in Paris (2011) - 1
851. The Help (2011) - 1
852. A Separation (2011) - 1
853. The Descendants (2011) - 1
854. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) - 1
855. Beginners (2011) - 1
856. The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore (2011) - 1
857. The Muppets (2011) - 1 ***
858. Rango (2011) - 1 ***
859. Saving Face (2011) - 1 ***
860. The Shore (2011) - 1 ***
861. Undefeated (2011) - 1 ***
862. Amour (2012) - 1
863. Silver Linings Playbook (2012) - 1
864. Zero Dark Thirty (2012) - 1
865. Anna Karenina (2012) - 1
866. Brave (2012) - 1 ***
867. Curfew (2012) - 1
868. Paperman (2012) - 1
869. Searching for Sugar Man (2012) - 1 ***
870. Her (2013) - 1
871. Blue Jasmine (2013) - 1
872. The Great Beauty (2013) - 1
873. Ida (2013) - 1
874. The Lady in Number 6: Music Saved My Life (2013) - 1 ***
875. Twenty Feet from Stardom (2013) - 1 ***
876. Helium (2013) - 1 ***
877. Mr Hublot (2013) - 1 ***
878. Interstellar (2014) - 1
879. The Theory of Everything (2014) - 1
880. Boyhood (2014) - 1
881. The Imitation Game (2014) - 1
882. Still Alice (2014) - 1
883. American Sniper (2014) - 1
884. Selma (2014) - 1
885. Big Hero 6 (2014) - 1
886. Citizenfour (2014) - 1
887. Feast (2014) - 1 ***
888. Bridge of Spies (2015) - 1
889. The Big Short (2015) - 1
890. The Danish Girl (2015) - 1
891. Room (2015) - 1
892. The Hateful Eight (2015) - 1
893. Inside Out (2015) - 1
894. Ex Machina (2015) - 1
895. Spectre (2015) - 1
896. Son of Saul (2015) - 1
897. Amy (2015) - 1
898. Stutterer (2015) - 1 ***
899. A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness (2015) - 1 ***
900. Bear Story (2014) - 1 ***
901. Arrival (2016) - 1
902. Fences (2016) - 1
903. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016) - 1
904. The Jungle Book (2016) - 1
905. Suicide Squad (2016) - 1
906. The Salesman (2016) - 1
907. Zootopia (2016) - 1
908. O.J.: Made in America (2016)
909. Mindenki (2016) - 1
910. Piper (2016) - 1
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