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Courtney Chambers

CA 401


26 February 2017

We are proposing that Student Engagement cups to help promote branding by putting the Notre

Dame College Student Engagement logo on the cups and helping bridge the gap between those

who know about student engagement and attend events, those who know about student

engagement and those who dont attend, and finally, those who dont know at all about student

engagement. The cups would be placed in Welcome Weekend Baskets for the freshman when

they first arrive on campus, and also have cups at events for students attend the event, and it can

help promote branding for Student Engagement. There is a chance to brand with the cups and

reach different audiences such as off campus students, on campus students, and commuters as

well. By using to brand, we the PR team, believe that this idea would work because you are able

to promote Notre Dame College Student Engagement by having students walk around with cups

with the logo on them. The Cups would be placed in welcome weekend baskets which could

helped put together by the welcome week leaders. The other cups would be given out at events

and it would give students a chance to have something really cool, and give the students a reason

to come more events

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