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Chandler Earl

Atmosphere 1010


Course Reflection

After taking this course it has shaped my complete outlook on the science

behind our weather. Before taking this course the only kind of weather I really cared

about was the forecast for the day, which I just checked on my smartphone. This

course really opened my eyes to all the science that is behind this world that we live

in. I have been able to apply my knowledge of this science through just reading the

weather forecasts now and realizing all the different elements and instruments that

weather stations used to figure out these forecasts. Hearing about tornadoes

around the world I now know of the certain components that made up that tornado

and how they are tracking it.

This world we live has so many weather phenomenons in it and the science

behind them are truly magnificent. I am so thankful I was able to participate in a

course like this and be educated on the sciences behind this world around me.

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