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Science Week Year 5_6_7 Part 1: Drones Droids and Robots Week 4 Term 3

Drones, Droids and Robots is the school theme for National Science Week 2016. It was was
chosen specifically to highlight STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths by
focusing on autonomous systems technology.

Our expectations of technology in the real world often come from science fiction content.
From the imagination of writers such things as lasers, robots, rocket ships and atomic power
were all described in science fiction long before they became science fact. Inspiration from
science fiction has lead researchers and designers to develop novel devices and systems that
change the ways we do things.
Write and/ or draw about technology you have seen in movies or a TV show that has
become real or you would like to become real.

A machine is an object invented by humans to help in their daily tasks.

Everyone would agree that drones, droids and robots are machines but what makes them
different from each other and different from other machines?

Watch: Elesapiens - Technology, Robotics and Machines

and Stop/Rewind about the history of robots:

Create a Venn diagram

How are robots the same as or different from other machines?

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