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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09 - CIA-RDP79-00899A000200010092-4 LJ. UNCLASSIFIED LAE ony LJ CURE JENTIAL LJ Secret ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET ‘SUBJECT: (Optional) FROM: EXTENSION | NO. STAT] TO: {Offcer designation, oom nomber, ond ar | tela pes ‘OFFICERS | COMMENTS (Number tach comment fo show from whom ‘Won Kates "ass Saal; By. Fy! < 12, fom G10 “scat! 1 seeretT 1 CONEINENTIAN = [7 INTERNAL. [71 tC ASSIFIED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09 : CIA-RDP79-009994000200010092-4 Set tery Paar cee aE ec Gece Gu wae | gave G-a)UBy Moscow, Nekotoryve Yoo Biol Russian pp 22-29) STAT Introduction Living matter, in the therodmanic sense, {5 not subject to the physical lavs thet hold for inoreanic matter /2/. The anti-entrosicity of the paychte processes /2/, which are higher nenifestetions of lite, generally serves 85 a denonstration of the fact that the thernodynanies of Living systens cannot be related to classics) thernodynanies but, ‘that Living matter possesses sone nev prozerties not found in inor= ganic matter, That vnien fs correct for matter may not also be correct fi fields of Living orgentons, Actually, if living molecules are éis~ Lingutshed quelitetively from inorganic molocules, why cannot such a aistinetion exist between "Living" and "technical" flelée? Ie this is a properly posed question, the electrosynanics of Living svsters should de distingutshed from technical electrodyrantes, Nore pree cisely, technienl electrodynanics may be a particular cise of Bio~ logical electrodynentes, This neans thet, during the study of living organisss by technicel methods, sone properties of bio-electrical Molds are difficult to establish, The so-called "treatment by Lay- Ing on the of the hands" may serve a2 one such exanple, fn electric field is observed between the patient and the “investigator,” ‘Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09 - CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010092-4 = oe ee eee eee ators Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09 CIA-ROP78-00999A000200010082-4 ‘WKirlion, 1966/, Hovever, usine of a "technical" electric field, it ts not possible to ceuse the sane subjective sensctions (subjective Sensations of heat, ote.) vhich are experienced by the patient during the "laying on of the hends.” If a specitie tek inherent only to the Living oreanisn exists, ‘then a co Pending form of energy should exist, Psychic or biological enerey, hovever, ean changed to other forms of enerey, just as electrical enerey can be changed to mechanical enerey, As nunerous experimental date show, psychic enerey may be manifested throuch en electrical end semetic Field, heat and mecheniea) notion Therefore, 4 makes sense to use electrical eneray, electronechanical enercy and other of its equivalents for evaluation of magnitudes of psychic enerey. ‘An exenplery diaeran of the interaction of © peychie field end matter may take the following form: Babatane HaSV) | WoGHAT Har 77a «| ie| We may make « certain anslogy between the Levs of an electronamotic anda psychic field, Probably, just as an electric field, the field should heve sources (nan), An analog to induction may be | Ohm's Law, the peyehic voltage should be proportional to the psychic resistance, Fron this point view, the brain and the living cells i i ‘CIA-RDP79-009994000200010092-4 Destasied in Par - Snitz Copy Approved for Release 20140110: QA-ROPTS-O0999A000200010082-4 in general ney be conveniently considered as a transforner of W field enerry into other forms of energy and the reverse, Bignelectrical Inévetion If a Living cell is assuned to be a transformer of eneray, ve can speak about at least 2 phenonena analorous to those vnich ite at the basis of technical electrojynantes: 1. The effect of an electrical field causes nechanieel con ‘traction of the neuro-ruscular epperetus of Living object 2, Neuro-muscuter tension (in particular, volitional tension) may create an electrical field around living orranisns, due to vhich electrical cherces way be induced in surrounding objects. ‘The correctness of the Tirst part of the lav of bio-electrical induction vas denonstreted by Luigi Galvani, vho observed that, at a certain distance fron the perk of an electric machine, the muscles in a neurocnuscular specizen froma frog contract. Analyses of ex perinental deta (3,4,5,6,7) show thet the second part of the ley of bioelectrical induction cso may be correct. As en exemple, ve shell exanine the results of 3 experinente: electrical telekinesis, the electrical properties ef acupuncture points end the Kirlian effect. Hectrics? telekinesis, Subjects induced a charge in a dielectric cube with 0,5 meter edges and shifted different articles weighing 20-100 grans slong its surface, Successful perforsance of the ex perinent required not only the presence of a charge on the surface Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09 : CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010092-4 vation Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014101/09 : CiA-RDP79-00999A000200010092-4 of the dielectric cute and the maintenance of St for a specific tine, Dut also an appropriate aistribution of the electricel field, Tn a 8 plane condenser the field is concentrated between the plates ‘therefore ponderonotor forces do not appear on the outside of the Plate, The electrical field of the charged plane has approximately ‘8 uniform intensity on both sides, If one places any small object fon the charged dielectric surface it ie possible to make it shift vith the help of electrostatic forces, As a rule, the charce of the object is negative but this cherge cannot neutralize the charze of the entire dielectric since the electrons 4 the tone, as ie vell known, cannot be shifted along its surface. Consequently, eolound forces of attraction vill operate between the objects end the region of the dielectric vhere the positive electrical charges ere concentrated, If these forces are greater than the forces of friction which hold the object, the object will be shifted. the force of friction, hovever, usually is grester and the object is found in a state of unstuble equilfbriun, If « person roves his hand wp to the object from the side opposite of the electrostatic forces of attraction between the object and the positive charges on the surface of the dielectric, then electrostatic forces of repulsion (the person is negatively charged) arise between the person's hand and the object. These additional forees of repulsion may cause @ shift of the object Af the charge of the electrified surface ts sufficiently large, If the charge is not very Large, then the object Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09 : ClA-RDP79-009994000200010092-4 we BEE bering to be chirted \@ volitional tension of the muscles of the hand (or other parts of the body) of a treined subject, The appearance of a suslenental electrical 24 during exotional- volitionel tension evidently confirms the correctness of the second art of the lav of bio-electrical conduction, One may note that the operation of this simple device for shitting objects by humans | resembles the operation of the Geiger counter, vhich registers the mal bite of enermy carried by individual particles, Actually, en electrical field of high intensity is created in the working voluse of the Geiger counter, The incident particie produces & stpple= Rentary ionizstion, due to waich there occurs an electrical aise charge. In the device @ ‘rived above the supplenentary energy Generated by a person and causing shifts of the objects plays the role of the particles, During the shifting of objects by subjects, the force of friction Sonetines decreases so much thet the objects seen to fly in the airs ‘The couse 1s probably as foliovs: in the absence of an electric fiela the afr molecules have 6 degrees of freedon, but in a atrong electrice al field they are polarized and the nusber of degrees of freedom is vedueed to 2; Af the field is homogeneous, then the aerostatie pressure of the directed flow of molecules is compensated for by the pressure of the oppositely directed flov; if the feld 1s inchonogeneous, the pressure of the air solecuies vill be greater in one {rection than in another, that is, an “electrical” wind arises and the objects 6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09 - CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010092-4 Declassified in Part - Sanit ized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09 : CIA-RDP79-00996A000200010082-4 aaa | ue oF” oo eee/. lose veight, This effect ney formally be interpreted as an increase of air Gensity and @ pssudodensity of the air environment which ine creases with the increase of the honogeneity of the field, ‘The proper conduct of experiments in electrical telekinesis Fequires uniform physicel conditions, After such arrancenent of the experinents, it vas observed that the psychorhyeiological state of the subject had considersbly creater effect on the success of the ‘eaperinent then, for example, etnospheric conditions. Under hypnosis, the capacities of the hypnotized exeninees increased. Investinetion of the psychic component of telekinesis shoved ‘thet the phenomenon is reinforeed by training. nt training the examinees usuelly are charged additionally by friction ‘of the hands on the surface of the A{electric cube, Gradually, subjects learn to work without such additional charge. The develor= ent of the capacity of telekinesis is helped by peyehic atinulstion. During very good peychophysiological states it {6 completely unnecessery to create edaitional charges on the surface of the cube by friction, since the dlelectric surface accumulates enerey generated by the subject, After psychic training over the course of several weeks, sone subjects induced in the cube © charge of such prest magnitude that ony person who worked vith the cube aftervard could ahift ob- Sects on tt without touching then, The impression was ereated thet ‘the subjects transferred their capacity for telekinesis to other persons Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09 - CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010092-4 2 eee Se eee eet Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09 : ClA-ROP79-00999A000200010082-4 eects ia for a short tine, Actually, during vork with en object, there de ‘accumulation of energy in the electrical eube due only to the trained subject, Other persons, as a rule, in shifting the objects, aii charge the dielectric, which was charged beforehand by subject fand thus use his enerpy stored in the cubes Approxizate caleulstion of eneray expenditures during telekinesis indicates thet energy of the electrostatic field /z2 / 8 TT! fe. inadequate for shifting objects of the elent determined, Atter stimulation by success (biological feedback) the magnitude of the charge induced by the exesinee grove but the difference between the overall enery conerated by the exasinee and the eneray of the electrostatic field also grows, Electr. Frog of Acupmmeture Points, There is a correlation between the peychie state of a person and the electrical cherscteristics of acupuncture points /6/. Reotienal~volitional efforts may change the conductivity of active points, This change of conductivity, in particular, is associated vith muscular stresses. Considering the second part of the lav of DMovelectrical induction, ve may assume thet the change of conductive ity of points during enctional-volitional efforts is associated 4 vith the induction of # charge, Hovever, relisble registration of ‘the change of the psychic state of a person by measuring the con ductivity of active points is possible only vith an electronic amplifier with large dynamic characteristic, This fact probably Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09 - CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010092-4 Deciasitedn Pat -Santzed Copy proved for Release 201410109: Ca-RDP70-OOGHBAD0CZ00010082-4 indicates the small chenges of the electrical proverties of netive pointe during transfornstion of psyenic enerey into electrical During the training of subjects for the development of canecities for telekinesis, ve used an electronic amplifier with a steep dynenie characteristic and a measuring device at the outmut, The subject, on the eetive point of the skin of whom was fastened electrodes connect= ed to the electronic anslifier, shifted the pointer of the cours ty volitional effort. Thus, the contro} of the field during telekinesis ay be realized not only by a shift of the hends of the exanines in apace but also by the controlled change of conductivity of the skin ‘at the active points, In @ special series of experinents, the hands of the exaninees were fixed near the object which vas lying fon the charged dielectric surface, With the help of volitional effort, the exenines shifted the object. Srlien Production of images in the field of a high-frequency discharse Ae based upon the phenomenon of field entesion /8/, The difference in parts of the hunan intemunent, photorrashed ing field of hich frequency currents, record the obvious dependence of the structure and the density of the {neges on the poychic state of the person. ‘The most detailed results are obtained when the living objects fare located in 2 high-frequency electric field of very high intensity, Se ee a aia aaa ee Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09 - ClA-RDP7S-00899A0002000 10092~ Hovover, es is vell knomm, the current of cold eniseion of electrons grovs exponentially end this provides m reason to assume that, én this case, the change of structure end density of the images se associated with the second part of the law of bio-electrical induction, ‘The Telioving experinent vas conducted to confirm this proposition: a uni-polar pulsed generator, desiened by encincer V, Contorerieh, vas used to produce a highfrequency inane of inorganic objects and Leaves of plants both vithout edditional electrical bias on the object to be photogranhed and vith additional biass the change of structure of images vhen additional direct current is supplied sn dicates that the devendence of the structure end density of the image on the psychic state of the person is associated with the generation of an additional field by the person, Actually, it is Just the distribution of the intensity of the electrical field on ‘the surface of objects thet is recorded in the high-frequency photo- erephe, ‘This sane genreter was used to produce images of the fingers of the hands of subjects in an ordinary state and at that monent hen they concentrated attention on telekinesis, not moving the objects, but mentally picturing its notion, The chenge of structure and brightness of the images photographs, in this ease, the Phenonenon of supplenental positive biases at the electrode, viich leads to decrease in the eneray of the enitted electrons. i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09 - ClA-RDP79-009994000200010092-4 Direct experinents desionstrated the induction of a charge in & die~ Jectric ty volitional effort vhen the subjects, ine special peychic state, moved their hand tovard the dielectric surface, Choracteristi ‘As stated previously, ve can assune thet psychic energy can be transformed into other forms of eneray, Houever, the essential couponent of such transformation, which vas noted earlier by other Anvestigators (Doctor Kotik, 1912), is thet initial energy is necessary, For example, subjects could not cause luminescence of luminescent sereen by a change in thesr payekic state, Only when ‘the luninophor was excited beforehand, could the subject amplify the Juminescence of the screen, It is likely thet in producing 7 == photographs the film also must be preliminarily treated ty light. Im case of & loop rotating in the hands of douser conversion of peychic energy into mechanical energy), a state of msteble equilibrius Of the loop is also necessary, evidently, as an inition situation, ‘Three methods of objective registration of psychic enerey exe famined above are based upon one genral principle: the use of a state of unstable equilibrius of a eysten for coverting peychoshy’ steal fenery into electrical energy. Actually, the principle of eperation of devices for non-contact shifting of objects by e person ie ana ogous to the principle of operation of Geiger counter A direct 10 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/01/09 - CIA-RDP79-00999A000200010092-4 woe

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