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Directions: Utilize this worksheet to help evaluate yourself and your project. Be as complete
and descriptive as possible. This self-evaluation should give the scoring team a clear picture of
what you accomplished in your project.

Name Peighton Corley Project Start Date January 27, 2017

Title of Project More for Moms Project Completion Date April 6

1. In 40 words or more describe who your project benefited and how. In other words, what was the
impact of your project?

I was able to collect items for local struggling women so that they would be able to have necessities they
would have had trouble getting, and items that they might want to help while they are struggling. Barrett
Haven, the shelter that I donated my items to, had recently lost all government funding and completely
rely on the community to provide for them so, by being able to provide things like toilet paper and other
sanitary items, greatly helped the women who often do not have enough to live comfortably.

2. In at least 40 words explain how the project challenged you. How was this a stretch for you?

This project challenged me because I am not used to talking to people outside of the connections I had. I
had to talk to new people and make new connections for my project to be successful. Also, I had to
balance this project on top of an already demanding schedule. Time management has never been a
strength of mine, so having to plan appropriately so that my project would get done the way I said it
would, required careful work.

3. List and then describe 5-8 fundamental ideas/concepts/skills of your project, which you
learned/enhanced during your project. Please use a table format as shown in the example below.

Time management- planning and getting things done in a timely manner so that I could proceed
with the rest of my project
Out-reach Reaching out to people who I did not already know for help writing my book, and to
make my project possible.
Effective Communication- I had to meet with people to tell them what my project is/ why I am
doing it so that I could get donations and make my event possible.

4. List and describe 4-8 problems/obstacles/issues you encountered in your project, and briefly
describe how you solved each.

My current schedule- I was involved with two productions while planning my project. This made
it difficult to find time to schedule my project because almost every day, including the weekends,
I was doing something with the theater. I solved this issue by managing my time with planning
this problem, and making sure that I had a project that I could complete with what little time I
have had left over for myself in between everything else that is going on.
People not responding- Many people, even though they had told me repeatedly that they were
going to do something, did not end up helping with my project. This was a big issue with writing
my book because I wanted at least 10 people to contribute to my book. While I had secured
seven people to do so, only four ended up doing it. There wasnt a way that I could solve this
problem but, I realize now that I should have found ways to reach out to even more people than I
Having to rethink my process again and again- I started out with an elaborate project idea, and
then realized this was extremely unrealistic because of my schedule and how often I had to travel
with theater this year. After reconsidering my project idea, I ran into issues with trying to find a
venue that supported my new idea. Eventually, I ended up rethinking that idea so that I could
make an impact on the community while still being able to complete my project in the time
allotted with the parameters that were given along with the project. I solved this issue by taking a
step back and thinking about what I could do that would benefit the community while still being
Printing is expensive- I was unable to print all the books that I had wanted because of the cost of
printing. Initially I was quoted around $20 per book and it would be almost $200 to print all the
posters and other flyers that I needed. I solved this issue by printing some pages at home and at
my dads office, and opted for cheaper books, which looked better in then end.

5. List materials used.

Paper and ink to print the posters, books, and other flyers that I needed
Decorated bins for item collection (3)
Snacks for the Project
Bags to carry other donations received
Table cloths

6. List all people who helped you on the project and briefly describe the help given.

My mom- helped me at the project and provided emotional support

Moms who helped write the book (Mrs. Stevenson, Courtney Maceslin Tyler, Lindsey Boucher,
Rebecca Corley)
Karen Goad - set up a donation box at her work
Students and family who donated to my event.
7. How does your completed project compare to the picture you had in mind when you started the
project? Explain the reason behind any changes from your proposal.

When I first had proposed my project, I was going to host an artist alley to raise money for women in
need. However, this was denied because of a weak project-paper connection. So, I had to change it to
ask for the artists to make an art piece dedicated to raising awareness to the pay gap, and have a
project around that. The more that I thought about this idea, I did not see how this would help
anyone, and I knew not enough artists would be willing to make this piece, and I would not be able to
secure enough artists to build a project around that. Not only did I feel that this project was not
helpful, my papers focus shifted from studying the pay gap, to studying the issue with maternity
leave and support in the workplace. So, I thought about shifting that idea to having a collection of
stories of women who struggles as working moms. This idea became the book that I complied. With
this book, I wanted to have a book fair to raise awareness and collect money for a homeless shelter
that supported single moms trying to get back on their feet. This is where I found Barrett Haven
Transitional Homes, and began to reach out to them about help that they needed. However, when I
was trying to secure a venue for the book fair, people were very unwilling to work with me because
my project was not something that they would support for a book fair. So, then I rethought my project
by deciding to collect items for Barrett Haven while raising awareness for the lack of maternity
support that the work place gives.

8. If given the opportunity, explain what you would have done differently now that you speak from

If I could do anything different, I would have focused on maternity rights rather than the pay gap
because it is more of a prominent issue in America, and is something that I feel more passionately
about. Also, I would have not done any traveling shows with the theater this year so that I would
have more time the first part of the second semester to focus on school and having a more exciting
and impactful project.

9. Beyond the project itself, what did you learn about yourself?

I learned that even though I had big plans that didnt work out, if I still work hard with the time and
resources that I have, I am able to still do good work and help people in the process.
10. What grade would you give yourself on the project? Justify the evaluation of your grade in at
least 25 words.

Grade: 90

Justification: While I couldnt do exactly what I had planned, I still executed a project that helped
homeless women get the resources they needed, and gave the home future resources for funding.

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