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Daisy Cardona

Professor Suk
EDUC 230 Education Field Experience
February 16, 2017

Classroom Rules:
1. Be on time (in your seat).
2. No grooming, eating, drinking (except bottle water), or chewing gum.
3. Keep electronic devices away unless asked to be used by the teacher.
4. Respect others, the classroom, and yourself. Dont speak when others are speaking. Keep
your body to yourself.
5. Follow all school rules.
Positive Consequences:
1st time = Praise
2nd time = 1 Extra Point on participation grade for that day
3rd time = 2 Extra Points on participation grade for that day
4th time = 2 Extra Points on next exam
5th time = special treat (pizza, cupcake, candy, etc)

Negative Consequences:
1st offence = Warning
2nd offence = Detention
3rd offense = Detention and Phone call to parents
4th offense = Sent to the principals office

Daily Tasks:
Before class starts
Walk in and place homework in the blue bin on the shelf.
Pick up Do Now paper.
Pick up textbook.
Sit in your seat.
Do the Do Now.
After class
Place completed classwork/Do Now papers in red bin on the shelf.
Pick up homework for that night.
If you missed class
Check the bulletin board.
Pick up all work that was missed on the bulletin board.

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