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When thinking about spiders most people shiver The first account of humans using spider silk is

in fear. Spiders are an arachnid- a creature with 8 legs from 1710. It was said in folk medicine one could use
and two separate body parts [3]. All spiders spin silk. spider silk as a dressing for wounds [3]. This trend did
Some species of spider can produce up to seven different not pick back up till 1855- but silk was not collected from
kinds of silk [3]. These different kinds of silk can be used spiders, but from silkworms [6]. Silkworm populations
for building webs, wrapping prey and protecting eggs. were threatened by disease and they were no longer
Spider silk has some unique qualities that make it used as subjects. It was not until the 1970s, when
interesting to humans. Spider silk is extremely strong. engineering was more advanced, that people started to
Strength is measured by the weight a material can bear think about our eight- legged friends [6].
and toughness is measured by the amount of energy a
substance can withstand without breaking [5]. Many Engineering is a field of science that is devoted to
universities and companies are testing the strength and improving what is known as well as making new advances
toughness of spider silk and have found that it is stronger in new fields. It focuses on design, building, machinery
than steel and Kevlar [4]. and structures to help solve old and new problems.
Spider silk engineering is an up and coming field- with
Spider Silk Engineering is the combination of only a few universities and companies specializing in the
studying a spiders silk and its strengths and weaknesses, production of spider silk. Spider silk comes out of a
as well as attempting to synthesize man-made silk so spiders spinnerets and starts as a liquid inside of the
humans can use it to improve society. In this section, the spiders body and once it hits the air it solidifies- the
field of spider silk engineering will be discussed in detail process by which this happens is still unknown.
and humans interest in spider silk, its uses and
controversies will be explained.

A spiders spinnerets are where the silk exits

the body. [6]

To most peoples surprise spider silk has many

applications. Going back to the 1700s, spider silk can be
Man-made Spider Silk from Bolt Threads used to repair tendons and muscle [6]. Spider silk is made
undergoing testing on strength and toughness [1]. up of proteins [3]. Proteins are the building blocks of our
tendons and muscle tissue. By engineering, or designing
our own spider silk we would be able to artificially repair
muscle that is damaged. Who would have thought that products mentioned above. Next time you see a spider,
the cobwebs in your house could save your life? maybe think twice before squishing it under your shoe.
That spider could save your life one day!
Another use is in the line of police work. Because
of spider silks amazing toughness and ability to take an
impact, engineers are looking to replace Kevlar, which is
what is in bullet proof vests, with spider silk [5]. Spiders 1. Alba, D. (2015, June 4). Startup Says Its the First to Make
silk has to withstand the impact of an insect flying right Synthetic Spider Silk. (Wired) Retrieved February 5, 2017,
at it as well as not break in the process- this is why the from
material is of interest to police officers and scientists. spider-silk/

A third use of spider silk is in the textile industry. 2. Bourzac, K. (2015, September 21). Spinning Synthetic
Bolt Threads in California is a start-up company Spider Silk. (MIT) Retrieved February 5, 2017, from
engineering spider silk to create textiles, rope and cables
[2]. The company is using a fermentation process, like synthetic-spider-silk/
they use to make beer, to mass produce the silk [2]. The 3. Foelix, R. F. (2011). Biology of Spiders. New York: Oxford
biggest challenge with making enough silk to form textiles University Press.
and rope is that silk is extremely thin and you need
hundreds of individual strands to make a thread [1]. To 4. F., Kawabata, S., Inoue, M., Niwa, M., Fossey, S., & Song,
build the threads, engineers at Bolt Threads had to invent J. (n.d.). Engineering Properties of Spider Silk.
a new machine that takes the individual strands of silk Philadelphia.
and threads them together. 5. Scott, A. (2014). Spider Silk Poised For Commercial Entry.
Chemical and Engineering News, 92(9), 24-27.

6. University of Southern California. (2017). Biomimetics:

Engineering Spider Silk. Illumin, 57(3).

Machine used at Bolt Threads, based in California, to

thread together strands of synthetic spider silk. [1]

Spiders are not everyones favorite animal, but

they are very beneficial to humans. Their silk can be
used in the medical field as well as in industry to help
better society and make advancements in products that
people use worldwide. With the help of engineering,
people are able to design and build spider silk in a lab
that can then be produced into the multitude of

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