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SULIT 4551/2

Tips For Exam 2014

List of popular Definition

Term Definition (Marking Scheme)

Cell The basic units of life / living organism

Tissue A group of same cells which have same structure and same function that perform a
specific function
Organ (An organ consists of) a group of different tissues that (group together to) perform a
specific function
Cell specialization P1 : The process where cells change shape / structure and differentiate.
P2 : To carry out / perform specific function
Internal environment P1-(physical and Chemical) condition within our body
P2-Extracellular fluid that surround our body cells
P3-Example are body temperature, blood glucose level, pH, blood osmotic potential
and blood pressure
P1&any other P MAX 2

Homeostasis P4-A process of maintaining internal environment/physical and chemical condition

in our body at a constant value
P5-through corrective mechanism based on negative or positive feedback
P6-which revert the internal environment back to normal condition of there is a
P4& any other P MAX 2

Chapter 3
Semi premable A membrane that allows only certain substances to move freely across it.
Simple diffusion P1-The net movement of molecule /ions
P2-from a high concentration to a region of lower concentration
P3-down / follow the concentration gradient
P4-Untill the dynamic equilibrium is achieved

Osmosis (The net movement) of water molecules from a lower solute concentration region to
a high solute concentration region through a semi permeable membrane 1

Active transport Movement of molecule or ions, against the concentration gradient across plasma
membrane with the help of carrier protein and energy / ATP
Module Biology Trial Paper Collection
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SULIT 4551/2
Tips For Exam 2014

Chapter 4
Enzyme P1-enzyme is an organic catalyst
P2-enzyme is a protein which speed up biochemical reaction in living thing

Extracellular enzyme P1-Enzyme which is synthesized in the cell

P2-Secreted out of the cell to work externally

Intracellular enzyme P1-Enzyme which produced in the cell

P2-for use of itself

Chapter 5
Mitosis P1-The division of cell nucleus forms two daughter cell
P2-Each with same chromosome number and type of chromosome as the parent
Cloning P1-process of producing new genetically identical organism (refer to the question
needed eg. Frog )
P2-Through asexual reproduction
P3-by stem/leaf cutting/layering/grafting/tissue culture

Chapter 6
Autotrophic nutrition Synthesize its own glucose / starch from carbon dioxide and water with the help of
light energy through the process of photosynthesis

Heterotrophic Obtain its food source/organic substances from the surroundings (eat plant/
nutrition producer)
Balanced diet F1-A balance diet contains al the seven major nutrients which include
carbohydrates, protein lipids, vitamin, minerals water and roughage/(dietary) fibre
F2-In the correct amount and ratio// in the correct proportions to meet the daily
requirement of the body

Malnutrition F1-Malnutrition result from taking an unbalanced diet

F2-Certain nutrient are excess, lacking or in the wrong proportions
Photosynthesis F1-(Photosynthesis is the )process where by a green plant synthesizes glucose form
carbon dioxide and water 2
F2-In the presences of chlorophyll and sunlight

Module Biology Trial Paper Collection

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