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1. Uninstall the old version of Nero and have a clean install.

2. Close your internet connection and close your security software.

3. Install application as trial with given serial(Don't enter any other serial)
4. Do not install ask bar and Nero tool bar ETC. uncheck them all.
5. Uncheck Automatic Update. Never update nero components.
6. copy"AdvrCntr6.dll" from crack folder and paste into the folder.
C:\Program files\Common Files\Nero\AdvrCntr6\... OR c:\Program Files(x86)\Common
(For users of x64 systems replace the orignal file also, also close all the proc
ess related to this dll before replacing. you may have to stop nero update servi
If ther are problem with overwriting or deleting of orignal file, remove the att
ribute"read only".
7. Double click on "fix reg" in crack folder for registry fixing.
8. open Nero Control Center and enter the serial 9004-0173-5M17-EU7K-KLPZ-XT4P-2
MT3-4PA8(All 0 are Zero).
9. Open your security software and internet connection.
10. Run your application and enjoy.
** Nero Kwick Media May Expire after Trial period.
Extras seriasl:
DTS Plug-In: 1K00-4166-99X9-2A6K-33E1-6M0A-8E0C
mp3PRO Plug-In: KC00-9039-1983-284A-2A45-6MA6-EKMX

Upload By iahq76

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