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a/rrs, "polishcd," "smooth" rarcly hcc what thcy can trrrrl away g racc, brutality as charrrr; but witlrout

acc, brutality as charrrr; but witlrout thc cockflght thc Llalincsc

prc'sunrrbly, why tlrcy v;rluc it so lrighly
!4'- ? Arry cxprcssivc lirrrn works (whcrr it rvorks) by disarrarrgirrg sc-
+# if

not wallt it (to adapt a phrasc Fryc has uscd of Glouccsrer's blinding) is nrerrtic contcxts irr srrclr :l way that propcrtics convcntiollally ascribcd
hc to ccrtain thirrgs lrc urrconvcrrtionally ascribccl to othcrs, whiclr erc
bccausc the context suggests that the rcndcring, if lcsi than a thcn sccrr xctr.rrlly t() posscss thcrn. -[ir call tlrc wirrd e cripplc, as
straightforward dcscriptigrr, is nonetheless morc than an idlc fancy, it is Stcvcrrs tlocs, ttr fix torrc lncl rrrlrripulltc tirrrbrc,:rs Schocrrbcrg clocs,
hcrc that thc disquictfulncss-thc disquictfulncss of thc-fg/rl, nor (or, ()rr cl()scr to ()ur crsc, to pictrrlc.ur ilrt cl'itic as r clissolutc bc:lr, Js
anyway, not ncccssarily) its patrons, who sccnr in fact rathcl tlror- llogartlr docs, is to cross conccptuxl rvircs; tlrc cst:rblishcd conjur)c-
oughly to cnjoy it-cntcrgcs. Thc slrughtcr in tl'rc cock rirrg is nor ir tiorrs Lrctrvccrr oL'rjccts urrcl tlrcil clr,rllitics rrc lltcrc(l , :rrrd phc-
dcpiction oilrow things litcrally arc an'rorrg rucrr, but, what is rlrnost nolr)cr).1
- trrll r.vclthcr, nrclo(lic shapc, or cultrlrrl jourrr:rlisrrr -.rrc '

u'orsc, oI how, fronr a particular anglc, thcy itnaginativcly arc.r] clothccl irr sigrrificrs whiclr rrorrrrally poirrt to otlrcr Sirrri-
Thc anglc, of coursc, is stratificatory-p!4E-as wc havc alrcacly hrly, to colrncct-:rncl corrncct,:rnci corrrrcct-tlrc collisiorr of roostc[s
with tlrc divisivcrrcss rrf status is to irrvitc l trlrrslcr of pcrccptiorrs
tiorrr tlrc firrrrrcr to thc lrrttcr,, tmnsfcr rvlriclr is rt oncc a rlcscriptiorr
That prcstigc is a profoLrndly scrious busincss is apparcirt cvcry'whcrc lrrrl ;r jrrtlqrrrcrrt. (Logir;rlly, tlrc trunsfcr c<-,uld, of coursc, :rs wcll go
thc otlrcl wly; i)ut, likc rrrost of tl)c rcst of trs, tlrc Llllincsc:rrc r grc:rt
dc;rl rrrorc irrtcrcstcrl irr rrrrcicrstarrclirrg rrrcrr tlran tlrcy rlrc in unr'lcr-
stlrt(lit)ll t'or'ks.)
Wlrlt scts tlrc cock{iglrt lprrrt li()nl tlrc oltlirrlry c()!lrsc ot-lift', lilts
it fl-orrr tltc rcllrrr oI tlrc cvcryclay pr;rcticll l([rirs, an(l sLlrrounds it .rtt .rttr.t t,f ctll:rrgc(l itttpot t;tttr'c is ,t !,t,rlt,t,I!Ij_!g!!tl!,tg.y

cq.Lllggrlllslll:Jcalousy rs as rnuclr a part ot ljalt as porsc, crlvy as

32. N. Fryc, 'fhc Erhtcarcr! Imaginatiur (llloonrington, tnd., 1964), p. (),).

33. l-hcrc arc two othcr Ilalirrcsc valucs arrd disvalucs wltich. corrricctcd rvith tltcrr orgurrizirrg tlrc rrr:rjor prrt ol- collcctivc cxistcr)cc lrountl tllt
punctuatc tcrrrporality on the orrc hrnd arrd unbridlcd aggrcssivcncss on.tlrc othcr,
rcin[orcc tltc scttsc that thc cockfight is at oncc corrtinuous.rvitlr ordinary socirl lilc rrrd a' -14 Ilrc Strvcrrs rclcrcncc is to lris "-l-he Motivc for Mct.rohtrr" ("Ytru likc it urrtlcr
dircct ncgation of it: what thc llalincsc ctll rani, and whrt thcy cal! 1ialin.q. /?arrii rncrns thc trccs irr rtttLtrrtrr,/llccrLtsc cvcrytlrirrg is lrrll-tlcetl /Tlrc rvintl rrrovcs likc r cripplc
crorvdcd, noisy, and activc, and is a highly sought-aftcr'social starc: crowdcd nrrrkcts, rtttottg tltc Icrvcs,/ArrJ rcpcats wor(ls rvitlrout rrrcrlrirrg") [(iopyriglrt 1947 by Wallrrcc
rrrass fcstivrls, busy strccts arc ill rant, as, ofcoursc, ip, irr thc cxtrcnic, a cqckfight. Stcvcrrs, rcprtrrtcrl liorrr / /tc Oollutttl l\tutts Ltl'IIlrll,rr' .Strlcrr-i by pcrrrrission ol- Allrcd .
,llarrri is rvhat happcrrs in thc "full" tinrcs (its oppositc, srpi, "Quict," is wlrrt happcrrs in A Krropf, lrrc , .ttrd Itrber rrrtl ltrlrcr I-td ]; tlrc Sclrocrrbcrg relcrcrrcc is to tlrc tlrirtl ofl:is
thc "crnpty" oncs). Palirrg is social vcrtigo, thc dizzy, disoribntcd, lost, rurrrcd-arourrJ l:ivt()tLlrsttdl'irrr'-r(()pusl6),rrrdisborrowctlliorrrll ll.l)ragcr,"1-lrc(iorrccptof
lccling oue gcts wlrcn onc's placc irr thc coordinatcs ofsocial spacc is not clcrr, arrd it is a ''lorral Ilody,'" irr llr'/ftrtirrrr.r orr ,4r1, ctl S Lrrrgcr (Ncrv Yrrrk. l()(rl), p 174 ()n
trcntcndously disfavorcd, itrrtrrcrtscly atrxicty-producing strtc: lJalirrcsc rcgartl thc rxrrt I Iogrrtlr, rucl orr tlris rvlrolc Irr,rhlcrrr tlrcrc crllctl ''rrrLrltiple rrrrtrix rrrrtclrirrg"-scc
Irraintcnancc of spatial orictrtation ("not to know ' wltcrc north is" is to bc cmz1,), I: II (lrrrrrtrriclr, " llrc Usc ol- Art firr tlrc Strrtly ol- Syrrrbols," in I'sytlnlo,q1, ,uil thr
balancc, dccorurn, status rclatiotrslrips, ancl so lorth, 15 frrndanrcrqtrl to grtlcrctl lifi' l"isttrl Atls,ctlitctlby.f.llogg(llrltirrrorc, 1969),pp l4()-l7l) 'fhcrrrorcrrstrrl [crrrrftrr
lkrann) and /ralirr8, thc sort of wlrirlirrg corrfusion of |o5i1i61, tlrc scrarrrbling cocks tlris sott of-strrtruLic rlclrcrny is "rrctrplroricrl trrrrsllr," rrrd gootl tctlrrritrl tlrscussiorrs
cxcrrrpli[y as its profoundcst cncnry and contradiction. Oi raint, scc lJrtcsorr anil Mcatl, trf it crrr lrc frrrrrrtl irr Nl l]hck, i\Iolrls urJ AlLtqrlurs (lthrcr, N.Y, 1962), pp 25tI,
I|olincsc Clnradc'i pp. 3, 64; on pdling, ibid., p. ll, and Ilclo, ctl.,'liulitiottal Eilincst (io<xlntrtr, /-,lr(trr((',rr,r1rt, pp ,l4fi; .rrrtl W I)crc;,, "Mctrplror rs Mistrkc," Slrr,,rrrrr'
Culturt, pp. l)Oft. Iltvictr, 66 (l')5ft): 7fl ()()
( )lil'lbnl ()trt t: Dttp Play 2t9

l' tltc casc at h:rrtcJ, t

fc'atr.rrc oIit (in my opinion, the central lcature of i$ that treating it as x
would tend ro
itr ,rt" t
SAYING S()M[-fl llN(; ()F S()Mt]'I IIIN(; "b.*' "f "nr.
i$ays in,a vocabulary of sentiment-the thrill of risk, the despair of
'lir ptrt tlrc nrlttcr tlris wly is to crtgagc in I bit of rrrct;tphoricrll lost, tlrc plclsui

lrLrilr:rnd individu;rls rre put together. Attending cockfights and partic-

iplring ir.r' thCm is,,for thc Balinese, a kind of sentinrental educ:rtion.
!(hrq_!rciearns thc'n is whrt his culturc's e thos and his private sensibil-
jty (or. anvway, ccrtrin rspcels of thenr) look like when spellcd out
"s:rying s()nlcthing of sorrtetlring" (trt irrvttkc lt f:tlttotts Aristotcli.ln cxrcrnal[!n a'collcctivc icxt; that rhe two are near enoug[diketo bc:
tlg) , thcn orrc is f lrcccl rvith l pro[rlcrtr not irt socirt] trrcclt:tttics ltLtt alriculatcd in thc symbolics of a singlc strch tcxt; and disqtrictinq
sociltl scntllrtics.r; For tllc lrttltroPtllogist, whtlsc c()llcerll is rvitll firr-
Dtrt-tlF!_tltc t9x!_!r_\vluh gllis.cvclrrion is rcconrplislrrlconsisrs of
rrrul:rtirrg sot rt,logit':rl l)rirrr'iplr's, n()t \vitl) protttotittg rrr lpprt't i:trirtg a chickcn lr:rckinc xnothcr nrirrdlcsslv to bits.
c<rckfrglrts, tlrc rltrcstion is, rvlrlt clocs onc lctrrr:tbottt strc'lr principlcs Evcry pcopie, tlie provcrb l'ras it, Iovcs its own forrl of violcr-rcc.
lhrrrr r'xltrrtinirrg t-trlttrrc :ts :ut :tssctttltl:tgc of tcxts? Thc cockfight is on its look, irs uscs,
Strclt lrr extcnti()r'r ol-tlrc rr<ltitrn of :r text bcyontl rvrittcrt ttlttct'i:tl, itt-6r..', iti f,rsc cry lcvcl of llrlincsc
:rntl cvcrt bcyontl vcrllul, is, tlrottglr tttct:tpltoric:tl, t)()t, or ctrLtrsc, ltll cxpcricncc, it brings togetlrcr thcrlcs
tlltt rtovcf . IIrt' irtlr't7rt-(lttlio ttdl!!r,Ir' trlttlitiort rtl- tlre Mitltlle Agt's, -:rnimal savxgcry, nrllc nrrcis-
sisrrr, opporrcrrt glinlrling, strtus rivrlry, urlss cxcitcrlre nt, l)lo()(l
rvhich, crrlrrrinlting irr Spirrttz:t, tlttcllt[)tc(l ttr rcltl rl:lttlrc rs Scripttrrc, sacrificc-whosc rllin conncction is their involvernent with ragc rnd
tlrc Nictszchcrn cfft)rt to trcllt vllltlc systcll)s:ts trlttsscs ott tltc rvill to thc lcar of ragc, and, binding theltl into a sct of rr,rles which ar oncc
polvcr (or thc Mlrxilrr onc t() trctt thcrrr ls gl()sscs ort ltrtrpcrty rcllt- contrins tlicrn rrrcl allows thcnr play, br"rilds a symbolic stnrcturc in
tiorrs) , :rrrtl tlrc Frcrrtli;rrr rc1',luccnrcnt trf tltc crrigrrr:ltic tcxt ol- tltc ttt:ttr- wbich, ovcr lrrcl ovcr agairr, thc rc:rlity of their inncr affiliation cln bc
ilcst clrcurrr rvitlr tlrc plaitt otrc,of tltc l:ttcrrt, lll olfcr prccctlcttts, if ttot intcff igibly tclr. If, to quote Nortlrrr-rp Fryc again, we go to see h'loil(tlt
ro lcern \,vhxt a rnan fc'els like rftcr he has gained a kingdonr lncl lost
his soul, Balincse go to cockfights to find otrt what a nran, usurlly
conrposcd, aloof, :rlmost obscssively self-absorbed, a kind of nrorrl
rutccosnr, fccls !ikc'when, xttackcd, tornlented, challenged, insultccl ,
lncl drivcn in result to the cxtrcrncs of hlry, hc hrs totally trir,rnrphecl
l5 l-lrc trg is liorr tlrc sccorrtl book of tlrr' ()r'q,trt,lt, ()tt Itl(tltttntintl I-or I
or bccrr broirght totaliy low. The whole passage, rs it rakcs us brck to
discussion of it, rntl firr tlrc rvlrolc f,rgunrcnt for liceirrg "rlrc uotiort of-rcxt fiottt tlrc Aristotle (tlrough to thc Prelirs rathcr than thc l-lcrmeneu /irs), is worth
rrotion o1'st'rip1q11s or tvrrtirrg" lrrrl constrrtctirrg, tlrtrs, .t gcnerrl ltcttttlttctttics, stc quotaucn:
l) licocrrr, l:n'til dnl l'hrlosoplty (Ncrv I lrrvctr, 1970), pp 201i.

3(, lbid
37 [-i'vi-Strrrrss"'stntatrlrrlisnr" rrriglrr secr)] rrr ( \aet)riorr llLrr it rs only rtt rtPIrr-
cnt onc, litr, rrtlrcr tlr:rrr trkrilg rrrytlrs, totcrrr rifcs, rrrtrri:rqc rulLs, ()r rvllttcVtr ts tcxts fLtnctiorr in coricrcrc siturtions to organizc pcrccptions (rrrcrrrirrgs, crnorions, conccprs,
t() interprct, Livi-SrrrLrss trkes tlrcnr rs eiplters to solvc, rvlrielt is vcry tllttell llot rlrc rttirudes); itc sccks to undcrstand thcm errtircly in tcrms of tlrcir intcrnrl srrLrcturc
srnrc tlrirrg. Ilc tloes not scek t() ulr(lcrstlr)(l syrrtlrolie litrttts itt tcrrlls ol-lrorv tllcy indipuilurt d{'lont s!t.i(t, de tout objl, et tfu toutc rcnt(xte.
l)r't1t l'lrt1, lll
220 Olill"nl ()ttttz
yt.l, ltcc:rusc-irr lrrrtttlrcr 6f tlr<tsc 1t:rlutltt;cs, llrllg s,itlr p:rirrtcrl
opptlscrl to tlre llistorian]' Aristorlc srrys' lle vcr ttt't['cs 'ttty
lJtrt thc poct [as fcclirrgs:trrtl uncorrscrlttcttt'ctl :rcts, whitlr llltttrrt:tcstllctics-tlr;rt strIr-
rcll st.ttctllctrts .tt all, ccrt'ti jcctivtty..l,,.,,,l1rt propcrly cxist trntil it is thrrs org:rnizc,l,:rrt lirrttts
job is rrot to tcll Yotr '"vhat lr
gcricrrrtc unrl rcgcrrcrlrc tl)c vc|y str\cctivity thcy l)rctclrd ottly t<r
;rlacc, but thc kirrd
of tlrirrg
typicll, rccrtrritlll' or u'lt'lt ilisplry. (]u:rrtcts, stiili lifcs, lnd cockfiglrts arc rrot rrrcrcly rcflct.titrtts
go to Ay'or0ctI ttl lcrrtr rboLtt thc hist o1- u prccxisting scttsibility :rp:rlttgiertlly rcPl'cscrrtc(l; tlrcy rrc l)()sltrvc
rvltat a tttrtr lccls likc aftcr lrc's gairl lugcltts iit tltc crc.ttiolt ltlttl Ittltitltctt:ttlcc tlfsttcll;l scrrsi[lility lf \vc sc('
yotl lllcct sttclr a clraractcr lts Micrr ,.rrrrsclvcs ls l p.tck rif Micewbcrs, it is tiorri rcrttlilrg ttlt:r tllttch l)ickcrrs
r'r'ls cxlctly likc tlris: ytltl
thcrc tttttst ltavc bcclt a tttrn l)ickcns kltcw w'llo (il.wc scc grtrsclvcs:rs urrillrrsiorrccl rc:rlists, it is irorrr rc:rrlirrg to lrttlc);
lccl th:rt tlrcrc's a bit of Mic:rrvbcr irr:rlrrrost cvcrybotly ytltt krtorv,.irtcltril-
tl[) ()llc by tnlc' lrrc'i sirrri!:trly firr ilulirrcsc, cocks,:ltltl ctrcktrgllts. lt is irr stt,'lt:t u',ty',
ing yotrrsclt-. Otlr inrprcssions oi ltttttratt liL' erc pickctl
a'd rc'rai' for nf ,,, lo,,r.;rncl disorg:trrizcd. IJLrt wc collstillltly fll)(l coloring cxpcricrtcc witlt thc lrglrt tlrcy clst it irl , riltllcr tlr:rrl tlrrotrgh
' sucldcnly ctlorclitr:ttc lrrtl britrg itlto ftrctts lt grt''tt rvlrrrtcver ntiltcriitl cffccts tltcy,,t,ry 1,.,t'., tlrrrt tlrc ltrts pl:r1' tllcir r,rle,
tlrings irr litcrltrrrc th;rt
itriprcssit-rtts, lrltl tlris is part oirvlllrt Aristtltlc ltlclrrts by lllc
,,,.t,iy r,.,.lt :ls urts, itr soci;rl litl'. r'i
typic:rl or ttttivcrsll ltrttttltr cvctlt

It is this kincl oIbrirrgirrg of essortccl cxpcricttccs oicvcr)'d:ry

liti't<r .,f.,,,*f lrrtl his stlcicty's tcrll[)cr:lt thc s:lllrc tirlrc. ()r, tltorc ex:tttly'
focus thrt t;c cockfi96f s.t asidc ti'orrr tlr;rt lifi':rs
".rtly I g:ttrtc" rtttcl |rcf<lrrrrsltrltlt.|isctlvcr'@Ntlttlrrly.|rctIl|'r('.|
st> (lrc:lLcs oil \t.l(tl\
rccotutcctcLl t<t it:ts"lrrorc tlrln I g:rnrc," :tccorttPlisltcs':ttttl ljt(.:tt lll,illy rrtlrt.r trrltrtr:rl tcxts 1t|0virling t'.rrilrrrt'rrt.rri..\
rvlrrt, bcttcr tlr.rn tyPicll or univcrsal, ctrrrltl [rc c:rllc,l .r lt,tr.r,li[]rrt'rtit' lri..r,tr.,-lry .rll(l s(.ll-r(.H.rrtl rrr ll;rlr. lrrtt tlt, rc .lIe .l Fl(,lt lll.lrl)' ()tll( l'
hunran cvcltt-thlt is,.orrc thlt tclls us lcss rvltlt h:rPllcrls
tlrln tllc kirltl critic.rl sc('t()rs 6f lJ:rlirrcsc lifi' lrcsitlcs tlrc srrltiflc:rrot-y :ttt.l tlrc :rgorrts-
ll't rltttl cottlcl -I'hc ccrcttlglly (-()llsCcl'.Itlllg il
oIthing that woulcl lrappcn if, as is l1()t thc casc' lifi'wcrc tic tir:rt rCCcivc suclt (-1.;tlt tllcttt;lIy
bc as flccly shapcd by stylcs oi fccling ls ,1 lnr|crlr lrrd l)rr|ir/ (-'o/r- llr:tltrrr;rrli pricst; :t ln:lttcr of brc:rtlr c()lltl'()1, p()sttlllll irrrrrrobility, ;rrltl
pt'rltcld trc. V;lcul)t ('()i)('ellt!-:ttl()n up()n tl)c tlclttlls of bcirlg, clislll:t1's e rlttlit.rlll'
.lil-li.rt.rrt, l, tlrt'll,.rlirrest'e,lrr.rlly rt':tl, ItoItt'l.y ()t s()(l,rl
: tltt'ttrttltitltltts trlllsccll(lcl)t. Sct l)()t lt) tltt'
-its rcuclt io,ur,:trtl
nlttr-ix of thc kirrc'tic crttotiortllity oi:ittirttlls, btrt irr tlrrt ol tlr(' st.ltlt
a bcttor (tirr cockfrglrtirrg h'rs 11()
l',1:iSto:1.(.ssltcss rrl- rlivirrt. Irrelrt.rlitl',
il t'\l)t'css('s tr.lll\ltlility ll()t rll\-
t;,rrict Iltc rrrrrss ii.sti'r:rls:rt tIc vill:rgt.tcrrrplcs, l,lrirll Irr6lrilizt tlrt'
ing), hc grows filllliliar with it rnt-l rvllrt it llas to sly to
llirll' tlrt'tclt ;ts
vtcrvct' trf- strll rrr ll.rlrrresc liie, llrrcsorr.rrrtl Mt.rrl, Ilalitrst ()lttrarti't; Pl). ll-l- llll,
()rr llr(
thc attcntivc listcncr to string rltlxl'tcts or tllc ilbsorlrccl 1rt.rcc1.;i1111
irctivrlrrlrttrre of restllctic l)cl(cl)!l()ll ttt gctter'tl, (iottrlttt'ttt' l-'lrl(l/tl(r'rr/ "lrt' P1r
lifc grows slowly nlorc falrliliar witlr tltcrrr itr I r'v:ty
rvlricli opcrrs ltts

subjcctivity to hinlsclF.r')
3tl. Frye , 'l'ht' I:'dmntttl hrrlqirdti()'r, ltP' 63-.11'l
. . ,, lirt ,- ...-....-,;.,,,
-l-lrc usc of thc, t., [.trr.r1r."ns, i'ir.rtLrrrl" vistr.rl, i,li,rrt Pe rccl'tiott -"s(c,
"watcltt's," rttd so lortlr-is tttt'rc (ll'ttt r'
trrcntiotrcd crrlicr, lhlirrcsc follorv thc pro
ing cocks arc rcttlally rrtlrcr ltartl to scc
bo"dict ns lvitlr tltcir cycs, ttrovitrg tltcir lilt
tlrc cocks' tltf,llctlvcrs' lllcJns thJt trltlcll
r kirrcstlrctic ratllcr tlt;ttl visttrl' ll'cvcr tltcr
I' I tio,t ,rf" syrtrbolic rct rs "tltc ())tl'tttcitlg rrf sonrc t)octrls,trc ltctter tltrtt tltltcrs
Yttrk, 19571, p' tltc eockl-
\ ..t. ..1. [Nt'w

1)') ( .lillrnl ( )tut: Dllt I)lty, 223

rvltolc locrrl poptrlution irr clu[ror:r tc hosti rrgs ot' r'isi rirr g gotls sor)ljs, scrrch of broltlcr ullitics clr irrfirrrtring cotrtrtsts. ()nc clrn cvcn cont-
(lrlr)ccs, c()nrplin)cnts, gif ts
-:rsscrt tlrc spiritrrul urrirv of- r'ill;rge rrr:rrcs pilrc lbrnls fronr cJi,ltfcrcnticulrures ro dcfinc tlrcir charactcr iu rccip-
.rg;rirrst (ll('ir irrctlu.rlirr, .ri:Li Ilrrir r t ;r rrri'rrrl t,i :rrrrity ,trrtl rrttst. ' rocll rclicf. llrrt rvhlrcvclthc lcvcl rt rvhich onc opcrrtcs, and how-
'l hc cocklrgltr is rrot tlre rn:rster kcy to llrlirrcsc lifc, :rrry nl()rc rllrr)
cvcr intricrttciy, thc gLridir)g principlc is tlrc slnrc: socicrics, likc livcs,
bullfrglrting is to Spurrislr. Wlrut it s:rys:rboLrt tlrrrt lili'is nr)t un(lull- contlin thcir orvn intcrprcttri()lls. Ollc lras only fo lcrnt horv to glirr
iflctl nor cvcrt ttrtclt;tllcrlgcd [)y \\'l)rt ()thrr cqtr:rll1, t'lotlLrcnt cultrrr:ll :rcccss [() tllcrtr.
st:ltcnrcr)ts sey irbor.rt it. lltrt tlrcrc is l)otlrit)g rrrort'strrprisirrg irr rlris
tltrrr irr tlrc lltt tlr:rr llucirrc lrrtl Molii'rc \\/crc ('()ntcn)Por:rrics, ol tlrrrt
tltc sltnrc pcoplc,uvho :rrr:trrgc cltrysltrrthcrrrruns c;rst srvor tls.ll
T l r r. r- r lr rr rr-' r r f :t4co p l,. i s r t1_-,,!rs"u rb lLrll-lc _\ r s r rr -.
thosc to wllonr thcy proPcrly bclorrg. rrrc cr)onlr()us tlililcLrltics
iir strtlr un crrt.crprise, n)ctl)()(l()l()gicel pirl:rlls to rrr.rkr:r Frctrtli:rn


rr,ltt'rt' irr :t t-Lrltrrrt"s r-cl)r'rt()irr' trf'lirrnrs lrrtl crrtl rr| :rrryr,r,lrr.rt. elsr..
()rrc cen stily,:rs Ilrrvc hcrc, rvithirr:r sirrglc, nr()r('()r lcss botrrrtlctl
lirrrrt, rttttl circlc stc:rdil1, rvitlrin it ()nc c:rn nl()vc bt'tu,t'crr lirrrrrs irr

-ll I or tlrc r(rr\L(r,rnor) (ct-(rr()n)', set V li l{,rrrr, " l ltt ( ,rnsetr.rri,rn ol- tlrr
lrrtt'st," itt Sivcllcrrgrt'lrtl, ctl, lJ,r/i: Strtr/ilr, IP l-il-15]; lirr (s,rrrrcrr'lt;rr exirljgcrlrr'(l)
villrge conttttLution, l{ (iorts, "'l'lrc ltclrgioLrs (-lrrrrcrer ol tlre ll;rlirrcse Vrll.rgc," rbrrl ,
pp.79 l0o
ll -l'lrrt rvltrt rltc tockliglrt l)rs to sry rrborrt llrli is rror.rltogr'rlrtr rvirlrorrr pcrte;'-
tiott, .ttttl tllc (lts(ltltct it cxprcssr's.tbottt rlrt gcrrcr.rl p;rtterrr rll l];rlirresc lili rs rxtt rvlrrlly
rvttltour rclsorr, is rrttcstetl by rlre ficr tlrrrt irt rrvo rvccks,ril)cccrrrbcr l9(ri. tlrrrirrg rlrc
uplrervrls lolloivirrg tlte ttttsttcctsslitl cottp trr |)_jrkrrtr, bctrveerr firrty rrrtl cighty
(lttttts:ttril llrlirrcsc (trr r popttl:rtion o1-rb,rrrt rrvrr rrrillrorr) rvcrc killc,l, lrrgcly lry orrc
rtttttfrtr-tltc rvorsr ottt[rrtrst irr rltc corrrrtry IJ.llLrgltcsl lnliilttidn l/lrirrrrrlr/ (Ncrv
Vrrk, l()(r7), pp. l7-l llt3 | lrrglrcs' frgrrres rrc, ol-cotrrsc, rrrlrcr crsrrrl tstirrrrrcs, [rrr(
tlrey rrc r)()t tl)c r)lo\r (,xtrcillc I l-ltis is nr)t r() s;ty, 0l-torrrsc, thrt tltt killings rvcrc
t.rttsctlbytlrecotkiiglrr,ctrtrlLlltrvcbccrrpretlictedorrrlrclr.rsisol-rr,or \r,r'res()n)csorI
ol- cttl.trgt'Ll vcrsitrrr oi ir rvrrlt rcrl pcoplc irr tlrc plrce of tlrc corks-ull ol- rr,lriclr is
t)ons(usc lt ts tttercly t()siry tllirt iitrrc looks;rr I|.rli rrot-jLrsr rlrr,rtrglr tlr(.tn((liullt ol-it\
d;ucts, irs slrrtlou,-plrys, its scrrlptrrrr.,.rrrrl its girls, brrr--rs rlrc -rlol).rlrrresc rlrtrustlvcs
tltt-rlso tltroUglr thq-urcriltrrn ol lqgqgf,lrr:lrr, tlre lrret rl,.ri ,rrri-rr.,nilriir'l
sccttts, tftto lcss :rltp,rllirrg, Itss Iikc r corrtr:rrlrctiorr to tlrc lrrvs ol-rr.rrrlrt,. As rrrrlre tlt;rrr
trttc rerl (iltrttccsttr ltls tliscovcrcrl, sorrrctirrrcs pcople rcrLrrlly gct lrli.prcrrscly rrs tltey
rtrost dcc;.ly tlo rrot rvrrrt ir

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