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The African Lion

natural habitat:
The African Lion Naturally lives in open
woodlands, scrubs, and grasslands
Range: sub Saharan parts of Africa

Diet: their diet consists of gazelles, zebras, wildebeests,
and buffalos
Life span: their life span in the wild is 10-16 years, and in
captivity its 25-30 years
Status: vulnerable
adaptations: the lion has a rough tongue to help remove
the flesh of their prey. They also have loose belly skin to
protect themselves if they get bit or hurt
gender difference: the females dont have manes, and
the males are taller than the females
social behavior: the African lion are very social animals
because they live in packs (called prides)
ROARs, grunts, growls, snarls, and purrs
Captivity concerns
What are they fed in captivity: its consists of beef, sheep,
rabbit, chicken, and horse meat

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