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Library Reference Quiz

1. Most students use the ______________to locate a book in the library.

a. Dictionary
c. Atlas

2. If you have a major research need, what types of resources should you use?
a. Only the web everything's online
b. Only journal articles you only want the most scholarly information
c. Multiple resource types to get the best information from different information types.

3. What should you do once you have gathered a variety of resources?

a. Use all of them since they're all on topic

b. Compare them and eliminate any that are not useful, have unverifiable information, or are
from an unreliable source

c. Eliminate anything with terms you don't know.

4. What is a thesaurus?
a. A book full of phrases using a specific word
b. A book explaining how to write a sentence
c. A book full of synonyms and antonyms of common words

5. Which reference book would you use to find 3 words that mean the same as the word cold?
a. Encyclopedia
b. Atlas
c. Thesaurus

6. What can you find in the library catalog?

a. Whether or not a book is available in the library
b. Where a book is located at home
c. Who borrowed a book before you
Read each of the research situations. Determine which of the web sites listed would be the
best source of information.
7. You are writing a report about lions and are looking for some facts about lions kept in zoos.
a. The National Zoo-
b. Lucys Lion Lovers Page
c. National Aquarium
8. In social studies, you are learning about the White House. Your class has been divided into
groups to make a speech to the class. Your group is to talk about presidential pets that have lived
in the White House.
a. White House Pets
b. Dogs in the White House
Library Reference Quiz

c. The White House

All words in a dictionary are listed alphabetically. Guide words at the top or bottom of each
page tell what words are listed on each page. The first guide word tells the first word on the
page, the last one tells the last one on the page.
Circle the letter of correct pair of guide words for each word.
9. pool
A. play police B. poem pot C. prosper pull D. porpoise pout
10. save
A. saint salve B. salt saute C. same say D. saw see

Find the keywords to begin computer searches for the research questions below. Then
combine keywords to create narrow search terms.
11. What do vitamins have to do with nutrition?
Search terms______________________
12. How do weather patterns in other parts of the world affect the weather in your area?
Search terms______________________
13. What do you need to know about caring for a pet?
Search terms______________________

14. You are doing a project on ancient Rome. You need facts on its government, economy,
society, and its impact on current times. What references can you use to find this information?

15. Elizabeth needs to find the meaning of the word " bewildered". What resource should she

Use the browser station to search for the following in your school library catalog (OPAC).

16. Do an author search for Richard Peck. How many titles come up?__________________
17. Do a keyword or subject search for pic. How many titles come up?_________________
18. Do a title search for Roll of Thunder hear my cry. How many copies are currently available
in the library?____________________

Think of an area of interest that you would like to research. Answer the questions below to
prepare for your information search.

19. What topic would you like to research?

20. What research question could you use to locate information for your topic?
Library Reference Quiz

21. Analyze your question. Is it general or specific? If its general, rewrite the question to make it
more specific.

22. What are the keywords to help research your question?




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