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Katelyn Opfar Skittles Project Part 3

I dont believe there will be any association between our height and how many number of
candies there will be in a bag. There was nothing to do with height when picking out the
bags, so I do not see how our height would have anything to do with it.

The Height is the explanatory variable and Number of Candies in a bag is the Response

There is no significant relationship between height and number of candies per bag. The
correlation coefficient is 0.1665 and the critical value is 1.96; I assumed there would be
no correlation between the two. I was right, it does not matter what height you are; and
the number of candies you get in a bag is purely on chance.
Regression Equation: y= .2784x +49.9567

Someone who is 63.5 inches tall, per this regression equation, would get about 67.64 candies in
their bag. I dont agree that this would be an appropriate way to make the prediction because
there was no relationship between height and numbers of candies.

R2 is .0277 meaning that the graph only accounts for 27.7% of the variance, and the
data points are further away from fitting the regression line.

If there was a significant relationship between height and number of candies per bag, then it
would be appropriate to use the regression equation the predict the number of candies in a bag.
Although I do not think you would be able to truthfully predict the number of candies in a bag
with someone who is 90 inches tall. 90 inches would be considered an outlier.

Correlation Coefficient: .2806

Regression Equation: y=.3846x +42.6154

Critical Value: 1.64

There is still no significant linear relationship between height and number of candies per bag.

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