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Gem grade green tourmaline from Pakistan

2 carats

Green Tourmaline, also known as Verdelite, is perhaps Nature's best healing crystal of the
physical heart, channeling its electrical energies into the center of one's being and creating a flow
of wholesome energy to all parts of the body and self. It is the masculine, or yang counterpart to
the feminine heart energies of Pink Tourmaline, and enhances courage and strength, stamina and
vitality. Its spiritual vibrations harmonize with the energies of the Earth as it opens the Heart
Chakra and stimulates a strong resonance with Divine Love. [Simmons, 410][Ahsian, 411]

Ranging in hue from pale light green to darkest emerald, sometimes in shades of olive, Green
Tourmaline is a gateway stone to the devic realm and provides beneficial influence to all things
that live and grow. It may be used in meditation to commune with Nature spirits, and to connect
physically with the spirits of plants and animals. Its rejuvenating qualities make it the most
favorable of all the green life-giving stones. [Simmons 410][Raphaell 130]

Although Tourmaline may be found on every continent, fine crystal specimens and gems are still
considered rare and can be quite expensive. Its vast popularity as a gemstone began in 1876,
when mineralogist and jeweler George Kunz sold a Green Tourmaline from Maine to the famous
Tiffany and Co. in New York, and its desirability spread. More recently it has become a favorite
of metaphysical collectors and practitioners for its versatile energy properties. [Simmons, 406]

Tourmaline belongs to a complex family of aluminum borosilicates mixed with iron, magnesium,
or other various metals that, depending on the proportions of its components, may form as red,
pink, yellow, brown, black, green, blue or violet. Its prismatic, vertically striated crystals may be
long and slender, or thick and columnar, and are uniquely triangular in cross-section. They often
vary in coloration within a single specimen, lengthwise or in cross sections, and may be
transparent or opaque. The name Tourmaline comes from an ancient Sinhalese word turmali,
meaning "a mixed color precious stone," or turamali, meaning "something small from the
earth."[Mella, 110][Simmons, 406][Megemont, 182]

A favorite among the Tourmalines is a variety known as Watermelon Tourmaline, named for its
pink center surrounded by an outer green "rind." This combination is considered a super activator
of the Heart Chakra. While Pink Tourmaline is associated with the emotions, Green Tourmaline
is beneficial in one's physical being. Together they link to the higher self, and are believed to
bring true joy to one's life and relationships. [Simmons, 410-411][Melody, 660][Hall, 302-303]
One of Tourmaline's most distinguishing properties is its ability to become electrically charged
simply by heating or rubbing it. When charged, one end becomes positive and the other negative,
allowing it to attract particles of dust or bits of paper. This property of pyroelectricity (from heat)
or piezoelectricity (from pressure or rubbing) was well-known to the Dutch traders of the 1700s
who used Tourmaline to pull ash from their Meerschaum pipes, calling the stone Aschentrekker,
or "ash puller." [Simmons, 406]

metaphysical uses Green Tourmaline Uses and Purposes - Overview

Green Tourmaline attracts luck, success, abundance and prosperity. It inspires creativity, and may
be used to project, create and manifest one's goals. It might also increase one's opportunities to
earn a second income by turning an interest or hobby into a business. [Raphaell, 130][Eason,
288][Melody, 657]

As a stone of energy and stamina, Green Tourmaline is excellent for sports persons and athletes,
and anyone in occupations where rigorous activity is required. [Eason, 288]

Green Tourmaline carries the essence of the plant kingdom, and is conducive to the healing of
plants and in helping gardens flourish. It supports the study and practice of herbalism, and
increases the effectiveness of herbs and plants in our healing. [Melody, 656-657][Simmons, 410]
[Hall, 300]

Green Tourmaline assists in overcoming emotional problems associated with a father figure or
other male forces in one's life. [Melody, 657][Hall, 300]

Tourmaline is a shamanic stone, providing protection during ritual work. It can be used for
scrying, and was traditionally used to point out a cause of trouble or an offender, and to indicate
a good direction in which to move. [Hall, 297]

Tourmaline strengthens the sense of smell, and in that respect, can also enhance the perception of
pheromones which produces an aphrodisiac effect. [Megemont, 184]

Tourmaline is specifically used to treat motion sickness. It may also assist in restoring luster and
shine to hair and nails. [Megemont, 184]

In industry, Tourmalines are highly valued as electrical tuning circuits for conducting television
and radio frequencies. They are used for their durability since high frequencies can be passed
through them without shattering, as many crystals do. [Mella, 110]
Multicolored tigers eye prayer mala

Good luck & protection

Clear thinking
Personal empowerment
Fosters integrity, courage, grace & practicality

Tigers Eye Multi Colored stone aids with intuition, releasing fear and allowing ones personal
power to come into ones body. Tri colored Tigers Eye tumbled stone provides enthusiasm for
life, helps you to see the inter-connectedness of all things. Multi colored Tigers Eye crystal helps
the ego to release the idea of being separate. Tri colored Tigers Eye is a calming and grounding

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