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THE PHD FACTORYThe world is producing more

PhDs than ever before.

Is it time to stop?

cientists who attain a PhD are rightly training for high-level positions in careers out- unemployed postdoctoral students (one of
proud they have gained entry to side academia. Here, Nature examines graduate- several initiatives that have been introduced
an academic elite. But it is not as elite education systems in various states of health. to improve the situation). Its just hard to find
as it once was. The number of science a match between postdoc and company, says
doctorates earned each year grew by JAPAN: A SYSTEM IN CRISIS Koichi Kitazawa, the head of the Japan Science
nearly 40% between 1998 and 2008, Of all the countries in which to graduate with a and Technology Agency.
to some 34,000, in countries that are members science PhD, Japan is arguably one of the worst. This means there are few jobs for the current
of the Organisation for Economic Co-opera- In the 1990s, the government set a policy to crop of PhDs. Of the 1,350 people awarded
tion and Development (OECD). The growth triple the number of postdocs to 10,000, and doctorates in natural sciences in 2010, just over
shows no sign of slowing: most countries are stepped up PhD recruitment to meet that goal. half (746) had full-time posts lined up by the
building up their higher-education systems The policy was meant to bring Japans science time they graduated. But only 162 were in the
because they see educated workers as a key academic sciences or technological services,; of
to economic growth (see The rise of doctor-
ates). But in much of the world, science PhD
EVERYONE TENDS TO LOOK AT the rest, 250 took industry positions, 256 went
into education and 38 got government jobs.
graduates may never get a chance to take full
advantage of their qualifications.
THE FUTURE OF THE PHD LABOUR With such dismal prospects, the number
entering PhD programmes has dropped off
In some countries, including the United MARKET VERY PESSIMISTICALLY. (see Patterns of PhD production). Everyone
States and Japan, people who have trained at tends to look at the future of the PhD labour
great length and expense to be researchers con- capacity up to match that of the West but market very pessimistically, says Kobayashi
front a dwindling number of academic jobs, and is now much criticized because, although it Shinichi, a specialist in science and technol-
an industrial sector unable to take up the slack. quickly succeeded, it gave little thought to ogy workforce issues at the Research Center
Supply has outstripped demand and, although where all those postdocs were going to end up. for University Studies at Tsukuba University.
few PhD holders end up unemployed, it is not Academia doesnt want them: the number
clear that spending years securing this high- of 18-year-olds entering higher education has CHINA: QUANTITY OUTWEIGHS QUALITY?
level qualification is worth it for a job as, for been dropping, so universities dont need the The number of PhD holders in China is going
example, a high-school teacher. In other coun- staff. Neither does Japanese industry, which has through the roof, with some 50,000 people
tries, such as China and India, the economies traditionally preferred young, fresh bachelors graduating with doctorates across all disci-
are developing fast enough to use all the PhDs graduates who can be trained on the job. The plines in 2009 and by some counts it now
they can crank out, and more but the quality science and education ministry couldnt even surpasses all other countries. The main prob-
of the graduates is not consistent. Only a few sell them off when, in 2009, it started offering lem is the low quality of many graduates.
nations, including Germany, are successfully companies around 4million (US$47,000) Yongdi Zhou, a cognitive neuroscientist at
tackling the problem by redefining the PhD as each to take on some of the countrys 18,000 the East China Normal University in Shanghai,

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identifies four contributing factors. The most PhD holders go to work outside aca- Patterns of PhD production
length of PhD training, at three years, is too demia, but continued expansion of the
Trends in annual PhD graduation across all disciplines.
short, many PhD supervisors are not well universities could create more opportuni- All figures given in thousands of PhDs.
qualified, the system lacks quality control and ties. Not all end up earning a living from
there is no clear mechanism for weeding out what they have been trained in, says Peter
poor students. Ng, who studies biodiversity at the National 60
Even so, most Chinese PhD holders can University of Singapore. Some have very
50 49,698
find a job at home: Chinas booming economy different jobs from teachers to bankers.
By some counts, China has
and capacity building has absorbed them into But they all get a good job. A PhD can be 40 overtaken the United States
the workforce. Relatively speaking, it is a lucrative, says Ng, with a graduate earning to become the worlds
lot easier to find a position in academia in at least S$4,000 (US$3,174) a month, com- 30 biggest producer of PhDs.

China compared with the United States, says pared with the S$3,000 a month earned by a 20
Yigong Shi, a structural biologist at Tsinghua student with a good undergraduate degree.
University in Beijing, and the same is true in I see a PhD not just as the mastery of a 10
industry. But PhD graduates can run into discipline, but also training of the mind, 0
problems if they want to enter internation- says Ng. If they later practise what they have 1990 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08
ally competitive academia. To get a coveted mastered excellent otherwise, they can
post at a top university or research institution take their skill sets into a new domain and JAPAN
requires training, such as a postdoctoral posi- add value to it.
tion, in another country. Many researchers
do not return to China, draining away the UNITED STATES: SUPPLY VERSUS DEMAND 15 16,296
cream of the countrys crop. To Paula Stephan, an economist at Georgia
The quality issue should be helped by State University in Atlanta who studies PhD 10 A policy to increase PhDs
in science has not been
Chinas efforts to recruit more scholars trends, it is scandalous that US politicians matched by jobs, leading
from abroad. Shi says that more institu- continue to speak of a PhD shortage. The 5
to a slowdown.
tions are now starting to introduce thesis United States is second only to China in
committees and rotations, which will awarding science doctorates it produced 0
98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
make students less dependent on a single an estimated 19,733 in the life sciences and
supervisor in a hierarchical system. Major physical sciences in 2009 and production
initiatives are being implemented in various is going up. But Stephan says that no one
graduate programmes throughout China, should applaud this trend, unless Congress
he says. China is constantly going through wants to put money into creating jobs for
15 16,606
transformations. these people rather than just creating supply.
The proportion of people with science Growth has been fuelled by
SINGAPORE: GROWTH IN ALL DIRECTIONS PhDs who get tenured academic positions overseas doctoral students;
The picture is much rosier in Singapore. in the sciences has been dropping steadily recent cost-cutting has
5 slowed growth.
Here, the past few years have seen major and industry has not fully absorbed the
investment and expansion in the university slack. The problem is most acute in the life 0
system and in science and technology infra- sciences, in which the pace of PhD growth 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
structure, including the foundation of two is biggest, yet pharmaceutical and biotech-
new publicly funded universities. This has nology industries have been drastically
attracted students from at home and abroad. downsizing in recent years. In 1973, 55% GERMANY
Enrolment of Singaporean nationals in PhD of US doctorates in the biological sciences 30 25,604
programmes has grown by 60% over the past secured tenure-track positions within six
five years, to 789 in all disciplines and the years of completing their PhDs, and only 20
Rate of production
country has actively recruited foreign gradu- 2% were in a postdoc or other untenured stagnating in
ate students from China, India, Iran, Turkey, academic position. By 2006, only 15% were 10 comparison with
eastern Europe and farther afield. in tenured positions six years after graduat-
Because the university system in Singa- ing, with 18% untenured (see What shall 0
pore has been underdeveloped until now, we do about all the PhDs?). Figures suggest 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

40% The rise of doctorates


Major expansion of higher education has boosted PhD output in many countries, shown here
as average annual growth of doctoral degrees across all disciplines, 19982006.

Expansion of the higher-

India hopes to
17.1% dramatically increase
education system after the
fall of Communism has
PhDs by 2020. led to growth.
10% 8.5% 7.1% 6.2% 6.2% 6.1% 5.2%
2.5% 1% 0% 2.2%


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United States: What shall we do about all the PhDs?


The annual number of science and engineering doctorates graduating from US universities rose to almost 41,000 in 2007 (left), with the
biggest growth in medical and life sciences. It took a median of 7.2 years to complete a science or engineering PhD (middle) yet the
proportion finding full time academic jobs within 13 years of graduating is dwindling (right).


10 50
Medical and life sciences Full-time tenured or tenure-track
8,000 Biological sciences
8 40
Number of PhDs

Physical sciences
6,000 Social sciences Postdoc
6 30

Earth, atmospheric
4,000 4 Full-time nontenured nonfaculty
and ocean sciences 20
Physical sciences
2,000 2 Part time
Biological sciences 10

0 0
1993 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 1979 83 87 91 95 99 03 07 1981 85 89 93 97 01 05

that more doctorates are taking jobs that do she asks. Although she remains committed to the European University Association, based
not require a PhD. Its a waste of resources, her ideals, she says that she will be more open in Brussels, is concerned that German institu-
says Stephan. Were spending a lot of money to hiring postdocs in the future. tions could push reforms too far, leaving stu-
training these students and then they go out dents spending so long in classes that they lack
and get jobs that theyre not well matched for. GERMANY: THE PROGRESSIVE PHD time to do research for their thesis and develop
The poor job market has discouraged Germany is Europes biggest producer of critical-thinking skills. The number of Ger-
some potential students from embarking on doctoral graduates, turning out some 7,000 man doctorates has stagnated over the past
science PhDs, says Hal Salzman, a professor science PhDs in 2005. After a major redesign two decades, and Jrgensen worries about this
of public policy at Rutgers University in New of its doctoral education programmes over the at a time when PhD production is growing in
Brunswick, New Jersey. Nevertheless, produc- past 20 years, the country is also well on its way China, India and other increasingly powerful
tion of US doctorates continues apace, fuelled to solving the oversupply problem. economies.
by an influx of foreign students. Academic Traditionally, supervisors recruited PhD
research was still the top career choice in a students informally and trained them to fol- POLAND: EXPANSION AT A COST
2010 survey of 30,000 science and engineer- low in their academic footsteps, with little Growth in PhD numbers among Europes old
ing PhD students and postdocs, says Henry oversight from the university or research insti- guard might be waning, but some of the former
Sauermann, who studies strategic manage- tution. But as in the rest of Europe, the number Eastern bloc countries, such as Poland, have
ment at the Georgia Institute of Technology of academic positions available to graduates in seen dramatic increases. In 199091, Polish
in Atlanta. Many PhD courses train students Germany has remained stable or fallen. So institutions enrolled 2,695 PhD students. This
specifically for that goal. Half of all science these days, a PhD in Germany is often mar- figure rose to more than 32,000 in 200809
and engineering PhD recipients graduating keted as advanced training not only for aca- as the Polish government, trying to expand
in 2007 had spent over seven years working the higher-education system after the fall of
on their degrees, and more than one-third of
candidates never finish at all.
THE RELATIVELY LOW INCOME OF Communism, introduced policies to reward
institutions for enrolling doctoral candidates.
Some universities are now experimenting
with PhD programmes that better prepare
GERMAN ACADEMIC STAFF MAKES Despite the growth, there are problems.
A dearth of funding for doctoral studies causes
graduate students for careers outside academia LEAVING THE UNIVERSITY AFTER high drop-out rates, says Andrzej Kraniewski,
(see page 280). Anne Carpenter, a cellular biolo-
gist at the Broad Institute of the Massachusetts THE PHD A GOOD OPTION. a researcher at Warsaw University of Technol-
ogy and secretary-general of the Polish Rectors
Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard Conference, an association representing Polish
University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is demia a career path pursued by the best of universities. In engineering, more than half of
trying to create jobs for existing PhD holders, the best but also for the wider workforce. students will not complete their PhDs, he says.
while discouraging new ones. When she set up Universities now play a more formal role The countrys economic growth has not kept
her lab four years ago, Carpenter hired expe- in student recruitment and development, and pace with that of its PhD numbers, so people
rienced staff scientists on permanent contracts many students follow structured courses outside with doctorates can end up taking jobs below
instead of the usual mix of temporary postdocs the lab, including classes in presenting, report their level of expertise. And Poland needs to
and graduate students. The whole pyramid writing and other transferable skills. Just under collect data showing that PhDs from its insti-
scheme of science made little sense to me, says 6% of PhD graduates in science eventually go tutions across the country are of consistent
Carpenter. I couldnt in good conscience churn into full-time academic positions, and most will quality, and are comparable with the rest of
out a hundred graduate students and postdocs find research jobs in industry, says Thorsten Europe, says Kraniewski.
in my career. Wilhelmy, who studies doctoral education for Still, in Poland as in most countries,
But Carpenter has struggled to justify the the German Council of Science and Humani- unemployment for PhD holders is below 3%.
cost of her staff to grant- ties in Cologne. The long way to professorship Employment prospects for holders of doc-
NATURE.COM review panels. How do in Germany and the relatively low income of torates remain better than for other higher-
Tell us what you I compete with labora- German academic staff makes leaving the uni- education graduates, says Laudeline Auriol,
think about the tories that hire postdocs versity after the PhD a good option, he says. author of an OECD report on doctorate
future of PhDs: for $40,000 instead of a Thomas Jrgensen, who heads a programme holders between 1990 and 2006, who is now scientist for $80,000? to support and develop doctoral education for analysing doctoral-student data up to 2010.

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Still, a survey of scientists by Nature last year


showed that PhD holders were not always
more satisfied with their jobs than those with-
out the degree, nor were they earning sub-
Whats a PhD worth?
stantially more (see Whats a PhD worth?). People with a PhD
Not Not
arent much happier
Egypt is the Middle Easts powerhouse for Number satisfied with their Neutral
Neutral Satisfied
job 610 years after Satisfied
doctoral studies. In 2009, the country had achieving their highest
about 35,000 students enrolled in doctoral qualification.
programmes, up from 17,663 in 1998. But fund-
ing has not kept up with demand. The major-
ity comes through university budgets, which WITH A PHD WITHOUT A PHD
are already strained by the large enrolment of they gripe about benefits,
students in undergraduate programmes and
postgraduate studies other than PhDs. Universi-
but like the intellectual challenge
ties have started turning to international funding
and collaborations with the private sector, but SCALE OF DISSATISFACTION
this source of funding remains very limited.
The deficit translates into shortages in equip- Benefits and most arent much richer.
ment and materials, a lack of qualified teaching Average salary 610 years after achieving
staff and poor compensation for researchers. It Opportunities
35 Salary highest qualification.
also means that more of the funding burden is to advance
30 PhDs Non-PhDs
falling on the students. The squeeze takes a toll
on the quality of research, and creates tension 70,000
between students and supervisors. The PhD 25
student here in Egypt faces numerous prob- Job security
lems, says Mounir Hana, a food scientist and Working 20 50,000

Salary (US$)
PhD supervisor at Minia University, who says conditions Social status
that he tries to help solve them. Unfortunately, Intellectual 40,000
challenge Degree of
many supervisors do not bother, and end up independence 30,000
adding one more hurdle in the students way. Location 10
Graduates face a tough slog. As elsewhere, Contribution 20,000
Level of to society
there are many more PhD holders in Egypt responsibility 5 10,000
than the universities can employ as researchers
and academics. The doctorate is frequently a Percentage of doctorate holders dissatisfied 0
with employment situation, by reason Asia Europe United States
means of climbing the civil-service hierarchy,
but those in the private sector often complain
that graduates are untrained in the practical
skills they need, such as proposal writing and them, it is a way to land jobs there and increase which require only an undergraduate degree
project management. Egyptian PhD holders their income, she says. and are much more lucrative than the public-
also struggle to secure international research sector academic and research jobs that need
positions. Hana calls the overall quality of INDIA: PHDS WANTED postgraduate education. Students dont think
their research papers mediocre and says In 2004, India produced around 5,900 sci- of PhDs now, not even masters a bachelors
that pursuing a PhD is worthless except for ence, technology and engineering PhDs, a fig- is good enough to get a job, says Amit Patra, an
those already working in a university. But the ure that has now grown to some 8,900 a year. engineer at the Indian Institute of Technology
political upheaval in the region this year could This is still a fraction of the number from in Kharagpur.
bring about change: many academics who had China and the United States, and the coun- Even after a PhD, there are few academic
left Egypt are returning, hoping to help rebuild try wants many more, to match the explosive opportunities in India, and better-paid indus-
and overhaul education and research. growth of its economy and population. The try jobs are the major draw. There is a shortage
Few PhDs are trained elsewhere in the government is making major investments in of PhDs and we have to compete with industry
Middle East less than 50 a year in Lebanon, research and higher education including for that resource the universities have very
for example. But several world-class universi- a one-third increase in the higher-education little chance of winning that game, says Patra.
ties established in the oil-rich Gulf States in budget in 201112 and is trying to attract For many young people intent on postgraduate
recent years have increased demand for PhD investment from foreign universities. The education, the goal is frequently to go to the
holders. So far, most of the researchers have hope is that up to 20,000 PhDs will gradu- United States or Europe. That was the course
been imported after receiving their degrees ate each year by 2020, says Thirumalachari chosen by Manu Prakash, who went to MIT for
from Western universities, but Saudi Arabia Ramasami, the Indian governments head of his PhD and now runs his own experimental
and Qatar in particular have been building up science and technology. biophysics lab at Stanford University in Califor-
their infrastructure to start offering more PhD Those targets ought to be easy to reach: nia. When I went through the system in India,
programmes themselves. The effect will be felt Indias population is young, and undergraduate the platform for doing long-term research I
throughout the region, says Fatma Hammad, education is booming (see Nature 472, 2426; didnt feel was well-supported, he says.
an endocrinologist and PhD supervisor at 2011). But there is little incentive to continue
Al-Azhar University in Cairo. Many graduates into a lengthy PhD programme, and only Reporting by David Cyranoski, Natasha
are now turning to doctoral studies because around 1% of undergraduates currently do so. Gilbert, Heidi Ledford, Anjali Nayar and
there is a large demand in the Gulf States. For Most are intent on securing jobs in industry, Mohammed Yahia.

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