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Picasso Guitars

I can
Follow along with Mrs. Streelmans
work with voice level 0
Create a Picasso Guitar unique to
Making the background:
1. Use a ruler and pencil to draw
five diagonal lines that overlap to
create triangles.
2. Draw two semi-circles on
3. Use a black marker to outline
4. Erase all pencils lines.
5. Choose three to five colors of oil
pastel to color your background.
WOW coloring!!!
6. Mark 2 or 3 areas with a letter
M. This is for the music sheets!
8. Cut out shapes using music
sheets. Trace with pencil if you
9. Get glue from middle table.
Glue music sheet triangles onto
the M background space only. 4-6
dots of glue for each music paper.
10. Trim all extra pieces of paper.
11. Raise hand when WOW!
Creating the guitar:
1. Choose 2 colors of paper. One
dark shade and one light.
2. Fold paper in half (hot dog)
3. Use pencil to draw guitar shape.
4. Keep paper folded. Use scissors
to cut guitar shape out.
Carefully cut out guitar!!
5. Use paper scraps to create a
guitar head.
6. Glue light guitar on top of dark
guitar. Create shadow with dark
shade guitar. 8 dots of glue.
7. Choose a strip of paper to
create guitar neck.
8. Use pencil to trace circle onto
black paper using lid.
9. Carefully cut out circle. This is
your sound hole.
10. Glue the sound hole onto your
guitar body.
11. Use black and white oil pastel to
draw frets on guitar neck, tuners
on the guitar head, and a white
border around your sound hole.
13. Use scissors to cut guitar into
two sections. Carefully cut in
straight lines.
14. Glue all guitar sections onto
background along diagonal lines.
Use 5 small dots of glue for each

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