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Jett Joncich

Mrs. Cox

English 9 H

12 January 2017
Roles of Cultural Experiences and Societal Norms in A Persons Identity

If you were reborn, what would you want to be good about your identity. Cultural

experiences and societal norms of course! Cultural experience are experiences with a group, and

societal norms are the way people behave towards a society in a given situation. In the novel by

Harper Lee To Kill A Mockingbird an example of a character that has changed his identity

from cultural experiences and social norms is Boo Radley because he has the most impact of

cultural experiences and social norms enhancing his society. Cultural experiences and social

norms are great factors that can take a roll in a persons identity.

Before an event that changed Boo Radleys identity has swarmed into motion, Boo was

known as a mysterious, scary, mean and dark minded person. An example of how Scout

perceives Boo in her perspective is He was a thin leathery man with colorless eyes, so color less

they did not reflect light (pg. 14). Cultural experiences of Boo in his childhood swap into

action by Boo hanging out with an old ancient tribe called the Cunninghams. Back when young

Boo was in his teens, he fell into the wrong crowd by hanging out with an ancient tribe that has

almost formed a gang in Maycomb. The Cunninghams odd ways reflect on to Boo by hanging

out with those types of people. The Cunninghams is a dark minded tribe which Boo eventually

caught and took into his identity. That is why Scout sees Boo Radley as the kind of person he is

in the book. Often in the novel people often picture in their minds Boo Radley snatching
Joncich 2

Jett Joncich

Mrs. Cox

English 9 H

12 January 2017
children in the darkness of night, according to some legend myths circling around the quaint

town of Maycomb. Man, Boos identity really gets rolled around a bit after a life saving event.

The event that has shaped Boo and his identity was him saving Scout and Jem from Bob

Ewell who was about to kill them. Once the news spread across Maycomb, people picked up

their newspapers and had a new opinion about Boo Radley. Just because of one of Boos actions,

people now see him as a generous, courageous and nice but shy still. Scout go the astonishing

opportunity to talk to Boo Radley and she found out more about who he is. She got the front seat

on seeing Boo as if she were in his shoes. She talked to Boo, but Boo didnt say a single word.

Boo still listened to what she said and was very nice too her. Boos social norms were kind of

interesting though. Boo was shaking as if he didnt know how to walk, and he wasnt acting as if

a normal human being would. His social norms swap into action here by people saying he is shy

and especially Scout. Scout used an astonishing amount of rhetoric to judge Boo which made it

as if she was in his shoes. His social norms brought those traits to life in Boo by giving the

Finchs items, saving their lives, and having an odd conversation with Scout. On page 373 it

states Boo was more than our neighbor, he gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch, a pair of

good luck pennies and our lives. Social norms if it is really thought about, it can change a

person's social norms by the way they are persuading that rhetoric in their lives.

As said stepping in someones shoes can show their identity. The big puzzle pieces you

see in their shoes which are cultural experiences and social norms are put together and shape a
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Jett Joncich

Mrs. Cox

English 9 H

12 January 2017
persons identity. His social norms and cultural experiences come in hand by showing a persons

identity which can be different by how much they actually know the person and how much they

step into their shoes. Boo is not really known because his identity and his role in Maycomb. A

quote showing how little people know Boos identity is Took it off a drink man, Mr. Tate

answered cooly. I was trying to remember. Mr. ewell was on me then he went down Jem must

have gotten up. At least I thought. (pg.368) Boo Radleys identity is so unknown people dont

have experiences to get near his shoes. The sheriff even thinks Jem did it because Boo Radley is

so unknown. Overall cultural experiences and social norms take a huge toll on a persons

identity which transform a persons society based on their experiences.

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