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tugas bahasa inggris


Short fungtional text

Read the text and answer questions 1 and 4


Vukanic fumes are

Hazardous to your health an be life-


Visitor with breathing and

Heart problems, pregnant women

And your children

1. What is the caution about?

a. The volcanes and their effect

b. The danger of volcanic fumes

c. The women and their childrens health

d. The pregnant visitours of the mountain

Kunci jawaban: b

2. Visitur with breathing problems are noy allowed to visit the area because

a. The fumes can make them difficult to breathe

b. The fumes can enter the humans long

c. Hi is very tiring to climb to volcano

d. certain people cannot breathe well

Kunci jawaban: a

3. Where do you usually find suh a caution?

a. Ah all public places with jon domestic visitors

b. Any places visited by tourists

c. On all the mountains with few visitors

d. At the volcanoesfor tourist resort

Kunci jawaban: d

4. are hazardous to your health

a. Dreadful

b. Dangerous

c. Uneasy

d. Serious

Kunci jawaban: b

Read the text and answer questions 5 and 6

To: Salsa

Finally have finished your study execelent and accepted by

the best senior high school in your citty. Your adnevement
prov that youre the best. Keep your good job!



5. from the text, we know that

a.Salsa is the best student in her citty

b. Nanada ask salsa to enter her senior high school

c. Salsa did nt pass the examination

d. Salsa will study in the best senior high school

Kunci jawaban: d

6. Your achievement proves that youre the best.

The underlined word means

a.Development c. success

b. Assessment d. Process

Kunci jawaban : c

My special day is coming

I am 14 years old now

My perents are having a specisl party for me
Your smile and laugh we hope
So come to the party, and it will be lots of fun
The party will be held at 3 to 5 p.m

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Ninis house
Cibinong street 45

7. Why does Nini write the text?

a. She wants her friends to be happy

b. She hopes her friends to smile and laugh

c. Her parents had a special party for her

d. She wants her friends to come to her party

Kunci jawaban : d

Read the and answer questions 8 and 9

Der Ayu

8. Based How are you? Her some information youll on the text, whats prohibited to
do during need. The examination will be held sonon, the examination?
started from june 2nd. Calculator and
dictionary are not allowed. Lateness is not
tolerated. The first day is Indonesian. It will
be held for foyr days. Dont forget to bring
your examination card. See you soon. Take
a. To be punctual c. To bring your examination card

b. to buy a calculator d. To open a dictionary in class

Kunci jawaban : d

9. From the text we can say that

a. Ayu does not need any information

b. Ayu should study Englingsh for the first day

c. Ten minutes late is still tolerated

d. a dictionary is prohibilited during examination

Kunci jawaban : d

To: teachers and students

From November 12, to 14, 2013

The library will be closed dua to
rearranging of books and seats
we sorry for the inconvenience
Hasan madi

10. The text tells us about

a. the librarions books and seats

b. the renovation of the library in November

c. the temporary closing of the library

d. the librarians inconvenience

Kunci jawaban : c

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