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Brothers A Tale of Two Sons Synopsis

The game begins with a flash back where the younger brother is in a boat, in a
storm and the mother has fallen in and is drowning. He tries to pull her out but is
not strong enough and she sinks below the surface. It fades out to the younger
brother kneeling before her grave, he sees her ghost then the older brother calls to
him from the house where he is loading their father into a cart. Together they take
their father to a healer who sends them on their journey to get medicine.
They travel through the town and nearby fields before heading into the mountains.
There they meet a grieving troll who helps them cross the mountains until they
reach a tunnel which they enter. Then they travel through an expansive mine until
they find a female troll in a cage, guarded by an ogre. They free the troll and trap
the ogre in the cage before escaping with the troll. They meet the troll that helped
them before and trick another ogre before leaving the mine. The trolls leave
together and the brothers enter a forest.
They are chased by wolves and fall into a river before leaving the forest into a new
set of mountains. They ride goats up the mountains before meeting an old inventor
who they help. In exchange, he lets them use his glider to get to a giants ruined
castle. Inside they find a griffin who flies them to a battlefield of dead giants before
collapsing. Together they travers the battlefield before encountering a tribe who
have a woman tied up. They rescue her and together the three of them run into the
They find a town haunted by a giant, invisible monster. They sneak around before it
finds them and chases them across a bridge. The bridge breaks under his weight
and the woman hugs the older brother before they follow her to a tunnel. Once
inside, woman transforms into a spider-woman and spins them into a web. They
escape and the younger brother knocks her down while the older brother pulls off
her legs. As she dies, she stabs the older brother in the chest and the younger
brother helps him leave.
They reach the tree they have been searching for and the younger brother leaves
the older brother at the base. He climbs the tree and fills their bottle with the magic
tree juice for descending to find his brother dead. He tries to revive him but to no
avail so he buries the older brother. Then the griffin they freed arrives and flies him
home. Once there he must pass through several obstacles he needed his brother to
help him with before. He gets to the healer and saves his father. The game ends
with the father weeping before the graves of his wife and oldest son while the
younger brother comforts him.

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