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Intern: Demetria Largie School: Elementary Grade: 3rd Subject: ELA

Date: 4/4/17

What Was Done Well Comments/Suggestions

-Must Do/Can Do choice board was re-read to ensure students I can see a HUGE increase in confidence and understanding of
understands directions grade level standards and how to question students to gauge their
-Sets up reading routine (Make sure youre following along. Ill
point to someone when it is their turn to read)- I really like this Questioning before, during, and after reading is used seamlessly
strategy! Keeps students engaged and participating! and has become apart of Mrs. Largies routine without hesitation.

-Asks great inference questions (Why do they need to sit in the

back of the bus? Who do you think grabbed the marble?) These
are questions that are not obvious and require the students to draw
conclusions (Mrs. Largie has improved in this area significantly
since the beginning of her internship!)

-Makes it a point to ask questions about non-literal words and

phrases (Mrs. Largie has shown growth in understanding grade
level standards relating to vocabulary.)

-Helps students identify that they have used their background

knowledge to answer inferential questions during reading. Builds
their background knowledge by discussing key events in history
that are only briefly acknowledged in the text, but important to
students understanding.

-Prompts them to also use clues in the illustrations to comprehend


-Provides good scaffolding to support student thinking without

giving away the answers.
-Positive reinforcement of routines (She raised her hand so were
going to listen to her now)

Next Steps for CT and Intern:

Continue to develop familiarity with grade level standards and classroom management routines that work best for you! Great work!

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Intern Signature/Date CT Signature/Date

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