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What is Your Learning Style?

Morgan Stahl, Mera Caulfield and John Humphrey

Professor Lewallen MW 3:05

EDT180A: Group A9

April 26th, 2017

What is Your Learning Style?
Group 9

Our research topic was learning styles. There are multiple different learning styles but the

ones we focused on were linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, musical,

interpersonal and intrapersonal. We asked questions to compare ones learning style to other

factors such as GPA or gender. The questions we surveyed were: How often is your learning

style utilized in your classes? What is your gender? What college is your major in? Do

you play an instrument? Do you play sports? What is your GPA? All of these questions can

relate to learning style and how well a student succeeds. To survey these questions and get real

answers from real students, we used google forms which allows you to create quizzes, surveys,

and other questionnaires. We received 124 responses total from students at Arizona State

What is Your Learning Style?
Group 9


Our first questions was What is your learning style? We provided descriptions of each

learning style and allowed students to select which one fits them best. Majority of students chose

What is Your Learning Style?
Group 9

Linguistic learning style was means communicating and interpreting knowledge and information

through language. This learning style is learning through a speaker or lecture. The learning style

selected the least was musical. One of our questions asked if the student played an instrument

and majority said no. This correlates to the musical learning style being the least chosen learning


The next question we asked was How often is your learning style utilized? Surprisingly,

students answered sometimes and almost always more than rarely and never. This is most likely

because the learning style linguistic is used in a lecture class. This shows that majority of

students surveyed saw their learning style presented in the classroom more often than not. This is

a positive display of data however, it would be even better if more students found their learning

style used almost always rather than rarely or never.

What is Your Learning Style?
Group 9

For gender, we were not surprised to see that majority surveyed was females. This is

because most of the teachers college is females and our class is a requirement for the college.

Students only answered female and male, no one fell under the category of other. Both females

and males chose linguistic learning style most, but the females also choose other styles as well.

Barley any of the males chose a different learning style.

What is Your Learning Style?
Group 9

We asked students to select the ASU college that their major is associated with. It was not

surprising at all that education was the most popular selection. This class is required for all

education majors. We were surprised to see that there were so many other majors in this class.

The second most selected college was arts and sciences.

The next question we asked was Do you play an instrument? Although majority said

no, there were surprisingly a lot of students who said yes. We asked this question because one of

the learning styles is musical and we wanted to see if this correlated with students actually

playing an instrument.

What is Your Learning Style?
Group 9

We also asked Do you play sports? Surprisingly, lots of students answered no. We

really thought a lot more students would be participating in school sports. We asked this question

to see if sports would correlate to learning style and GPA.

Our last question was What is your GPA? By asking this, we can figure out if the

learning style and how often it is utilized relates to GPA. It seems that the lower GPA, the less

likely the student chose linguistic learning style. However, the B average students were very

spread out in learning style; meaning each learning style had been chosen by multiple students.

What is Your Learning Style?
Group 9

We compared the learning style chosen to how often the learning style was used in class.

To no surprise, Linguistic had the most frequent response. This is most likely because lots of

college courses are lecture style and linguistic is learning by listening. You can also see that

musical has almost no frequent responses. Logical-Mathematical also had very little response.

Lastly, we compared GPA and learning style. This was the most important graph and data

analysis because it answers our question. Since linguistic is most common, students are seeming

What is Your Learning Style?
Group 9

to succeed. There were only two learning styles, musical and interpersonal, that had GPAs under

2.0. Intrapersonal and kinesthetic had very successful students as well.

We also compared gender to learning style. Since men and women are socially differently we

assumed that that would maybe affect the way they learn; however, our data concluded that this

is not the case. The distribution between the learning style between men and women were about

equal (with slightly less women who are logical-mathematical and musical learners)

What is Your Learning Style?
Group 9

Initially, we asked this question because we thought we would find a correlation between playing

and instrument and musical learners, and playing a sport and kinesthetic learners. However, we

found no real correlation and unfortunately our data for this was not very useful.

What is Your Learning Style?
Group 9

In this we compared Learning style with the college in which the surveyed student was in for

their major. We did this to see if any one discipline lent itself to a certain style of teacher. We

found that education majors are overwhelmingly linguistic learners, which makes sense.

Educators probably nurture linguistic learners since it is of their capacities, in the classroom.

Which would explain the large sum of linguistic learners.

Ultimately our results that could be interpreted concluded that, Linguistic learners had

highest amount of A average students. Linguistic Learning was also the most represented in the

classroom as well. This proposes the notion that since education majors have a higher amount of

linguistic learners, they could be projecting this learning style onto others; and nurturing even

more linguistic learners. They could also have bias in how they teach, allowing those who are

linguistic learners to better thrive in the classroom, thus explaining the higher GPA average.


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