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1.1 Character Personality

Characters are the actors who appear in the story, and characterizations describe

what they do. In additon, the writer researched the portrayal of the lead character

in the movie "Vendetta 2015" for many reasons. First, the writer is looking for

changes in the main character's disposition or personality. Second, this movie tells

the story of Mason Danvers (Dean Can), a detective who puts himself in jail on

purpose. Victor Abbott is on his way to meet and persecute a notorous mobster

(Paul "The Bg Show" Wght).

Victor had previously murdered Mason's wife. After that, the plot takes place

entirely in prison. Finally, this movie depicts the discovery of a criminal gang in a

jail, and is followed by sequences of battles, intrigues, and traps that continue to

be present until the movie's end. Several playswrights have differing view points

on literature, which are influenced by time, circumstances, and social


The action movie "Vendetta" is a movie that tells the story of a detective named

Mason Danvers (Dean Cain) who wants to avenge the death of his wife. Mason's

wife is murdered by a gangster named Dominick (Paul "Big Show") whom Mason

once got rid of. In order to take revenge, Mason deliberately gets himself caught

and goes to prison. While in prison, Mason finds a criminal organization that
wants to kill him too. Fights, intrigue and traps are always present to decorate

until the end of the movie.

Manson character in this movie is people who has a tough personality, loyal,

brave, and never give up. The death of his wife who died because he was killed

made him a vengeful person. There was nothing else he wanted to do other than

avenge his wife's death.

Maleficient characters are represented in dynamic characterizations. In several

different scenes, Maleficient is depicted in different characters. In the Vendetta

film, researchers found at least three stages of character movement and two

transitions of character movement in Vendetta's character. As a consequence, this

character change affects the other main characters, namely Mason, Mason's wife,

Protagonist, Diaval, and Philip. In the narration that shows Vendetta's initial

character, the attributes displayed indicate the character possessed by each


Attributes on the Vendetta character indicate the character of the hero and victim.

Followed by the attribute Mason's wife which describes the character of the

villain. The protagonist shows the attributes of the donor character. While Diaval

shows the helper character of the attribute that is applied. The next narration

shows the first character change that occurs in Vendetta's character. In the

narrative, the changes that occur are shown in a series of processes. The change

process shown in the narrative is the transition from the initial character to the

first character change in Vendetta's character.

Based on the attributes shown, the researcher found that in the first stage of

character change, Vendetta's character plays a villain character. Mason's wife and

Mason display the attributes of the victim's character. The attributes of the

Protagonist indicate his role as a donor. As for Diaval, the attributes that show its

character as a helper are displayed. In the second stage of character change that

occurs in Vendetta's character, a second transition is shown before the Vendetta

character undergoes a complete change.

Based on the attributes shown, the researcher found that in the second stage of

character change, Vendetta's character played a donor/hero character. Mason

displays the attributes of the villain character. Mason displays the victim and

villain character attributes. The attributes of the Protagonist indicate his role as a

donor. As for Diaval, the attributes that show its character as a helper are


Based on the description of the character movement data that occurs in the

Vendetta film, the researchers found five stages that show character changes. The

stages start from the initial character, which describes the initial character of each

character. After that, it is continued with the stage that the researcher calls the

transition stage. The transition stage is the part that shows the process of

significant character changes in a character. After that, the stages are continued on

the first character change. Then the character movement is resumed by displaying

the second transition.

The character movement in the Vendetta film ends with the final stage, namely

the second character change. If viewed from the characterizing theory (Hallet,
n.d., p.6), the movement of characters appearing in the Vendetta film can be seen

directly or expository/direct presentation through the narrator's clear description

of the character; and indirectly or dramatic/indirect representation through the

actions taken by the character. However, this contradicts Propp's narrative


The characteristics of the main character in this movie are increasing seen when

he starts his life in prison and has to deal with criminal organizations that always

try to kill him. But Manson is a strong and unyelding person, so defeating him is

not easy. The dynamic character depiction in this film begins with the Vendetta

character who is shown with his initial character as a hero and victim. After that

comes the transition of the victim's initial character changes to the first change of

the villain. This transition shows the process of changing character. After that, it is

continued with the first character change which shows the villain character of the

Vendetta character.

Then Vendetta's character changes again by showing the process of changing the

character from villain to donor which is shown from the change transition. After

that, the Vendetta character again underwent a second change that showed her

character as a donor and a hero. Through this character map, the researcher found

that there was a pattern used in the formation of Vendetta's character. In the initial

character and the second character change, it is shown that Vendetta displays two

different characters, namely the hero and victim in the initial character and the

donor and hero in the second character change. While the first character change is

only one character. These two changes are bridged by the transitional stage.
It is impossible for each character to be displayed at the same time. This shows

that even the initial and second characters have changed. However, the researchers

did not find any transition stages used to bridge these changes. Character changes

occur directly, not gradually, and do not go through a character change process.

For example, in Early Characters, Mason's wife finds out that Vendetta defeated

the king, and the king wants revenge on Vendetta. Thus, when Mason's wife

follows the king's will to take revenge, then Mason's wife already knows in

advance that Vendetta will experience a change in character from hero to victim.

Furthermore, in the second character change, Vendetta finds out that the curse

given by Vendetta cannot be lifted, and will eventually befall Mason on his 16th

birthday. In addition, in the initial character and the second character change, the

type of character that the researcher finds is positive or protagonist. The

protagonist is the character that the reader likes. Usually, the character of this kind

of character is good and positive, such as generous, honest, humble, defender,

clever, intelligent, independent, and loyal friend (Siswanto, 2008, p. 144). In the

initial characters, the hero and victim characters are found.

The researchers categorize these characters into positive types based on the

description of each character through its attributes. This is also shown in the

second character change, namely the donor and hero characters, which are also

classified as positive and protagonist types. While the characters that appear in the

first character change are villains who are accompanied by negative and

antagonistic attributes. Siswanto (2008, p. 144) shows that the attributes that are
usually described from the antagonist are vindictive, deceitful, liar, justifies any

means, arrogant, envious, like to show off, and ambitious.

These attributes correspond to the attributes described by the Vendetta character.

From this fact, it appears that the transition of change is presented to bridge

changes in characters who tend to be of different types, namely protagonist to

antagonist or vice versa. Transitions are used to bridge the significant differences

between characters, so that character changes can take place smoothly and support

a predetermined narrative.

Transitions help the audience in understanding the storyline with significant

character changes with a clear process of change. Based on the findings of the

data, the researcher found that transitions were not shown in Propp's narrative

function because the narrative function only displayed a function in the story that

showed character consistency.

Propp's narrative function shown in Vendetta is not the same as the functions in

other Action films. The narrative functions are actually influenced by the

character depiction of each character. If there is a change in character, the

narrative function will change. Action showcases the latest innovations in the film

production process through taking different perspectives, dynamic storylines, and

inconsistent portrayals of characters. In fact, the Vendetta film, which was

adapted from another Action film, depicts a characterizing process that is much

different from the film adaptation.

Character changes are displayed from several stages. clearly and clearly described

from the narrator who describes see the characters as heroes and villains. The
stages start from the initial character, after that it is continued with the transition

stage. After that, the stages are continued on the first character change. Then the

character movement is resumed by displaying the second transition. The character

movement in the Vendetta film ends with the final stage, namely the second

character change. Based on the analysis, the researcher found that Vendetta had

three character changes. This change begins with the initial character as a hero

and victim. Then proceed with the first character change featuring Vendetta as the


Furthermore, the character's movement is shown from the second change which

features Vendetta as a donor and hero. Action displays the depiction of female

characters based on the ideology and social reality of the current concept of

women. The characters displayed are a reflection of the ideal character of modern

women. This shows that Action can adapt to change from time to time and

develop according to the development of ideology in society.

However, apart from the reflection of ideology and social reality regarding the

concept that is displayed, Action turns out to be "adapting" to attract market

interest in its products. The depiction of characters is disseminated to anticipate

the saturated market with classical concepts, in this case the feminism movement.

The adaptations made by Action with its innovations are used as a response to

market demand so that Action's products remain in demand by the market. This

shows that contemporary Action produces its films only with business orientation.

Dominick is one of the actors in the film Vendetta. His role in the film Vendetta is

as the enemy of Vendetta. Given his evil nature, Dominick takes the role of the
antagonist in this Vendetta film. Some of the scenes in this Vendetta film show

Dominick's antagonistic nature. Even though Dominick takes on an antagonistic

role with his evil nature, in the whole film, Dominick doesn't always have an evil

character. The scene when he is not angry shows another side of his evil nature,

when he forgives one of the members of Vendetta, albeit in a slightly harsh way.

It is said that Dominick is already in scene 1 and at the beginning of the story

Dominick has turned into a pretty bad guy. In the period before the existence of

human civilization, Dominick was a Rangers too. However, because of the great

desire and lust to dominate the world and its contents and the nature of the

protagonist inherent in Rangers, they turn into evil or antagonistic traits in their

roles. The factors that make Dominick's character change other than the desire to

rule the world.

The transformation of literary works into film form is called ecranization. The

term comes from the French, ecran, which means sail. In addition to ecranization

which states the process of transformation from literary works to films, it is called

filmization. Eneste stated that an ecranization is a process of refining or

transferring or lifting a novel into a film. (Eneste, 1991). Based on the above

definition, it can be concluded that ecranization is the process of transferring or

diverting a vehicle from a novel into a film.

In other words, ecranization is a form of adapting written literary works into

sound images. Furthermore, according to Nurgiyantoro, transformation is a

change in a thing or situation. The form of change, sometimes changes the words,

sentences, structure, and content of the literary work (novel) itself. In addition,
transformation can also be said, the transfer or exchange of one form to another,

which can remove, move, add, or replace elements such as the transformation of a

novel into a film. (Nurgiyantoro, 2007:18) Various reasons underlie the

transformation process from novel to film. These reasons are partly because a

novel is already well known, so that people in general are familiar with the novel's


In the end, the familiarity supports the commercial aspect. The last reason is

because the novel's story idea is considered good by the public and film

screenwriters. The emergence of the phenomenon of adapting novels to film form

is a change in the substance of the discourse that gave rise to the term

ecranization. Ecranization is also known as vehicle transfer. According to

Damono, Transfer of rides is a change from one type of art to another. Literary

works can not only be translated, that is, transferred from one language to another,

but also translated, that is, transformed into other types of art. Activities in this

field will make us aware that literature can move here and there, changing its

elements to suit its new vehicle (Damono, 2005: 96).

With In other words, transfer of vehicle is the transfer of media from written

media in the form of novels into different sound image media. Most films are

adaptations of a novel. Film is considered as a powerful medium of

communication to the target community, because of its audio-visual nature,

namely vivid images and sounds. Films can tell a lot in a short amount of time.

When watching a film, the audience seems to be able to penetrate space and time.

Movies can even influence audiences.

The film's message on mass communication can take any form depending on the

film's mission. But generally a film can include a variety of messages, be it

educational, entertainment or informational messages. The message in the film is

to use the mechanism of symbols (images) that exist in the human mind in the

form of messages, sounds, words, and conversations. The film "Vendetta" is one

of the results of the process of adapting a literary novel into a film form. It is a

2015 American action film, based on Lauren Weisberger's 2003 novel of the same

name. This film tells about the female lead of a leading prison magazine company

in Paris and how she relates to one of her personal assistants, Dominick, and

describes her life's struggles.

Humanistic is a multiphase approach to human experience and behavior that

focuses on the uniqueness and self-actualization of human beings. The humanistic

approach is a study that views literary works as a psychological activity. This

means that literary works cannot be separated from life that describes various

series of human personalities. According to Koeswara, humans according to

existentialism are things that make up the world (being-in-the-world), and are

fully aware of their existence (Koeswara, 2001: 113). Based on the above theory,

it can be concluded that humans are creatures who are aware of their existence in

this world.

Mason understands what to do in this life as part of his struggle to get through

life. According to Arthur W. Combs explains how perception in looking at

behavior. To understand human behavior, what is important is to understand how

the world is seen from his point of view (Arthur Combs 1912-1999). From this
statement it can be concluded that one of the humanistic views about feelings,

perceptions, beliefs, and behavioral goals from within that makes people different

from others. To understand another, what is important is to see the world as he

sees it, and to determine how people think, feel about them or about their world.

Here are some sample dialogues:

(1) Mason : “I feel tired of being asshole”. The story takes place while Mason is

in prison. In the story that Mason said, he wanted to convey a point to his friends

that Mason was bored.

Mason tried to be as clear as possible about what Mason wanted. Therefore, the

speech act is a locutionary speech act.

(2) Victor : “In Macro, I don't know. The year is at Micro". The story takes place

when Victor is in Mason's house. In speech (5) “In Macro, I don't know. The tofu

in Micro” that Victor spoke wanted to convey to Mason a point that he was trying

to describe as clearly as possible what Victor had understood. Therefore, the

speech act is a locutionary speech act.

(3) Mason: “No. So that it will be a surprise. Just trust me. Guaranteed not to fail.

This plan is going to be really cool.” The conversation occurred when Maosn did

not tell the place where he would meet his friends. In speech (7) which is spoken

by Mason, there is an element of intent to convey the meaning of the speech so as

not to tell his friends trying to convince Taman-teman as clearly as possible by

explaining, always not telling his place. Therefore, the speech act is a locutionary

speech act.
(4) Victor : “You already know that your family will call. You shouldn't say that."

The story happens when Victor says something to Mason. In the speech that was

spoken by Victor, there was an element of intent to convey the meaning of the

speech so that Arinda should not speak like that trying to convince Mason as

clearly as possible by explaining that it is always forbidden to say like that.

(5) Dominick: "But don't mess around, okay?" The story occurs when Dominic

offers an invitation to Victor and his gangster friends. In speech (9) spoken by

Indi, there is an element of intent to convey the meaning to "But don't mess with

it" from the speech so that you don't do things you don't want. Dominic tried to

convince Indi as clearly as possible by explaining always not to mess around.

Therefore, the speech act is a locutionary speech act.

(6) Dominic : "You must never lie to me, or you will suffer the consequences!".

The story takes place when Dominic questions his gang of gangsters. In the

speech spoken by Dominic, there is an element of intent to convey this intention

so that the gangster group does not have the habit of lying to fellow gangster

members especially not to lie to Dominic. Dominic tried to convince Arinda as

clearly as possible by explaining not to lie. Therefore, the speech act is a

locutionary speech act.

1.2 Character Conflict

Human behavior such as feelings, perceptions, beliefs, and intentions, causes a

person to be different from others. To understand another person, we must see the

other person's world as he feels and thinks about himself. According to Abraham

H. Maslow (1908-1970), human beings are a unity who experiences, lives, and is
basically active, has a purpose and has self-respect. In addition, humans must also

be viewed with high regard for their self-esteem, personal development,

individual differences and from the point of view of humanity itself. (Abraham H.

Maslow 1908-1970).

From the theoretical approach, it can be concluded that humans have basic

instincts that become real as needs. These needs are: physical/biological needs, the

need for security, the need for belonging and love, the need for esteem and self-

esteem, the need for self-actualization or self-realization, and aesthetic needs.

Next approach according to Carl Roger; The humanistic approach is based on a

"life force" called the tendency of actualization. The tendency of actualization is

defined as the unified motivation in every living being and aims to develop its full

potential as much as possible (Carl Roger, 1902 - 1987).

Based on this theory, it can be concluded that living things do not only aim to

survive, but also want to get what is best for their existence and develop all the

potential and abilities that exist in these living things. On the other hand,

Humanism is a philosophical thought that puts forward the value and position of

humans and makes it a criterion in all things. The humanistic approach can be

understood from three main characteristics, namely:

a. The humanistic approach offers a new value as an approach to understanding

human nature and circumstances.

b. The humanistic approach offers extensive knowledge of the rules of inquiry in

the field of human behavior.

c. The humanistic approach offers a wider method of more effective rules.

Life is a struggle and work is one form of that struggle. But sometimes the work

that has been done get not as expected. There are many mismatches between

qualifications and job descriptions, and/or the problem may not match the

organizational culture in the workplace. In addition, there are often cases of

seniors who seem to hate juniors every day. Conditions like this most often make

employees easily discouraged, especially new employees, and can even reduce the

employee's work performance.

Every organization or company must have a leader and have one or more personal

assistants. The leader is the representative of the entrepreneur and has power in all

matters relating to the management of the company he leads. The leadership is

fully responsible for the progress of the company. Leaders are one of the

important components of a company. The existence of a leader is important

because to coordinate the running of an organization or company, based on the

vision and mission that has been set. And the ability to lead is an important

requirement that every leader must have. The success of an organization is largely

determined by the leadership in leading the company or organization. Like a

sailing ship, a leader is the captain of a ship that will take his ship where he wants

to sail, he must be able to be a controller in a company or organization.

A leader must be able to direct and be firm with his subordinates in leading and

provide good role models so that the direction of the progress of the company or

organization's goals to be achieved is clearly coordinated and successfully

achieved. But sometimes there are leaders of an organization or company who

have a cynical and sadistic nature to their subordinates. Giving unreasonable work

assignments, not in accordance with proper work obligations, and giving

instructions to subordinates with angry sentences.

Things like this are often experienced by secretaries or personal assistants to the

leadership. This condition is the story of the film titled Vendetta. What happened

to Dominick, Mason Priestley's personal assistant. The background story is about

the changing life of a man named Dominick Sachs who is a journalist who

graduated from Northwestern University. He has a dream to work for a New York

City publishing company. But finally decided to take the opportunity as a personal

assistant to Mason , an editor-in-chief of prison magazine "Runway" who is

notoriously sadistic but very dedicated to his work. A personal assistant for the

head of a company or organization who is generally referred to as a secretary is

also very important.

But one thing that must always be remembered by the leadership of the company

or organization, namely that assistants are also only human. So the work tasks

delegated to the assistant must also be in accordance with the job description.

Appreciated by the leader is also naturally accepted by the assistant. Basically, the

task of the assistant leadership generally is to schedule meetings or flights for the

leader and make work reports. The success of a leader really needs the help of one

or more assistants. It is impossible for a leader to manage all his work affairs only

by himself. The leader's personal assistant must be able to adapt to his work

Personal assistants must be able to think and move quickly and precisely. Because

there are so many work tasks that must be completed by the assistant on time.

Moreover, the company or organization where you work is a large and reputable

company or organization. With a journalist education background and not having

the good prison sense that is standard for working at Runway, Dominick was

initially belittled, both by Mason, the leader, and her main assistant, Emily

Charlton, and Nigel, the prison designer at the office. His style of dress that

differed one hundred and eighty degrees from all the other employees at Runway

surprised his co-workers.

Despite that, he was a bright person and Mason was able to see another side of

Dominick, which then made him change his mind about hiring Dominick. Then

Dominick went to Nigel for advice on what was going on. With advice from

Nigel, Dominick managed to change her appearance to be more prisonable,

attractive and liked by Mason and her friends, especially Emily who always

looked at her appearance cynically. Furthermore, the characters in the Vendetta

film are described as follows: Dominick, is a simple man who is full of

enthusiasm, sociable, intelligent and friendly.

Mason, is an authoritarMason, ambitious leader, places great emphasis on

orientation to work tasks without regard for the happiness of her employees. For

him employees are just a tool to achieve his goals. and he will do everything he

can to improve Prada's reputation in the eyes of the world. Often insults his

subordinates directly and always shows his power without tolerating the slightest

mistakes made by his subordinates. But behind his authoritarMason attitude, he

has a high dedication to his job duties. Emily, is an employee who is very

ambitious in achieving her dream by going to Paris and getting a job at Runway.

Man is wiser than the thoughts he realizes. Humans are beings who experience,

think, will, feel and question. Life is in the moment, which is more than just

behavior that is determined by the events of angry sentences. Things like this are

often experienced by secretaries or personal assistants to the leadership. This

condition is the story of the film titled Vendetta. What happened to Dominick,

Mason Priestley's personal assistant. The background story is about the changing

life of a man named Dominick Sachs who is a journalist who graduated from

Northwestern University. He has a dream to work for a New York City publishing


But finally decided to take the opportunity as a personal assistant to Mason, an

editor-in-chief of prison. But one thing that must always be remembered by the

leadership of the company or organization, namely that assistants are also only

human. So the work tasks delegated to the assistant must also be in accordance

with the job description. Appreciated by the leader is also naturally accepted by

the assistant.

Basically, the task of the assistant leadership generally is to schedule meetings or

flights for the leader and make work reports. The success of a leader really needs

the help of one or more assistants. It is impossible for a leader to manage all his

work affairs only by himself. The leader's personal assistant must be able to adapt

to his work duties. Personal assistants must be able to think and move quickly and

precisely. Because there are so many work tasks that must be completed by the
assistant on time. Moreover, the company or organization where you work is a

large and reputable company or organization.

With a journalist education background and not having the good prison sense that

is standard for working at Runway, Dominick was initially belittled, both by

Mason, the leader, and her main assistant, Emily Charlton, and Nigel, the prison

designer at the office. His style of dress that differed one hundred and eighty

degrees from all the other employees at Runway surprised his co-workers.

Because they know Dominick's position is as assistant editor-in-chief of a leading

prison magazine in Paris. Despite that, he was a bright person and Mason was able

to see another side of Dominick, which then made him change his mind about

hiring Dominick.

Then Dominick went to Nigel for advice on what was going on. With advice from

Nigel, Dominick managed to change her appearance to be more prisonable,

attractive and liked by Mason and her friends, especially Emily who always

looked at her appearance cynically. Furthermore, the characters in the Vendetta

film are described as follows: Dominick, is a simple man who is full of

enthusiasm, sociable, intelligent and friendly. Have high self-confidence, always

think positively, both towards superiors, co-workers and even his work which is

often unnatural and not in accordance with his position as Mason's personal


Mason, is an authoritarMason, ambitious leader, strongly emphasizes orientation

on work tasks without Pay attention to employee happiness. For him employees

are just a tool to achieve his goals. and he will do everything he can to improve
Prada's reputation in the eyes of the world. Often insults his subordinates directly

and always shows his power without tolerating the slightest mistakes made by his

subordinates. But behind his authoritarMason attitude, he has a high dedication to

his job duties. Emily, is an employee who is very ambitious in achieving her

dream by going to Paris and getting a job at Runway.

Humans are good and trustworthy creatures, namely creatures who seek to

establish meaningful and constructive relationships with others. Man is wiser than

the thoughts he realizes. Humans are beings who experience, think, will, feel and

question. Life exists in the present, which is more than behavior determined by

past events, and the value of life lies in the present, not in the past or in the future.

Humans are subjective creatures, human behavior can only be understood based

on the subjective world, namely how the individual views himself and his

environment. Deep human connection is one of the basic human needs, enhancing

deep interpersonal relationships has enormous potential as a source of human

mental well-being. Humans have a tendency towards actualization, namely the

tendency to move towards growth, health, adjustment, socialization, self-

realization, freedom and autonomy.

After some time trying to observe, live, and understand the work culture at

Runway, then he intends to make changes to himself according to the work

culture where he works. Dominick's appearance, which suddenly became

prisonable, was enough to make Mason amazed and her gaze restored Dominick's

confidence. Day by day, Dominick is getting more perfect in carrying out her

work duties. His ambition to become a journalist has always been a passion to
work as well as possible. With the hope that after a year he will be accepted


Until finally Dominick realized that his ambition cost him his friends, girlfriend

and even time with his family. His idealism, which does not want to be equated

with Mason's character, made him without a second thought to resign from Prada.

He doesn't want his busy work to affect his relationship with the people he loves

around him in the future. He also wants to realize his dream as a journalist. The

following is an example of a film's dialogue:

(1) Mason: “He didn't sleep in his room tonight. He sleeps in Grandma's room. In

the speech, Mason said when he was at home with his wife. It's not just telling a

friend of Mason's wife that his wife is sleeping in Grandma's room. However,

based on the context of the speech, the speaker insists on being able to know this

and not disturb him.

(2) Dominick : "Don't vict, it's broken". In this speech, Dominick said while he

was in the building. The speech not only tells the interlocutor (Victor) that he is

not allowed to hold Dominick's VCD. However, based on the context of the

speech in the data (1) the speaker expects the speech partner (Victor) not to hold

anything else to borrow VCD

(3) Victor : “Dom. Come here to help me, the situation is a bit complicated right

now.” In this speech, Victor said when he was inside the headquarters. The speech

not only told the interlocutor (Dominick) that he had difficulties in Macro's task.

However, based on the context of the speech in the data (1) the speaker asks the

speech partner (Dominick) to help in his Micro task

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